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Kylee made her way into the Capitol Building too easily. Her government badge was ready, but she hadn�t needed it and that worried her. The usual security wasn�t in sight, a bad sign. She radioed in that the building had undoubtedly already been hit and prepared for better surveillance. She dropped herself to an inch high and started exploring the cavernous complex around her.

�Over here, help me,� a voice cried up to her.

Kylee froze; she had barely traveled three feet and hadn�t seen anyone. �Who�s there?�

�Gomez, I�m with security here and I�ve been shrunk.�

�Gomez, is that really you?� Kylee giggled. She peered down at a man who couldn�t have been more than an eighth of an inch.

�Oh my, Little Thing,� he chuckled back. �I guess I can�t call you that anymore. I almost didn�t recognize you. You�ve got to help me. There were a few crazy people here shrinking everyone. They got us before we could call out for help. I was the only guard they couldn�t capture.�

�How long ago?�

�Thirty minutes. They�ve had plenty of time to get at the Congressmen.�

�Those guys could stand to be cut down to size,� Kylee added in a moment of unneeded levity. �Did you see how many?�

�I saw one girl about seven inches high with the shrink ray. She reported back to a woman at normal size. It�s been hard to hear the big one talking, but I could sort of make out the little one�s voice. She mentioned three others; I�m guessing they�re tiny as well by the way she spoke. I wouldn�t be surprised if there were more.�
�I can restore some of your height now if you want.�

�Thanks, but being bigger means they could find me easier if some are still around. Just hide me somewhere safe and come back for me later.�

�Can do.� She scooped up her miniaturized friend and tucked him away in a hiding place before continuing her search.

Sarah struggled and wept that she was too small to break the dental floss restraining her. How could the agents deal with being so small and helpless? Of course, they had the option of restoring themselves whenever the situation got out of hand. She took in her surroundings and figured staying tied up wasn�t so bad. Her prison was a pipette on it side. If she crawled out, the only place she had to go was down and into a beaker of something boiling away on a Bunsen burner. Her body was still sore; Aubri had been rough with her breasts while securing her. Her nipples ached and she could swear she still saw the teeth marks. Between her legs was as bad, she�d been violated until she was raw and bleeding. Her attacker had kept going, driven by an incomprehensible lust. Now all Sarah wanted was to be left alone to heal. The only problem was that someone
should have found her by now. Her continued isolation reinforced her fear that everyone else was suffering a fate similar to her own.

�I told him he wanted to give me those t-shirts for free,� Jennie reminded Connie. �It was even worse luck for him that there was that belligerent hot-dog vendor next door. Eaten by another man as a condiment and then your remains being reduced with the vessel carrying them has got to suck. Maybe I shouldn�t have fed the hot-dog man to those seagulls. Food for food is a bitch of a way to go.�

�Mistress, I do not wish to displease you, but how does killing those people serve our purpose?�

�So the others will know to be on their best behavior when the time comes.� She smiled upon the servant nestled in her cleavage. �I will allow you to question me now, but keep it up� and there are many more birds.�

�Tell me again your plans for the agents, I do love hearing that.�

�One of them is almost ready for it now. Debbie should be handling it very soon and then you will see the aftermath.� She then told her the glorious tale of conquest.

Kylee froze, unsure of herself. One advantage of being tiny was also a curse. An increased sensitivity to sound meant she would hear the faintest and most benign noise and mistake it for a harbinger of doom. How many times had a pencil falling in another room frightened her? She knew that wasn�t it this time, or shouldn�t be. Her eyes scanned the room and nearly completed the circuit�

Stars appeared before her eyes and she felt the back of her head slam into tile. Normal sized people who took the time to notice still only had a fraction of a clue just how rough a seemingly smooth floor tile could be. She rolled away as the business end of a safety pin came crashing down and found her mind wondering how little that term meant to someone in her position. She delivered a kick to her adversary�s rib cage and gasped at the sensation of armored padding. The girl was wearing SWAT team body armor.

Kylee got a look at her as she pulled off her helmet. Her straight black hair cascaded free, restrained only by a ponytail. The smooth darker skin and Italian features made Kylee distract herself with thoughts of the Mafia getting a corner on shrinking. The stranger�s right fist crashed into her throat and Kylee was out of commission trying desperately to gain even the slightest breath of air.

�I know your secret,� her assailant taunted in a singsong voice. �I love everything about the idea of having so much control over your size except for one thing. That damned chip in your brain, what if something happened to it?� She drew out a device similar to a taser from someone on her person. �This could burn out your brain as well, but that�s not my problem.� The device sparked unlike any stun gun ever seen and the world went black for Kylee. �Deb to command. I have the target, over.�

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