Wishful Thinking
Page 5
Melody had to sit on a plastic doll�s chair on top of the girls� play table. A teapot filled with juice was passed around and each girl poured her own cup. Finally, Vanessa took the pot and stood next to Melody and started pouring into a cup the model could�ve used for a bathtub. Some juice splashed onto her and she jumped up as she realized it was grape juice they were using.

�God dammit!� she cursed as loud as she could. She jumped up, the liquid dripping off of her. �You piss-ant little brats. This skirt and top cost over two hundred dollars apiece and now they�ve not only been shrunk below Barbie�s measurements, but they�ve been stained. All because I�ve been reduced to a doll by one of you little f-ing brats. It wasn�t bad enough you interfered in my life whenever I wanted to go out with friends. You then ruined my life completely by turning me into Barbie�s kid sister. Then you top that by making me a fucking microbe and trying to crush me under grains of sand. Now you destroy the own clothes I have left to wear so I�ll have to strut around naked, the only insanely anatomically correct doll in the world.�

�Dolly said a bad word,� Vanessa scolded her.

�I�m not a fucking doll you stupid bitch!� she screeched before she came to her senses and remembered what that admonishment meant. �Oh, no, I�m really sorry. Dolly�s learned her lesson. It�s okay.�

She didn�t have a chance to get away. Vanessa grabbed her harder than ever and tromped off to the bathroom, tears streaming down her face. Melody knew this could be bad for her, Vanessa could resume the shrinking and send her away completely. Other thoughts tore through her mind as well, all of them too dreadful to consider. The crushing grip eased for a few seconds as a bar of soap was brought to her face. Melody fought for all she was worth, but wound up smeared in soap and got almost as much in her as on her. Then came the torrents of water as she was held under the faucet and rinsed clean. She spit up as much as she could, but she knew what awaited her if she survived long enough.

�I forgive your bad words as long as you never ever say them again. Or else, I might do somethin� to you.�

�No, I�ve learned, believe me. Please don�t hurt me.�

�Take your clothes off.�


�Silly, I need to wash them.� She was already filling the sink up with hot water.

�But these are dry- Oh forget it.�

She relented and stripped off her doubly soggy clothes. They�d gotten wet enough from the juice, but the faucet had been far worse. She was already feeling a chill. She pulled off her top and skirt and then coughed in disgust at the sight of purple on her undergarments. She hesitated, but then reconsidered. They were both female after all, it wasn�t like she was stripping in front of Uncle Vernon. Although she understood she might have to face that eventuality someday if she never grew back. She put the pile of clothing into Vanessa�s outstretched hand, marveling at how they looked sitting there.

Vanessa pumped some soap into the water and mixed it up into a warm sudsy bath. The teeny clothes were dropped in and stirred around with her huge fingers. Melody stood out of the way shivering until Vanessa�s free hand slammed her to the cold marble of the sink with a washcloth. She felt bruises forming as she was roughly dried the way the real dolls were. Then Vanessa saw her still shivering and didn�t understand it was because of the marble. She stepped away for a second and returned with a hair dryer. Melody was nearly launched from the edge of the sink by the hurricane winds that struck her. Her flesh stung from the heat and reddened immediately. She pleaded and the onslaught was over. The puny student calmed herself by telling herself that Vanessa meant well, but didn�t know any better.

Her clothes were at last ready to be taken from the wash and the other two had come to watch. They were busy pointing at her body and asking about various things while Vanessa had to hunt through the suds for some time to retrieve every item, especially the undergarments. Melody didn�t want to bring up how much they�d cost her and had to bite her tongue when she saw they still faintly purple. She could adapt to it and would find a way. Or, she could coax her cousin into shrinking the rest of her wardrobe if she was to be stuck this way. As she answered all of their questions about puberty and body and certain aspects of body development, she heard a the water gurgle out and then a rest of water as Vanessa tried to rinse them. Melody was opening her mouth to urge caution with her clothes. Vanessa had them on an outstretched palm and was running water over them on full blast. She never got a chance to say a thing.

�Oopsy,� the five year old said dejectedly.

�That�s... that�s okay,� she said between clenched teeth as she envisioned hundreds of dollar bills rushing through the plumbing.

�She didn�t really ruin your life,� Ashley said to her.

�How so?� she asked, her patience waning. �I can�t be a model anymore. Designers don�t make clothes in my size. I�d be a laughingstock on the runway if another model didn�t accidentally squish me under a stiletto first. I can�t even use a pencil to sketch a design of my own.�

�You can still be a model,� Ashley insisted. �You can model for our dollies.�

�Yeah, put on their stuff,� Vanessa offered. �We�ll do a dollies game fashion show.�

Melody tried to protest, but was cut off by three sets of hands grabbing her and carrying her back to the den. The girls shoved at her and roughly threw her arms in the air the same way they do when dressing their dolls. They crammed clothes onto her and then tried to rip them off as brutally. It was only a matter of time until a rib broke, or worse. They soon had her parading along the coffee table and they applauded her.

The worst part was when bras were forced on and off of her. She wasn�t built like the dolls, so they never fit her right. On top of that, she could endure the scratchy fabric on the rest of her body, but it chafed her nipples bad. Then she had to endure the pressure on them as another bra was pushed against that sensitive skin from both sides. The girls took turns with the magnifying glass during this ordeal and each one asked her about the changes that part of her body was undergoing.

�When they�re rubbed a certain way, they respond by getting harder and standing up like they do. Someday you�ll notice it happening quite a bit to a variety of things.� She wondered what Aunt Tina would think when she found out that Melody had handled many talks she�d need to have with them in under an hour. A memory flashed through her head and thoughts of the babysitter catching all of this terrified her.

�I wish yours would stop doing that?� Vanessa said without thinking.

Melody gasped as her nipples softened and became unresponsive to any prods. The previous concern was pushed from her mind. �Undo this, please.�

�Why, it makes it hard to dress you if you keep getting owies. Dollies don�t hurt there. I wish you were like my dollies there.�

Melody had to hold back the swears as her chest ballooned to the proportions of the dolls and turned to plastic. She gazed down and even used her finger to confirm that she also lacked nipples.

�They go away,� Susie clapped and snickered, pointing at her shrunken and thoroughly powerless cousin.

�Please fix this, Vanessa.� In a quick wish, her body went back to all of it being in the right proportion and made of the right molecules. �Come on, we have to get ready before the sitter shows up.� The doorbell then rang and she swore too quietly for the girls to hear. �Hide me from the babysitter and be nice to her. No wishing or talking about your power.�

The rest of the night went smoothly, for the most part. Melody�s friends called a few times to see where she went. The babysitter had been concerned by no adult present upon her arrival, but Vanessa broke the rules once from another room to clean that up easily. The biggest hitch had come the next morning when Tina returned home to find her beautiful niece had become a helpless action figure. There had been a bit of screaming and fainting, along with a few safe demonstrations of Vanessa�s strange new ability before things settled down and another mind could work on the problems at hand. Although, as was the case with many things in life, not everyone was happy with the ultimate arrangement.
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