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�You know, Pete, I never thought you�d ever call me again after that rumor,� Renee stated.

�I realized that you probably didn�t start it, just like you�d said. Besides, I wanted to catch up on old times.� He passed her a beer and his best poker face concealed the grin that screamed to be revealed.

�Can I wash up quickly?�

�Bathroom�s down the hall, second door on the right,� he answered, gesturing the general direction.

Renee left the room and Pete went for the coffee table. He reached for the hidden drawer he�d installed months earlier. The compartment came open and he cautiously grasped for what it held, always aware of the risk that she could catch him and flee. The rush of water filling a sink told him his quarry was otherwise occupied.

He crept to the door, an easy task when you know all of the weak spots in the flooring. The splashes from the other side drove him on. Each splash became a laugh in his memory. Every laugh she had expelled that day from the vile orifice that was her mouth was duplicated. He had to act and he kicked in the door. The ray reduced her in seconds, with an unintended consequence. Renee had been leaning over the sink and now her tiny body flailed around in a lake.

�I never bought in to that bullshit,� Pete slowly intoned. �You were the only one who could have and you never regretted it, until now.�

His hand came to rest on the plunger. The plaintive squeaks below drew his attention long enough to strengthen his resolve. He applied the pressure and the rod slid down. In turn, the drain popped up to turn the lake into a whirlpool. She gave it everything she had, but she was still sucked inexorably into the center of the maelstrom. Renee�s tiny fingers grasped for a stainless steel life raft that was plucked away from the waters by a merciless overseer. At the last moment, the error was seen and the victim was lodged halfway into the drain.

�Well, this sucks.�

�Help!� the doll squealed.

� �es never taken on a Scarren before, �as �e?�

Kylee turned away from the television. Recreation time wasn't as when she'd already seen that DVD. Besides, there were only a couple of scenes she really liked; the mental fight and the resurrection. Until she felt like paying attention again, she had to think.

�You're the agent, huh?� a bosomy brunette asked, flopping down next to her.

�Yeah, Kylee, for what it's worth.�

�I'm Rachel.� She offered a handshake that was readily accepted.

�Yeah, I know you.� She grinned awkwardly. �Sort of, that is. I saw a Missing Persons on you a lifetime ago. I... uh... I also saw the website. You're a damned good fighter��

�For what it's worth right now. The other ones, they never knew and were going on fate. I knew I was fighting for my life. I'd have lost it if I knew this was the booby prize.�

�Not to offend you, but didn't you figure you couldn't win every time? And what was Janel going to do with you?�

�Somewhere in my head... I believed she would fix me.� She shook her head for a second. �Hey, I've heard you guys can, you know, fix yourselves.�

�Normally I could grow back, but something happened to the chip in my head.�

�Something about a pulse,� another brunette added, sauntering over. Her hair was kept in tight ringlets, or had been at one time.

Kylee didn't mind the intrusion, as long as they kept their voices down. � �A throbbing pulse of energy coming straight into your living room.� You're saying an electromagnetic pulse? My new one's supposed to be more resilient. Damn, there's a liability lawsuit.�

The new girl paused at the rambling. �No, it's something in the shrink ray itself. Maybe you already said that, I hadn't been listening in long. Oh, I'm Kara by the way.�

�Thanks. I've gotta do some recon and see what else I can learn. No one got a name, did they, of Mistress?�

Kara continued her usefulness. �I saw one name on some mail once. Katie is all I got.�

Noooo!� squealed Renee.

�Shut up,� Pete commanded, an order that was quickly obeyed.

He resumed her efforts to force her further down the drain. So far her body had resisted all efforts to be pushed. Reaching in from below was as futile, dislocating a hip wasn't the same to him. She didn't plug it enough to hold water, so drowning her was out of the question. He could've made her smaller, but that lacked a certain...
je ne sais quoi.

�There is one solution to clogged drains.� He stepped out for a minute.

�Are you nuts? No!� Renee was balancing the line between normal and insanity. She felt the pull to one side at the sight of drain cleaner. �That's not supposed to touch skin.�

�Not the brightest bulb, really. Besides, my skin'll be fine.�

The cap spun away and the sharp odor stung Pete's lungs. He held his breath and poured away. Tiny screams rose in pitch, but died away when she undoubtedly realized the necessity of keeping her mouth shut. Despite the burning, all Pete was left with was a red and blistered teeny woman still stuck in a drain.

�Well, screw it.�

He'd been afraid of damaging the plumbing, but that concern was pushed from his mind. The need for an artful finish was superceded by his unquenched desire to finally be rid of this annoyance. Disposing of her became his sole intent. The shrink ray cut into her pained body and reduced her to a flea. Renee disappeared into the void and Pete followed up with alternating doses of water and drain cleaner.

�If you think that was cruel, you should've seen when I shrank my shrink.� He hocked up a wad of phlegm and launched it after her as well.

His spoken thought gave birth to an idea. He rushed to his nightstand and yanked it open. The puny redhead cringed; at first from the sudden light, but it became a smile at the sight of her owner. The lovely doctor knew what was expected and climbed into his hand. She then leapt into his opened waistband. Her supple body writhed against his manhood until he released on her. She happily licked the two of them clean and climbed out.

�Now, who are you?�

�I am Toy,� she bubbled back, her face filled with sublime delight.

�What are doctors like?�

She wrinkled up her nose and screwed up her face into an expression Pete would've found cute at normal size. �Yicky! Shrink and squish!� She kept repeating the phrase, clapping her hands together to punctuate the 'squish' part.

�That's some good 170 IQ,� he muttered, his grin spreading.
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