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Shannon went for the bedroom, her new pet had to start learning as soon as possible. The queen size sprawled out before Kylee as she tumbled through the air. The yielding mattress absorbed her impact well, but her training was back and she executed a somersault at the moment of contact. Shannon�s peals of laughter boomed overhead and the reduced agent realized what she would have to do her collar every chance she got. Her time to ruminate ended when an undergarment darkened her world. She clamored and crawled from this unusual prison, ripe with the smell of another woman. As pissed off as she felt, somewhere in the back of her mind she had to admire Shannon�s speed and skill since she still wore her skirt.

�Playtime,� she whispered. The rest of her clothing came off in a show to rival any exotic dancer. �Where would you like to start, mailroom or top floor?�

�Top floor, I want to meet the boss.� Her usual knack for seduction was off, but she hoped Shannon was too horny to pay much attention to whatever Kylee said. She needed to be close to the woman�s mouth, administering the dosage without delay was of paramount importance. Her life, and the senseless sacrifice of her partner, depended on her stopping this psycho.

Shannon grabbed her captive and ripped her itsy-bitsy top off. Kylee offered a silent blessing that her pants stayed intact. If not for the potential loss of the shrinking compound, but for the fact that she was in no mood to have her nether regions violated right away. She wasn�t too thrilled about having her breasts being mashed by an enormous pinkie, but it was the lesser of two evils. Shannon could deal with her little woman�s lack of delight at this treatment. Her pleasure was everything; them enjoying it as well just meant they would accept their situation sooner. She mashed the tiny body against her d-cups, dragging the minute head across her hardened nipples slower than the rest of the body. The next part was stage two.

Kylee was tipped upside down and felt herself being raised higher. She looked down, not actually needing to see where she was headed. The gaping maw bearing down on her, or the other way around really, simultaneously elicited terror and hope. Her entire upper body was within the dank cavern and she pulled a vial from her belt. She utilized a talent she taught herself during the Genevieve assignment and projected the shrinking field only to the vial itself. This had allowed her to carry smaller amounts of the compound and be able to achieve better results. The vial expanded in her grasp until she could barely contain in one hand. Her other hand quickly unscrewed the top and it cascaded down Shannon�s throat. Once the liquid went down, Kylee was hoisted up and thrown onto the bed harder than Shannon had thrown her before.

She grinned as the girl stiffened up and started shrinking. The smile ebbed when she stopped shrinking. Kylee stared at this girl who might as well have had three heads. Every movie she had ever seen screamed through her memory, telling her not to move. Something drove her to close in on this colossus and then...

Wham! Kylee was lifted from the bed and blessedly slammed into a feather pillow. The backhand that sent her there wasn�t as forgiving, at least one rib was cracked and bruises would mar nearly eighty percent of her torso for a long time. She�d been on a particularly jarring roller coaster once at Darien Lake and the feeling was back, a skipping in her vision when she turned her head too quickly.

�Tasty, kinda... minty.� Her tongue snaked across her lips and a look of supreme satisfaction crossed her countenance. �The lovely and talented Kylee I presume?�

�How? How do you...?� Nothing made sense and the situation was getting worse. Stalling for time to plan and learning what was happening at the same time seemed to be the best course.

�I�ve been in and out of your agency many times at impossibly small sizes.� While she spoke, her body shifted sizes rapidly and without warning. �That Elsa had been promising as well, it�s better to kill them when they�re still young and optimistic. They always hold such potential and that makes their deaths more... poignant. You�re a veteran and your death is almost expected, the old soldier going down in combat. I wished I could have given that to you back in that Burger King.� Her size rippled again and she dropped in size slightly, then she altered her proportions to reduce her chest size and lengthen her hair. �Do I look at all familiar? Maybe that teen, or do I need to get a napkin to jog your memory? Just a little more of a squeeze and you would�ve been finished off. I had hoped that throwing the napkin in my cup and putting the lid back on it before dumping you in the trash would�ve ensured you ending up in a trash compactor or incinerator, but you�re too damned ingenious.�

�But who are you?�

�Don�t you remember the first tests? There were seven of us, all lost. We all regrettably shrank out of existence according to the reports. If only they knew that I had sabotaged the formula for the other six. Mine was okay and had results no one predicted. As you saw, I can selectively shrink parts of my body to alter my appearance.� She scooped up Kylee. �You may have also begun to see the potential in yourself to extend your shrinking field to smaller objects. I was the first agent to be able to do that.� She closed her eyes and Kylee shrieked when the room grew a little as she hit six inches and then jumped around her as she dropped to three.

�They always tell you that you can grow to be gigantic, but I know you�ve never tried it. Did you realize that your chip could only undo shrinking you yourself caused? I made that alteration to the chips before they were installed. You may be thinking that you can grow yourself to almost your original height, but the chips hate shrinkage overlap when it�s caused by different sources. Until I restore you to seven point five inches, you can only go smaller and get back to three. I wouldn�t recommend it though; I may just amplify it and turn you into the world�s sexiest little dust mote. I wonder how long you�d survive if I dropped you down to less than an inch and then left? I could take off and start anew, leaving you stranded here in my place, too small to be seen. Would others eventually show up to look for you? Wouldn�t that just beat all if the very people you�ve come to know as family trampled you? Would they consider you a rogue agent and send others to bring you to justice? And the whole time you were trapped and dying all alone in this place. The power I have over you is limitless.�

She grew the terrified agent to four inches and relieved her of her remaining vials. �I may want these when I assume a new identity, you won�t need them anymore.�

�Please don�t hurt me,� Kylee begged as genuine emotion permeated her every word. She was desperate and had to try anything to survive.

�It�s so sad when a good agent breaks.� Shannon dropped herself to ten inches and strode over to her. �You will make the greatest pet I have ever owned.�

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