Blake was in another cage, actually more like a box. The box was suspended over the main lobby to the college�s primary academic building. Every student went through there once a day and they all got to point and laugh at her three-inch form helpless inside. Some threw spitwads at her prison and others jumped up to tap it and make her scream from the sudden rocking. Sadly, only a scattering of them took the time to read the plaque on the wall.
Look upon this student and learn to follow the rules. She was punished for disobeying the decisions of the college and attempting magic beyond her grade. For such an act of defiance and the dangers that followed, she will hang here for the rest of the academic year. Let all other students see her and remember and take heed. Magic is great responsibility and should never be taken lightly. Those who do not read this may one day suffer as she did, so those who do read please be kind to Blake and to the others who may follow her.
  One freshman guy looked at the sign and smiled. His mind was already formulating a plan, a great plan worthy of his exceptionally powerful mind. He�d heard the rumors and had pieced the story together as completely as anyone could. The mistakes were there and all too obvious. Only a fool would have allowed such discrepancies to occur. Next year, he would be the one to show the college that they were all wrong....

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