Page Ten
  �No!� they all shouted in unison.
   �Your breath sent her flying, I can�t see her anymore,� Renee wept.
   �Stop crying or I�ll send you after her. Such a waste of such perfectly good tits already, I�d hate to have to ruin yours. I have to sit down.� She flopped onto the bed right as she heard Carrie�s voice proclaim that she saw Sara. However, Amy ended up on top of the poor girl, suffocating her quickly with her massive left cheek.
    �Make us big,� the others pleaded. Amy shook her head and her visitor knocked again. �Damn, why can�t I get any peace?�
    She flung open the door and her boyfriend was there. �Amy, there may be bad news. I went back to Jessica�s room early and the guy is gone.�
   �Did he escape under the door?�
   �Why would he do that? He�s too tiny to get help. Hopefully I crushed him by accident, but if not we could have problems.�
   �What should we do?�
   �Eliminate Jessica. Have you shrunk anyone else?�
   �My suitemates.�
   �Even Sara, the hot one?�
   �She�s gone, I shrank her too small and accidentally smothered her. Should we eat the others?�
   �No, shrink them to microscopic, no chance of any evidence. Move the clothes back to their rooms. We�ll wait a while first, though, so we don�t ruin our fun needlessly.�

   Ron had managed to sneak Kendra back to her room and restore her without incident. He then headed for the Student Union to begin spying and found a table that allowed him to survey the whole place. He figured he wouldn�t be spotted as easily because a face would be harder to make out when the person is only an inch high. He had a magazine and a couple of books to fake an interest in to avoid suspicion. After an hour, the man walked through the main doors and turned left, heading for the Mail Room. Hanging off his arm was an athletic looking platinum blond; most likely, she was the new girlfriend.
   He saw the girl pull open her top�s neckline and peer inside real quickly. Ron was too far away to be sure, but he thought he saw her lips move, as if talking to someone inside. That was all he needed, he got up and followed the pair. Fortunately, they seemed to be headed back to the dorms and he knew that would be his best bet for catching them. He watched both head into one of the dorms and he followed several seconds behind, trying to act like a resident of that building. He looked side to side and saw the girl opening a door to a suite, but the guy was out of sight. Ron guessed he went to another room and kept thinking that until something solid struck him across the back of his head.

   He awoke sometime later, groggy and tied to a chair. In front of him were the culprits; the bastard was holding a golf club proudly. On the ground in front of him was the other device, his eyes darted to his bag and he saw it bulge just right to indicate that they�d neglected to inspect it.
   �Hello, I�m Amy,� the girl said. �This is John. Now, you�re going to answer a few questions, or things will get very unpleasant for you.�
   �What do you want to know?�
   �Why were you following us?� Amy asked.
   �I wasn�t, I was on my way to visit a friend.�
   She pressed a button and the machine whirred to life. Ron cringed and realized he�d maybe lost only an inch of height. John readjusted the bonds while Amy kept her hand poised over the controls.
   �You�ll lose an inch every time you lie, so let�s try the truth,� she suggested. �You know what this machine does and we know who you are.�
   �That girl, Kendra, I think her name was. She called John to warn him. She also told him about your threat as well as your deal with her.�
   �We decided to alter the deal slightly,� John said. �Since we know you haven�t told others, Jessica just might be spared. You, on the other hand, will be returned to your owner.�
   �Then why even bother threatening me if I lie?�
   �Because we had to deal with Kendra�s knowledge.� John stepped into Amy�s room and returned holding a Barbie-sized figure Ron recognized too well. He set her down next to Amy �She�ll get to play with you, but the main deal is that you two will be together with her at twice your size. If you screw with us, you end up doll sized to her.� He looked over at Amy. �Now, do you have the other device with you?�
   �Yes,� he answered, seeing no logical reason to make his situation worse. However, he didn�t expect to get smaller.
   �That was only half an inch, I forgot to mention that detail about the interrogation,� John laughed as he got right in Ron�s face. Amy opened the bag and held up the device. �Good, now make sure that it still works.�
   �With pleasure,� Amy grinned. She entered a few commands and pointed in towards the two men. �Activating now.� The beam shot out and Ron winced, but it was John who took the blast.
   �What the hell? Very funny, knock it off.�
   �Not a chance, if you�d disposed of him from the start, we wouldn�t be in this mess� she smirked as he passed the three-foot mark.
   �That�s it, bitch, stop the shrinking and change me back.�
   She thought for a second. �No, I think I�ll keep it going. I was going to stop it at a foot, but calling me a bitch made me change my mind and let you go all the way.�
   �How small will that be?� he squeaked, just reaching one foot.
   �I don�t know, just what
will happen at a 100% reduction?�
   �No!� he shrieked as he rapidly vanished from sight, dropping beyond even the capabilities of the most powerful microscope to see.
    Amy glanced up at Ron, a look of hunger and pure madness in her eyes. �I don�t quite know what to do with you. You were willing to risk your life for a girl you only hooked up with a few days ago.�
    �Maybe you could restore me?� he joked.
    Her eyes took on a glow that meant a joke had been a really bad idea. �You don�t get it, do you? I�m not going to be punished for any of this.�
    She hit the button on her device again and Ron dropped two inches this time. Thankfully, no one was there to tighten the bonds and Amy was distracted, resetting the machine to do to him what she�d done to John. He wiggled free and rushed her. Amy hit the activation button as Ron jumped, his body barely clearing the beam of energy. As he plowed into her to knock her fully to the ground, he remembered that his plan revolved around what he knew he could do at full size. He�d forgotten that he was much closer to her in height now with much less body mass.

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