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�Out of my way, geek,� Kimberly shouted. The kid in her way, she couldn�t be bothered to remember his name, was thrown to the floor by her shoving and skittered away from the water fountain. �I�m, like, thirsty and I don�t your nerd germs of the faucet.� Kim saw him stand up and sigh. She took a sip and spit the water on his crotch. �Geek-boy pissed himself.� The others in the hallway, even the other geeks, broke out in laughter. She took her time getting a drink and hurried off outside to sneak a smoke. When she got to her spot she found him standing in a dark corner of the building alone. �Are you, like, jerking off over here?�

�No, just... shut up.�

�Oh, the worm�s gonna cry.� She laughed and kicked him the groin. �Don�t worry, you�ll never need it for a real woman anyways.�

She turned to go and felt a burning in her stomach. Kimberly doubled over and tried to vomit. It had to have been that pizza at lunch, she was sure the food was always undercooked. She collapsed and felt her face hit the dirt. She opened up her eyes again and fought to force a scream from her lips. Her mind complied with a deafening shriek, but her vocal cords couldn�t keep up and a faintest gurgle came out. The boy she had so recently humiliated now towered over her and was smiling. Then she noticed her nudity.

�I heard about those people shrinking. This is so cool.�

�Hey, take me to the nurse right now,� she demanded, her voice finally working again.

�Why should I? You wouldn�t do the same thing if I was the one who was tiny.� He lifted his right foot over her and lowered it to the point that the N of the Nike filled her vision. �You�d probably grind me under your foot like you do with your cigarettes.�

�No, I�d help you out,� she pleaded, wishing she had some acting ability.

�Yeah, long enough to let everyone see how small I was and have a good laugh at my expense. I should do the same to you. I should let everyone see the most popular girl in the school cut down to four inches tall.�

�Cut it out, just get me to the nurse like right now.� His finger wrapped around her and began probing her defenseless body. �Stop it right now, you little asshole. I am the most popular girl in school and anyone would kick your ass for doing this to me.�

�Except no one will ever find out.� He tightened his grip and heard her squeal in pain. �You�re mine, bitch. I�ll squash you before you can ever grow back. But where can I keep you?� He smiled and opened the waist of his pants with his free hand. �I�ll treat you nice and I may let you live if you do a good job in there.� He dropped her inside and snapped the band shut. �Oh wait, I still can�t feel anything there because of your kick. I guess you were half wrong. I did need it for a woman after all, but too bad you�re not a real woman. You�re just a toy who�s going to end up dead by tonight.�

Kylee got the information sent to her and stopped by the police to learn more about the girl who died. At least she was able to learn the victim�s name. Now she needed to contact any family or friends, if any of them were left alive. It was too common to get rid of those people first when someone gained the ability to control size. Test results indicated it had been her boyfriend in her stomach; so all bets tended to be off when it came to the rest of the gang.

Luckily, there was a brother living nearby. Melissa�s house yielded a college address and a cell phone number, but the address had proven to be false. She couldn�t imagine how someone could get away with lying about a college. Didn�t the lack of grades at the end of each semester raise some suspicion? The cell number had been tracked down and the carrier had provided her with an address. A quick search combined with federal identification scored her a car in minutes to continue investigating. She found the house on the outskirts of the city.

Crack house was being generous with this hovel. The place could have been built two hundred years ago, but never maintained once since then. She approached the front door with caution, expecting the porch to cave in on her. Not killing the agent, but giving her a nasty case of lockjaw from the plethora of rusty nails jutting in every conceivable direction. Okay, a house made two hundred years ago by a retarded nearsighted locksmith. With a tentative effort tried the doorbell, expecting a swarm of bees like that scene from �The Burbs.�

�Hello,� came instead. �Who�s there?�

�Special Agent Kylee, FBI.�

�Oh shit.� A clattering emanated from within and the pings of glass breaking were evident. �I� umm� will be to the door in just� a�. uh� just a minute.�

�I really don�t have time for this shit,� she muttered. A well-placed kick to the doorknob freed the unit from its hinges. Her view of it as swung in told her the door would�ve shattered in movie style if she�d hit it anywhere else. She charged in, weapon ready. �For cryin� out loud.�

Her subject was seated in the front room in a haze of sweet smoke. His legs were crossed in the Lotus position and his back was to her. The rest of his body language, amongst other clues, told her what she needed to know. Her gun was returned to its holster, he wasn�t likely to be holding any weapons and would soon be quite docile. Unfortunately, stupidity made investigations too complicated.

�Alright, drop the bong and turn around.�

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