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  Amy tightened her grip and cackled psychotically. Her gaze dripped venom upon the puny redhead trembling in her left hand. The figure before her should die, needed to die. The little thing would be worthless to her once she�d extracted her revenge.
   �You eff-ing bitch,� she spat, saliva shooting from her mouth and soaking the girl. �Every sick, disgusting thing that insane lesbo did to me, I should do right back to you.� She waited for the girl to say something. �What? You can�t spit any nasty comments at me? You had a lot of fire when I first had you like this and all of those times you visited me in Kendra�s room. I dare you to come up with something now.�
   �I should have either flushed you, or squished you,� Jessica shrieked.
   �Oh, what was that? I couldn�t hear your pathetic squeaks. Tell it to my crotch.�
   Amy shoved her nemesis deep into her pussy. Her body was forced in and out dozens of times in rapid succession. Amy titled her head back to shriek in ecstasy not only from the feelings stirring in her groin, but from the rush of power she felt over the woman who thought she could beat Amy. She pulled the girl from her crotch and smiled at the fact that she was covered in the larger girl�s juices. So many time shad she wished that upon either Jessica or Kendra since ending up as the latter�s love toy. She wiped Jessica off on the clothes her friend Shara-Anne had brought her. Then, she dangled the girl over her open mouth and snapped her teeth hard. She chuckled when the itsy-bitsy thing squirmed in her hand.
   �Careful, you might squirm free and that would be a big shame...for you. Myself, I�ve always wondered what it would taste like to chew up a little person and swallow the worthless pulp of their destroyed body. I think I�ve found some idea I like.�
   Jessica was crying and it got worse when the large fingers released their grip. She fell into her captor�s mouth and landed on the hot, squishy tongue. The tongue shoved her around violently inside Amy�s mouth as the giantess sucked on her. Her whole body was slick with saliva and slid against the massive teeth. They closed lightly against her frame. Jessica knew that if she somehow survived, she would have the most unusual marks on her body that she�d never be able to explain during a physical. She was pulled out and the girl sucked on each of her breasts.
   �You taste just as yummy as the last time I had you in there. Are you breasts just as soft and bouncy?� She flicked the breasts lightly, knowing full well that the force was strong to Jessica. She shook her hand and giggled as the doll-girl�s tits bounced around enough to nearly knock out their owner. �You know, I could do some truly horrendous things to you that would make my previous threats seem oh so friendly. When your man gets here to rescue you, I won�t shrink him all the way to nothing like I did to John. Instead, I just might leave you two here as teensy weensy specks. Then I get my freedom, a shrinking device, and the ability to protect myself if anyone comes after me.� She turned her head at a sudden noise. �I think Ron Juan Demarco is here to save you. Time to get ready.�

   Ron approached the warehouse cautiously, examining every square inch. He didn�t know what he should look for, but it made him feel more in control. He didn�t see anyone in any of the windows as he made his way around the building. He stepped up to the front door and his heart leapt before he saw it closed. He kicked the door in hard, diving away from whatever might try to come out at him. No beams from the shrinking device threatened to consume him, so he stepped into the doorway.
   He saw Amy at the far end, nearly a football field away. She seemed to be standing alone, but whenever the shrink ray was involved, that wasn�t a certainty. She stood over the device, her legs rising above it and body positioned to silently lay claim to the mysterious contraption. He strode forward, confident that he could dodge in time if she tried to activate it. When he got closer, he saw a table behind her and an object in each hand.
   � �Ello, �ello, �ello,� she giggled insanely, the laugh of someone drunk on their power and sureness of victory. �You�re looking just the same as I saw you last, maybe a little more hopeful. I was watching you after Kendra�s room exploded. Fascinating stuff that propane, I didn�t realize what three cylinders would do when heated next to some bombs I found on the Internet. I almost lost your precious little redheaded fuck-doll from the heat that came out.�
   �Can the crap, bitch,� Ron ordered, trying in vain to keep his control. �I want Jessica back along with the device. You can go wherever you want so long as you don�t tell anyone. You can even go home.�
   �No, there�s no home anymore. My family seems to think I ran away from home and even left them a message. My life ended when you left me tiny to be played with by the sick blonde. I want to know how the hell you convinced everyone I knew that I was living in an undisclosed location in Europe with some guy and never coming home.�
   Ron was confused and showed it in his expression. �What the hezmana are you talking about? None of us did a thing.�
   �Don�t lie!� she shrieked, waving her hands and whipping around whatever she held. �You brainwashed all of them, but you didn�t know about Shara-Anne since no one knew that I knew her.� Her voice was rising in pitch and she let the occasional nervous chuckle escape, her mind and spirit warped beyond salvation. �I knew she was my best hope, so I called her. Now, you�ll have to play my game.�
   �What game is that?� Ron asked cautiously.
   �I have two girls, one in each hand. One is Shara-Anne, the other is Jessica.� She opened each hand to show him the girl inside. �I will put them behind my back and mix them up, or will I? You choose a hand and that girl is given to you to be spared. The other girl is shoved deep inside my crotch to be either crushed or suffocated when I close my legs tightly together. Which living Barbie will you end up saving?�
   �You�d risk killing your friend?�
   �I kill whoever it takes to be free and stay free. You�ll be lucky to leave here any bigger than a flyspeck. Now stop stalling and choose either left or right before I choose for you. Remember, there�s no way out of this.�
   �There�s always a way out. I thought to bring Kendra!� The ground shook slightly. The side wall facing away from any prying eyes cracked and crumbled. �You always thought of shrink and enlarge as only working in one order, that something had to be shrunk before the other could work. I realized that it could go the other way too.�
   The wall finally gave way and an enormous blonde woman crawled though. Kendra was almost thirty feet tall and couldn�t stand in the puny building. Amy shrieked and hands flew up into the air, releasing their cargo. Ron was quick enough to grab them as Kendra grabbed her favorite toy.

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