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�My god!� whispered Lindsey. The tiny women, with various marks of abuse, were on the table before her. �I'm sorry, ladies. Listen, I've been shrunk before and I'm here to help you as we gradually restore your sizes.�

�Just make us big now,� a blonde pleaded.

�I'm sorry, but that's not a good idea. I know you've all been through a lot with Pete and can't wait to go back to your old lives, but you need help with the trauma. Getting your proper size back can be a shock and I'm going to make sure that you'll all be able to cope. Dealing with a giant person can be frightening, especially after what your ordeal, so I'm making a concession.�

Lindsey gave the signal and a technician shot her with a shrink ray. She cringed at the sound it made and beads of sweat cascaded over her at the sensation. Being tiny again was a fear that threatened to consume her, a menace lurking in the shadows of her mind. However, she was learning to channel that panic productively. After several test shrinks in controlled environments, she was more confident that she wouldn't be a toy ever again. This shrinking was slow and enabled her to climb onto the table.

Once slightly larger than her patients, she looked around. �Now, I'll be going through this with you. You have no reason to be as afraid now. These nice people won't leave one of their own like this. Don't forget that you still have a right to scared either, but you can also draw strength from each other and someone who's been through what you're experiencing.� As she watched the women hug, she wondered what Rebecca was doing.

A finger jabbed out in defiance, pointing at various women in turn. �Each of you makes me fucking sick!� Rachel spat. �You sit here, defeated, waiting on the unlikely chance that you'll be restored. Get a goddamned clue!� She made another emphatic gesture up and back towards Katie's room. �That stupid bitch is going to kill us all. Why the hell doesn't anyone do anything?�

The crowd backed away from her, cowering. Her tirade was drawing unwanted attention their way. The tiny women cringed, awaiting a massive sneaker that would silence any perceived rebellion before it could foment, like some perverse twist of the Monty Python credits. Their fears were realized when Mistress wandered their way, no doubt summoned by her security.

�Well, what do we have here?� she asked in a singsong voice, but with a smile that made the women's hearts skip a beat.

�She, Rachel that is, was saying really bad things about you,� one of them answered.

�Fuck you Kelly!� Rachel shouted back.

�She'll be taken care of properly. The rest of you would do well to forget her words.� Katie eyed each of the tiny women in turn. �All of you. And as a reward for her loyalty, Kelly here will not be raped and destroyed tonight as I had once planned. I have a better idea.�

Rachel was snatched up in a firm grasp. Mistress's grip was enough to cause pain, as was evidenced by her captive's whimper and the look of discomfort clouding her proud demeanor. The itty-bitty rebel was carried to another room, but still within sight of the others. Her fate rested inside the porcelain bowl she was soon dangling above. Rachel's small body could be seen tumbling in and all listened intently for the splash that followed. Then came the roar of the water they knew to expect.

�I trust everyone learned from that?� Mistress asked, stepping away from the bathroom.

�Shit, shit, shit,� breathed the senior agent. She looked around to confirm their privacy under the couch. �There's not much time left.�

�I heard her muttering,� Alicia added. �The last person she gave a shrink ray to has been taken. She's afraid of being caught soon. Catching an agent or two at a time is one thing, but she couldn't stop a significantly larger force. This is her last hideout, just a few doors from the other place. Katie's talked of another blast, with no escape route.�

�That's not the way I wanted to go,� Kara avowed. �Death over surrender.�

�Well, that�s A. Plan B calls for another shrinking serum dose to all of us. The way she talks, a couple of drops would take even a full-sized person well beyond Zero Mark.�

Kylee jumped in to bring the other girls up to speed. �Zero Mark�s the theoretical limit on shrinkage. When you hit it, you go out of existence. I hate to think of what�s less than nothing.� She forced down a shudder, thoughts of the video bounced around her mind�s eye.

�We�ll find out soon enough if she goes that way. We have to act before Katie carries out that other threat on Kylee as well.�

�Where�s my Alicia?� Katie called out. �Come give Mistress some comfort.�

�I�ll report back as soon as I can with anything I learn.� With that, she dashed away from their meeting spot.

�Bad, very bad,� Alicia gasped. �She�s going right to Plan B.�

They huddled together in the darkness. Their other tank-mates were fast asleep. Kara was the first to speak up. �When she going to go Jonestown?�

�Tomorrow morning. I think she plans to dose us in our beds while we sleep.�

�Then we go tonight,� Kylee stated resolutely. �Is there any way to turn the tables?�
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