Page Seven
He decided to play with her while Amy was gone. Jessica initially resisted and insisted on being allowed to sleep, but he reminded her that she longer had the rights she once enjoyed as a human being. If he wanted to play with her and keep her from ever resting, then it he could and would do it. He also reminded her that it was in her best interest to obey him to keep from being squished in jealousy. He stripped down and approached her, Jessica trying to back away. He grabbed her and pushed her legs apart, pushing them too far and she screamed in pain. His penis pressed against her vagina hard as he simulated penetration. At first she thought he wouldn�t go any further than that, but then he started pushing her very hard and her lower half howled in agony as just the tiniest amount of his penis threatened to tear her apart.
  He stopped and tossed her on the bed. Her fall was the equivalent of almost eight feet to her and was glad the bed was soft. She rushed to hide under the blankets when he curled up under them as well. His right hand wrapped around her and she was soon pressed tight to his penis. He began to masturbate very slowly, taking his time and enjoying the power he wielded. Her face was smooshed close to his organ and her breasts flattened to it. She desperately wanted to fight, but his strength so incredibly outmatched hers that it was ridiculous. He soon began manipulating her limbs so she gave him a hand job. For an instant, she thought of digging her nails across him, but could then visualize her horrible death. After enough torment, he started to cum, but her time wasn�t up yet. He placed her on the head and ordered her to swallow every bit. He promised her that if she did, he would give her back some of her height. She tried and was so close when his hand appeared holding a tissue. She screamed in protest as he wiped up the rest and scolded her for failing. In no time, she received her punishment, ending up roughly two inches tall. He then winked as he reminded her how the smaller she was, the harder playtime with Mistress would be.
  As he left, she realized she had been played with for over an hour and Mistress would be back at any minute. Tears sprang to her eyes when she realized her nightmare was going to get worse every day until one of them killed her. Mistress bounded in the door and informed Jessica that she was skipping all other classes that day to devote more time to her new toy. First, though, she wanted to remember how good her toy tasted and Jessica was lowered into her mouth, gazing at the deadly teeth above and below.
  The hot, wet, tongue slapped her around endlessly in the cavern of Mistress�s mouth. Jessica screamed every time she was brought to the back of the mouth and could see down her throat. All it would take was a moment of carelessness or malevolence and Jessica would perish horribly in a pool of stomach acid. As she thought about it, she came to the more horrifying conclusion that no one would ever find out what happened to her, as there would be no evidence.
  Jessica wasn�t even aware of some of her hair coming loose as she was sucked on vigorously. The only indication came when Mistress�s whole body shook violently and Jessica was nearly thrown free. Mistress lived in a suite so she didn�t have to go far to get to a bathroom and didn�t need to worry about her pet being discovered. By the time she got there, she was gagging and let out one powerful spit into the toilet. Jessica was violently hurled to freedom and began to cheer, but saw it was premature when she splashed into the toilet bowl, her only consolation that the water was clean. The force sent her all the way to the bottom and she hovered momentarily by the hole. If Mistress decided to flush, that would be the end of her. Instead, she was given the chance to swim to the top and see the face glaring down at her.
  �You tried to choke me,� Mistress shouted.
  �No, it was an accident,� Jessica pleaded. �Some of my hair accidentally came loose during your sucking.�
  �Do you dare say Mistress is at fault?� she asked, one hand hovering near the handle.
  �No, it was no one�s fault, A- Mistress.�
  �Never use that other name. You�ve been warned to call me Mistress.�
  She pressed the handle and Jessica screamed hard enough to hurt her own lungs. Then she realized it hadn�t been a full flush and she�d only gone down a little. Mistress scooped her out and started drying her off roughly, so rough that Jessica felt her bones being stressed to near breaking.
  �I�ll keep you for now, but you�ll have to be made even smaller. Hopefully you learn your place before I have to kill you.� With that, she took Jessica back to her room for some more fun.

  Ron was tired, but had survived a day of classes with Kendra. Only three times during a five-hour stretch did she threaten to destroy him. Now they were back in her room, he was on her bed and she was stripping for him. He stared up at her lean body and managed to shiver as he contemplated what she would do next. She saw the shiver and laughed.
  �Are you cold? Let me warm you up.�
  She kneeled on the bed and then fell on top of him. She caught herself at the last second and he looked to both sides to see he was between her breasts. She then flipped over and scooped him up in one quick movement. Ron was placed on her full lips and trembled, hoping she wouldn�t do it. Sure enough, her mouth opened and he plunged in as she closed her mouth quick.
  He was tossed up and down and he felt her sucking on him hard. His body was very nearly crushed as this giant girl decided to play with him however she desired. Ron wondered briefly if she even cared whether or not her actions killed him. Sure he�d be dead, but she now had a desire to use the shrinking machine for fun and could make more tiny men to replace any she lost. He didn�t know how long it went on for, but he was finally spit out onto her hand and she beamed down at him.
  �Every guy wants a girl to eat him, but I don�t think they�ve ever thought of it done that way.� She placed him on her desk and started rummaging through her book bag. �I did some notes during Calc, and I worked out all the different sizes I want to make you so we can do lots more things when we play.�
  Her fingers grabbed him roughly and he was dropped unceremoniously to the floor. She set the machine down in front of him and entered a series of commands. Ron closed his eyes, not wanting to know how much smaller she would make him, or what little bit of height she felt like adding. Her voice still thundered over him, but not as much as before and she told him it was okay to open his eyes.
  �Surprise,� she giggled.
  Ron was probably somewhere around seven or eight inches tall. Kendra looked down at him with a wicked glint in her eyes. Now you�re just the perfect height for what I�d like to do next. If you try to escape, or scream for help, I can make you disappear before anyone shows up. Just remember that you�re replaceable.�
  Ron was grabbed again, but in a very precise way. Her hand wrapped around him, but left a space for his penis to come between two of her fingers. She lifted him to her face and examined the miniaturized member.
  �It�s so tiny,� she cooed. �But don�t worry, size doesn�t matter, it�s how I choose to play with it.�
  Her pinkie stroked it and made it hard, her laughing as it became erect. Then she played snapped her teeth right in front of it. At least, she might have meant it to be playful, but to Ron those teeth could have mashed his penis and him in under a second. He tried pleading with her, but between snaps, she snaked her tongue out to lick it quickly. He enjoyed the sensation so much that he couldn�t get coherent words out.

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