Page Eleven
  Amy went down, but barely. She was easily able to drag Ron with her and returned his favor with a punch to his ribcage. Ron was actually lifted up by the blow and fell to the floor next to the machine. He had to act fast, the device was still running, trying to shrink someone and Amy was turning it, trying to bring it into position with Ron. Poor Kendra scampered alongside Amy; trying desperately to keep what little size she had left. Ron felt that drive just as strongly and rolled away, but Amy was moving quickly now, swinging the device in large arcs so as to catch him in one sweep.
   The suite door had been left slightly ajar, so Melissa, one of Amy�s friends, stepped in to see what the racket was all about. When the door opened, Amy looked that way and sent the beam into the girl. Ron realized that duration was also important because Amy pulled the beam away and Melissa stopped shrinking at three feet tall. She turned to run screaming from the suite and Amy had to act to stay free. She sent another beam for a longer time into the poor busty little girl and left her to be trapped inside her own socks less than a foot from freedom.
   Ron used the distraction to tackle Amy again, or a least try, but while she was standing, she was better balanced as opposed to squatting down by the device. She was able to throw him to the floor and got in a quick zap as he went under the five-foot line. Ron grabbed up a chair and hurled it hard enough to knock the machine from her hands and send her tumbling over. Kendra darted away to keep from being squished under the falling shrinking machine. It shut off when it hit and Ron hurried over to inspect it for damages. He saw none, restored his size, and set about the next part of his plan.

   Amy woke up and knew something was wrong. She was naked and looking at an equally naked Kendra at the same size. She looked around and saw Ron grinning down at her.
   �I�ll let you off easy if you tell me where Jessica is.�
   �If you even think of hurting me, you�ll never find her. I�ll just tell you that after John knocked you out, I shrank her to a tenth of an inch. For all you know you might have stepped on her trying to fight me.�
   �Is this true?� he asked Kendra.
   Kendra looked extremely apologetic. �She did shrink Jessica even smaller, but I doubt Jessica was in the middle of the fight.
   �Oh, but she was, she was an inside my bra. That would make her a microbe right now. You like them little, but do you like them
that little?�
   �You sick bitch,� he growled.
   �Relax, I was just kidding, but realize that she could be anywhere and you need me to find her. I think we should come to an agreement, like the return of my size for helping you.�
   �Why? You and John are the reason she ended up in danger.�
   �I never intended to really kill Jessica ever. I knew John would try to get me to and was making her think that she was in danger. She would have been fine, if you had stayed away and forgotten about her. You put her in danger, not me. She would have been brought back to a safer size once you were gone and I was safe. All I want is to be safe.�
   �That can be arranged,� Ron smirked. �Come on over,� he said to someone else.
   Melissa strode over and peered down at the bed. Amy stared up in horror at the girl she had only recently reduced. Melissa swept her auburn locks over her shoulders before leaning down to scoop up her former friend.
   �What�s going on?� Amy plaintively begged.
   Melissa decided to answer. �Your little stunt left me at less than half an inch and trapped inside the weave of my own socks. You would have left me that way, or even squashed me to protect yourself. It took Ron here almost ten minutes to find me in my clothes because the weaving pinned me down too much to move. I am too nice a person to kill you, so I had a different plan in mind.�
   �You�re going to understand what Jessica went through as your toy,� Ron explained. �Melissa isn�t really into the whole girl-girl thing, so I told her to picture you as a more interactive dildo. When she�s not playing with you, you�ll be very safe, inside her bra. You can only escape this if you tell me where Jessica is.�
   �Screw you!� Amy screamed. �You�re all too nice to do anything to me.�
   Melissa unceremoniously deposited the little troublemaker into her bra. Amy struggled as she was pressed between two massive breasts. Her struggles grew weak quickly, so Melissa gave her a minute in there and fished her out. Amy thought she was safe until she felt herself fall and looked to see flesh tone on one side and bright red on the other. Everything got dark very quickly and Amy could smell something she recognized too well. She knew where she was and pressed her tiny form against the panties to get as far away from the giant girl�s body as she could. She considered trying to get to the leg and take her chances with the fall, but she eliminated that when she realized they were moving. Was Melissa trying to keep her? They stopped after too short of a time and the sounds took on more of an echo. Everything tipped and she realized Melissa was starting to sit down. Light streamed down on poor Amy and she was snatched up and carried to her captor�s face.
   �I didn�t want Ron to get a free show,� she said cryptically. Amy had to think about it for a moment, but figured it out when she began moving down Melissa�s body. Soon she was lined up with the girl�s enormous lips. Amy screeched before being shoved in headfirst and covered by the juices inside. She tried to punch the vaginal walls, but that only encouraged Melissa even more. After the giantess was satisfied, Amy was brought back to Ron and broke down.
   �Jessica is in the Altoids tin on my desk. The others are in my underwear drawer. Will you restore me now?�
   �Not exactly,� Ron grinned.

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