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A nurse checked her out and produced a syringe brimming the amethyst fluid she knew too well. Compound XW3-195, or, as a few lab techs dubbed it, the Richard Matheson formula. Along with a microchip in her brain, she was able to manipulate her size at will. It also possessed the added side effect of rendering her invulnerable to other versions of the shrinking serum. However, this version of the formula didn�t stay in the cells at negligible doses forever and needed to be supplemented. If it went well, she�d be protected from Shannon making her smaller.

The needle pierced her upper arm and the customary shudder wracked her body. The compound itself couldn�t do that, but memories of early attempts at this formula haunted her sleep. She�d read the reports and viewed the recordings. It remained one of the few things that could make her queasy.

The plan had been rehearsed enough times and would happen flawlessly. Shannon was heading across the Poppasito�s parking lot, bearing down on her car. Kylee focused and felt the tingle she would never tire of. Extra concentration extended the shrinking field to her clothing, halting and reversing the bagginess that had crept unnoticed into garments. It made her feel good to have her bra snug to her ample breasts. Her shrinking stopped at seven and a quarter inches, a precision she had honed over the last six years. Her partner on this mission, Elsa, grinned as her role commenced.

The enormous brunette swiped a huge hand in her direction. Kylee squealed and tore across the lot, hurling her body into one of the rows of bushes comprising the dividers. Their target was close enough to spot it and intervened.

�Excuse me,� Shannon barked. �Are you after this poor shrunken woman?�

�What�s it to you?� Elsa demanded, striking a pose of arrogance with a hand on her hip to challenge this newcomer.

�You have one chance to walk away and let me take this girl for help, or I call the police and you can explain it to them.�

�Fine, I�ll just find another tiny girl to play with. How about you?� Elsa�s eyes sparkled at the thought.

Shannon scooped up Kylee, now clinging to her �savior�s� ankle. The teeny blonde was dumped with no care into the larger girl�s cleavage and her free hand withdrew a gun from her purse. �Maybe you can play with yourself.�

A banshee�s shriek tore from Elsa�s throat, the one member of the team who hadn�t had her booster updated. They hadn�t counted on Shannon being so brash as to shrink someone in such an open place. The pixie-haired beauty receded into her clothing within seconds of being struck with the formula laden dart. The tip broke off and dissolved into her skin to enhance the formula. She was used to being shrunk, but she�d always had the control in those instances. Nothing compared to the helplessness she felt as her clothes and the entire world expanded around her. Her feet lifted from her shoes and socks and her head was level with her bra. Her body was squeezed in upon itself and everything went dark as the clothing caught up with the fact that there wasn�t anyone to hold them upright. She felt herself dangling near a silken surface with a wiry substance cutting across her midsection and realized she had pitched forward and across the bottom of a bra cup. The pile shifted and she careened into the bottom of the 36B. For a moment, she was glad to be free from the discomfort of her underwire.

Light streamed in and a face far too large entered her view. Panic barreled through her as she was forced to realize what her heightened awareness stubbornly refused to accept. She was less than the minimum six inches, but at least she was above an inch, barely beyond the crushing height Shannon preferred. Something was terribly wrong and both women knew it.

�You should have shrunk more than that. Damned substance must be turning on me; I�ll need a new batch. I should have aimed to make you a pet; you have those perfect little perky breasts. I love the kind that do that nice little upturn near the nipple, you don�t see enough of it.� The sight of her victim covering her chest made a chuckle escape. �It�s a pity to do this, but you�re too small for anything else.�

Before Elsa could blink, before she had an opportunity to do anything but continue gaping at this giantess, a sandal pounded her body into the pavement. Every bone crunched simultaneously and she suffered little, her demise brought about with the precision of an expert. Her abandoned panties now only served the purpose of wiping a splotch of gore from the sole of a size six. Shannon made the rest of the trip to her car without incident and drove away with the pleasing sensation of her captive struggling against gargantuan breasts to soothe her. What few witness there were, fearful for their own size and lives, had made no move to stop her and couldn�t even be bothered to write down a license plate number.

Keys clattering across a countertop convinced Kylee that they had finally reached Shannon�s home. That was verified by a momentary release of pressure and huge digits scooped her from her fleshy prison. She soon joined the keys, careening into the metal slabs at breakneck speeds, the teeth of which cold slice her open if anything went wrong. She backed away, the shock of Elsa�s death rending her normally placid exterior. The mission would have to end sooner than she had planned, sooner than even the worst-case scenario plan had predicted. Kylee would have to truly experience an impossible mission, a task her panic addled brain was not up to.

�Are you worried that I�ll do the same to you?� her captor cooed. Shannon may very well have been addressing an infant. �Does the wittle girl think I�m gonna hurt her?�

�Y-yes.� A panic she was both unfamiliar and uncomfortable with had crept into her psyche and taken root. Her acting skills were no longer necessary in this situation.

�I�ll hurt you alright, but it can be in a good way or a bad way. It�s all up to you how long I keep you alive. �Work well and you will be treated well, work badly....� � Shannon whistled the famous tune, but Kylee wasn�t in the mood for music. �Don�t worry, I�ll take good care of you and I always give my new pets a probationary period so they can learn the rules. I was going to kill you right away, but that other girl suited my need to kill perfectly. Now I need something else. I suspect you�ll have almost no trouble fulfilling my needs.�

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