Shrinking Maniac's Page O' Wholesome Literature*
*Warning: My definition of wholesome may not match yours. If you are under 18, turn back, or else the ass-whoopin' begins!!
Abandon all hope, ye of little faith! All before you who have ventured into the realm of my mind have gone away mad, the minds and spirits broken by what lurks within the darkest recesses. Is your will strong enough and is your heart impure? No? Then back I say! Go back while there is still hope for you! I make no assurances of safety, nor offer any hope for those who venture further. If you dare, continue scrolling down and face the unrelenting waves of madness as they threaten to dash you to pieces.
The following stories, were written by I, Shrinking Maniac. Any future stories here will also be written by me. If they resemble anyone else's work, well, ripping off other people's ideas is what writing is all about. Warning: this is a double standard. It's okay for me to rip off others, but don't rip me off. But do feel free to copy and paste these stories to your hard drive if that sorta thing tickles your fancy. Also feel free to tell others about this place, if they can handle it.
A 'Little' Fun: Ron meets a girl named Jessica that he finds very attractive. She develops an attraction to him as well and reveals a secret to him, a machine that can shrink people. However, she cheats on a selfish boyfriend who was cheating on her and he wants to be the one to end the relationship. Things get very bad for Ron very quickly, and get even worse for Jessica... (Both SW & SM)
Page: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve

More Fun: A clever little followup to the original story. I wanted to write another part to tell more of the story even before I finished the first one. I shudder to call it a sequel, everyone knows Hollywood has made that one of the most hated terms in the English language. This story also has lots of SW, an excitement. There's adventure, mysteries are unfolded as the secret origin of the shrinking devices is revealed, and something to think about when it comes to the world of shrinking and the fantasy in general. They're just thoughts that have occured to me from time to time and I was surprised when I failed to address them in the first story. Enough yammering, on with the show, this is it!  Enjoy!
Page: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven

Magical Mayhem: Another story I wrote (obviously), but not a part of the universe seen in my first two stories. Here we have a world where those who are gifted with magical abilities go to schools to better harness their abilities. This is not Hogwart's, so no lawsuits. A female student decides to go beyond the level she's at and brings along a few friends. Will they survive after shrinking and who will find them while they're helpless?
Page: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven

Halloween SW: I didn't really come up with a title for this one. Wait... what was that? Yeah... your momma! Anyway, back for Halloween of 2002 the SW Message Board wanted to do a day of authors contributing SW stories and we got a lot of stories. We even got some awesome pics as well. This is a story about... why am I bothering? Y'all know the deal, there's a woman shrinking and Halloween plays a role in the story as well. Do you really need any more details than that? ............ That's what I thought.
Page: One, Two, Three

Kylee Missions: Eight stories have been written in this series. These revolve around the missions of a secret agent named... Kylee (yeah, big surprise after the title). She works for a branch of the US government that monitors shrinking around the world and deals with those who use the technology for less than appropriate purposes. New: 10-07-05: Mission 8 now added. Hooray free time! The Kylee prequel is on hold indefinitely (unsure if I want to really write it).
Mission 1 Page: One, Two, Three
Mission 2 Page: One, Two, Three, Four
Mission 3 Page: One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Mission 4 Page: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
Mission 5 Page: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight
Mission 6 Page: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
Mission 7 Page: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine
Mission 8 Page: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine

SM Quickie: The title says it all really. This story is SM/GTS, depending on how you wish to perceive it. Ron (not the guy from my first 2 stories) gets the chance of a lifetime to be with a girl he really likes. What does she want from him? (As if anyone couldn't guess by the title and what I said at the beginning.)

Mountain Dew & Urban Legends:This is shorter than some of my other works.A woman trying to get pregnant makes a shocking dioscovery about her medical condition.
Page: One, Two

Mental State: Kind of hard to describe this one. Read on and understand. Four college students embark on an experiment that will change the way we view the entire world. Over a year and a half after I started hinting about this story, I have finally deemed it complete. Warning: Some violent content, but that's not a big shock is it?
Page: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six

Shorties: Some short-short stories I wrote recently. Okay, over half a year ago by the time this is first getting put up here. My life was kinda hectic and I wasn't getting much writing done. Instead, I wrote some sketches of a page or so and posted them over at Size Fetish. Now they're here as well. Putting up descriptions for each is pointless, they're that short. Just read them. I will say that the first has a story idea I never wanted to expand upon, a shrinking fantasy I've had for many years. If you wish to write more and longer stories using the theme within it, go right ahead. Just mention where you got the original idea with a link to this site. I'd also like a copy e-mailed to me as well.
No Good Deed
Bright Ideas (Some SM content as well as SW)

Wishful Thinking: A piece orignally slated for the 'Shorties' section. I ended up making this longer than I intended when life stopped being as much in my way as it previously had been. Meet Melody, a model/fashion design student. Melody has three young cousins. On the night of Melody's 21st birthday, she has to spend part of it babysitting. At the same time, one of her cousins learns of a startling power.
Page: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six

All: My newest as of 3-11-06. A young woman's obsession with her nieghbor takes her to a whole new place. And we all know what that means. If you feel as if you can relate to any of these characters, check yourself into an institution immediately.
Links: A quick way to access many of the SW sites out there. If you don't see your site and want me to put it up there, contact me. Also, let me know if links don't work, or a site I took down is up and running again.
Update: 3-11-06: A good two and half months (or so) into the new year, and a new story. Read the blurb below. It's called "All."
Update: 12-19-05:
I finally delivered on my promise and the long awaited Mental State is available. Go check it out. I hope you find that it was worth the wait. The diamonds are the links to the following pages. There are some other projects in the works, but I'll be keeping quiet about them for now. And to repeat ad nauseum, sign the Frelling Guestbook!
Update: 10-07-05: Kylee Mission 8 has finally arrived! Go check it out. I also changed one Link to reflect the new address to Catster's Diary of a Shrinking Woman.
Update: 8-17-05
: Instead of proofreading my stories, I've been doing some more work in my Links section. Added some more Yahoo Groups. Everything's under one section and Groups are listed a second time in their own column, just like with Forums in there, in case that's all you're looking for. Made minor layout changes as well. Oh, and sign the G-D Guestbook!
My 'borrowed' disclaimer:
My Notes: This is going to be something like a Director's Commentary section of a DVD. Here, you can read notes I've recently written about my stories. You can find what things I've changed since the time I first conceived of the story, ideas for alternate endings, and how some ideas came to me. In essence, a peek into the creative process. Yeah, I know, big whoop-dee frig, but you never know who might be interested in this information. If you're into that kind of stuff, check it out. Or, if you'd like to write sizechanging stories and wonder how people get their ideas and develop stories, pop on by. Recommendation: For the true Commentary experience, print the info out and have someone read it to you while someone else reads my stories aloud.
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