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�That was some Halftime I won't soon forget,� a girl piped up.

�You're telling me, completely shameless,� Kylee added.

�What?� the other woman asked, confusion radiating from her. �Why wouldn't Kid Rock do
Bawitdaba? That song's awesome.�

�What a career choice for me,� Kylee sighed under her breath.


�Never mind.�

�Kylee,� Mistress's voice boomed out. �You're coming with me.�

The miniature agent was scooped from the den floor. She lost sight of everything within the confines of Katie's hands. Sounds made it through: footsteps, doors opening, and commands to her tiny watchers. Then came the toss and Kylee tumbled onto a comforter.

�You've been curious about me. Well, now's the time to learn all.� She cast off her clothes and stretched out her massive body.

Pete tipped back the beer, savoring each drop. His surviving little beauties were re-enacting the last play. It was a good way to make it through the lame commercials. Should he be impressed someone paid a lot of green for such a plain and pathetic thirty-second spot? At least nude shrunken ladies playing football could hold his attention for a length of time.

�FBI!� a voice bellowed seconds before his front door exploded in a shower of splinters. �Get your hands in the air!�

Pete went with a different choice. His hand tried to reach for the hidden drawer. That hand vanished under several rounds. He was grabbed and slammed to the floor.

�Well, I'll be, you're alright,� the agent was saying to someone Pete couldn't see. �He was the source of those missing women. We'd better call in more of the D.C. team.�

Pete turned his head to see one of the players in his twisted football game was steadily growing bigger. �What the hell?� he gasped.

Her strength was failing faster than her bones. The vise grip of Katie's insides was unrelenting. Spots danced before her eyes and each breath brought more pain than the last. Darkness was a freight train barreling towards her and as quickly it went away. Kylee was pulled and placed on her captor's smooth flat stomach.

�At one time I used to enjoy sensations down there,� she started. �Then I lost the one person who meant everything to me. You've met her before.�

The answer shone before Kylee, a beacon guiding her insight and a dual twinge of empathy and revulsion. �Shannon.�

�That's right, Shannon.� Her voice lilted for an instant, clinging to the last remnants of hope and joy. An unexpected softness had been revealed, but was beaten into submission again. �I lost her for a long time because of her job. She had been a promising new recruit. They made her a fucking guinea pig!� Her gaze was steel, her eyes devoid of life. �When she first returned from the microscopic world she was the size of your head. It took her months to get up to your size and then back to being
human.� She hit the last word hard, but with an edge of mockery to remind Kylee how she viewed her and the others. �It pained me to nurse her back to health, knowing a slight touch of tenderness could squash her to a bloody paste. But you know what? She had been returned to me. I was also given all data I could need about size-altering technology. When she was strong enough, I knew the joy a tiny partner could bring and it meant so much more because of our love. However, I also knew you people had hurt her.

�I set out to distribute the knowledge Shannon had imparted. I also had to perfect it and make changes permanent. You, Kylee, are to blame for that last part. You took her away from me for good. She wanted payback for a government that didn't give a fuck about her.� She grasped the agent and shook her. �You killed my beloved. I will ensure you stay puny for a very long time and that that time is very unpleasant. Just wait until my sentries are able to play with you and you realize how many vaginas you'll be inside of simultaneously.�

She lobbed her enemy through the air and grinned with satisfaction at the splash of her toilet landing. �For now, enjoy a midnight swim. I'll be back in a few hours to do... something... about your situation.�

The minute blonde could only sputter and painfully tread water in return.

�Bitch goes down soon,� Kylee forced through clenched teeth.

�You smell really bad,� observed Alicia.

�Some smells'll probably take a few washings. When you're tired and swimming, anything that floats you'll cling to.� She snuck a furtive glance around their tank. �This has to go down soon.�

�Hell yeah,� another voice added.

�Shit!� exclaimed Kylee. Then she relaxed when she saw who it was. �Oh, it's Kara.�

The brunette snuck over to them. �I got transferred here this morning.� Her attention waned, her gaze drifting to her old home. �She� uh... took everything from me.�

�Lauren,� Kylee added for Alicia's benefit. �She was the woman with the scepter, I think. Talk about your irony and hypocrisy.�

�I want out of here and will do whatever it takes.�

Alicia got inches from her face. �If you're on the wrong team, if you shaft us, I will ensure that you die with us.�

�If I die, it'll be while making that giant bitch pay.�

�Good, now back to bed,� Kylee ordered. "We start planning tomorrow.�
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