Page Eight
Next, she ran him all over her body and made sure to have his penis rub her nipples. Ron knew he was close to bursting, the size changing had made him far more sensitive to feelings of pleasure and he couldn�t stand it. He was up to her lips again and she gave him a great blowjob.
  �Now that you�ve had your fun, I get to have mine.�
  He was moving fast and down. He knew what was coming next and tried desperately to struggle free. She didn�t have any experience with shrinking and didn�t know how fragile a person becomes. It was no use, her grip was too powerful and he was there. Kendra spread her legs wide and he was thrust in. His only solace, she had been merciful enough to do it feet first. Once he was finally free and allowed to be returned to his new home in her desk did he relax.
   Ron was nearing the breaking point in his sanity, adrenaline pumped his system up, engaging his fight-or-flight response. He saw the desk drawer carelessly left open and knew that standing at full height he could easily climb out. He vaulted the side before realizing the fall. Thankfully, Kendra was a stereotypical college student and had piles of clothes lying around. He rolled across a pair of jeans and stopped inside a bra cup.
His eyes darted to Kendra�s bed, the Giantess was asleep. He smiled as he realized he�d worn her out. He smiled more upon realizing she�d left the machine plugged in and her calculations next to it. He silently thanked God for good math skills as he computed his proper height. Ron was barely at the right size to manipulate the controls, every number becoming a fight for his very life. He finally got the numbers correct and activated the switch, setting it so it wouldn�t go off for several seconds. He sprinted to the emitter and closed his eyes, the whir a symphony to rival a heavenly choir.
   His eyes opened again and he sighed to see everything normal sized again. He grabbed a robe from the end of Kendra�s bed and covered his naked form. Then he estimated Kendra�s current height and performed one more set of calculations. The poor dwindled fast, pulling into herself as her body migrated closer to the center of the bed. The bulge under her blanket got smaller and slid further down the bed until the machine shut off.
   Ron pulled the covers back and peered down at tiny form sleeping so peacefully. He hated what he was doing, what he had to do next, but he was out of options. He raised his right fist high and slammed it hard onto the mattress, grinning at what he�d just done to the little woman.
   Kendra let out a shriek of abject horror and let out a second one as she realized how high her voice had become. Then she realized she was tumbling and she hit something large and firm. She knew she�d been tossed into the air and then landed, but where and on what? She examined her surroundings meticulously, a care normally seen only by criminal investigators. She ran her hand over  a coarse surface that was simultaneously alien and familiar. Her brain was putting the puzzle together and was almost there when the heavens were torn open by a booming roar.
    She looked to the source and saw a face she knew immediately, paling at the sight of an enormous Ron glaring down at her, a smirk on his face and a twinkle in his eyes that could have meant anything. She was hoping it was good.
    �You�re about four inches tall right now, just to let you know. By the way, don�t try to yell for help because you could disappear really fast.�
    �What do you want? You�re big again, you have your freedom and can keep the shrinking machine.�
    �I need to know where your key to Jessica�s room is so I can get my clothes. I also need to rescue her as soon as possible.�
    �What will you do to me? You can�t leave me like this, I see what I did was wrong.�
   �Don�t worry, I�ll be much nicer to you than you were to me. Now, where�s the key?�
   She pointed and Ron found it quickly. He picked her up and dropped her inside the desk drawer, remembering to close it all the way. He used the peephole to be sure the hall was empty and he dashed for it.
   Kendra curled up into a tiny ball next to a box of paper clips and shivered. Her mind raced as she considered what he would do to her as punishment. She knew he could kill her with no effort and she didn�t know if death would be better or worse than spending the rest of her life so puny and insignificant. She�d always been a tiny girl; small breasts, skinny, short, but now that had been magnified. What man would want  a freak like her? Would she ever see any other man? Would Ron pass her around to guys, selling her out like a whore? She hugged a pushpin to her chest and then jumped at the sound of her door closing. The desk drawer was opened and a fully clothed Ron peered down at her.
    �Do you know where her ex lives?�
    She shook her head plaintively.
    �I can�t do anything until tomorrow, I�ll wait around in the Student Union in the morning and tail him.� He started muttering to himself, �Recognizing him will be easy enough after seeing the Mount Rushmore version of his face.� He paced back and forth while thinking of a strategy. �I have to go back to my room, but I�m not sure I want to make you big again right away. That means you�ll have to come with me.� He grabbed her and placed her in front of the shrinking machine, dropping her down to two inches. Then he opened his waistband and dropped her down his pants. �Once you�re done, then we�re even and I�ll restore you, so you�d better get to work.�
     Kendra was humiliated, having gone from powerful to powerless in such a short span of time. She chided herself silently for the awful pun her brain had created. That was the least of her worries though as she laid with her face against Ron�s member. She knew it was useless and foolish to put to it off so she put her arms as far around it as she could, her efforts making that more and more difficult with each passing moment. She then started working her hands up and down rhythmically. Then she added her tongue to the equation, licking as best as she could for her condition. As much as she disliked the shift in power, she was fascinated as she recalled how it had once been so tiny against her lips. She worked her legs and pelvis into the effort as well, grinding herself into him as hard as she could. They were back to his room before she finally succeeded and was coated in his semen. Ron extracted her and took her to the bathroom to clean up and brought her back to his room.
   �I hate to jerk you around like this, but you won�t be getting big tonight. I�ll restore you tomorrow morning before I begin my stakeout.�
    �How do you know I might not see him first and warn him?� she regretted the words as soon as they passed her lips. A statement meant to give her some power had just placed her future in jeopardy.
     �Because I�ll shrink you out of existence if you cause Jessica to be harmed. Also, when this is over, you�ll get a tiny man.�
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