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  �Did little Amy miss me?� her voice boomed. �I know just where to put you for safekeeping.� She stripped Amy and shoved the relatively teeny girl between her legs to hold her in place. �Ron, you�ll need to use the one in here. I�m afraid that when I grew, I accidentally crushed the other one when I stood too close as my body expanded. But before you shrink me back down, how about going for a ride? We could still be something great. I�ve got breasts that beat Jessica�s, especially now.� Before he could give the standard answer, she laughed. �I�m just kidding.�
   Ron picked up the only remaining shrinking device gingerly; dropping it now would be a catastrophe. He�d left Shara-Anne and Jessica on the floor when he got the device. Now he only enlarged his girlfriend and left the co-conspirator to fume amongst the dust bunnies. He then reset the device and dropped Kendra down to her proper size. Kendra then pulled Amy out of her crotch and the scheming vixen was taken down to slightly smaller than she had been before. Shara-Anne quickly followed to the same height.
   �Hey,� Amy squeaked in protest. �I used to be four inches taller than her.�
   �Complain again and you�ll be an inch tall and we�ll make her one foot,� Jessica hissed. �Until recently, you were doll-sized to her so consider yourself lucky to be even.�
   �I�d like to be the tall one again, y�all,� Shara-Anne piped up. �I kinda liked seein� her so little after she used to tease me over our height difference.� She put on her biggest smile. �I even thought of helping you and keeping little ole her as a pet.�
   �Bullshit,� Jessica said flatly, leaning down to look at the little woman. She knelt down so her breasts barely hung above both of them. �Whichever one of you opens their mouth about their new size again, gets to have both of these melons flatten them.� She smiled when they shut their mouths and hugged each other out of fear.
   Kendra had to get in on the game as well. �Ron�s quite pissed off and will get nasty revenge on you two if you don�t start rubbing your breasts together and grinding into each other.� The helpless ladies did as they were told and even moaned as they did, half from acting and the other half from honest enjoyment. �You two can stop now, I�ve got to take you to your new home.�
   �Back to another fish bowl?� Ron asked.
   �The same one,� she answered. �Amy left it over there.� She indicated a specific corner. �It�s probably how she carried Jessica and Shara-Anne around. Unfortunately, Amy proved she could find a way out of there and cause trouble for us. I wouldn�t like her any smaller, so I came to the only solution that would allow her to stay at the same proportion to me as right now.�

   Ron and Jessica stared into Kendra�s fishbowl and smiled at their new �pet.� Kendra�s fishbowl now literally was Kendra�s fishbowl. It had become her home and even held specially made doll furniture so the occupant could be quite comfortable. She waved up to them and then clapped and whistled as they kissed.
   �Explain it to me why she had no problem being made this tiny forever. Aside from protecting others from Amy, what else compels someone to surrender their life like that?�
   �Simple, everyone already thought that she had died when her room went up. Others nearly lost their lives in the rooms several doors down, so it wasn�t too suspicious when no remains were found. On top of that, she told me on the way to rescue you that she was failing miserably this year and felt like giving up and running away from it all.�
   �She can�t be an honors student, so she�ll be a hero instead.� Jessica nodded in understanding. �There is the problem, though, of what to do with her over the summer since the semester is nearly up. I can�t imagine my parents� reaction if they found her. There�s also the issue of what to do with the remaining device.�
   �I have an idea for that this weekend.�

   They stood outside the door, unsure that they wanted to go in. Jessica had lied the first time; the place had actually been a pawnshop in New York City with a strange looking proprietor who seemed to have a lazy eye. They carted the machine through the door inside a brown grocery bag so no one on the street would see the bizarre slide projector.
   �You�re back, is there something I can help you with?� his weasel-like voice cut through the air.
   �We�re trying to offload this device I bought from you,� Jessica answered. �Will you buy it back?�
   �Where�s the other one? I know I sold two.�
   �It was damaged beyond repair. We now want to get rid of this one.�
   �Why bring it back here? Why not smash it to pieces?� He lowered his voice. �Didn�t you like looking at the world from such a small size?�
   �That�s why we�re getting rid of it, we don�t like that anymore due to...recent events. You said you got them from someone trying out the technology.�
   �Take this one back and tell that person that humankind isn�t ready for it,� Ron said before she could get it out.
   �I�ll be nice and buy it back at the cost for two even if you don�t have the other one. The guys behind it are honest that way.�
   �Why were they brought to a pawn shop so someone could try it out?� Ron asked.
   The man shifted nervously, wanting to conceal something. �To keep it a secret, you probably saw the dangerous side to it and know that word can�t afford to get out.�
   �Okay, just make sure that never gets into anyone else�s hands,� Jessica said forcefully.
   �You look like the kind of sleaze who would sell it to anyone, but I�ll trust you this once,� Ron added.
   They got their money and left in a hurry. On their way out the door, two men walked in. Both were dressed in dark suits and looked like feds. Ron and Jessica barely glanced at them as they tried to get out of there. Jessica only managed a fleeting glance after they through the door.
   �I swear I saw those guys leaving the day I got the devices. They even have the same black car.�
   �You sure?�
   �Positive, an older white guy with a young and hip looking black guy. I know those faces. I wonder just what it is that pawnshop owner is really up to.�

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