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�No way. You can�t get me on drug crimes if you can�t find any drugs. What d�ya think of that, man?�

�I�m not here about you using drugs, you idiot. I�m here about your sister Melissa.�

�Melissa, you�re here about her?� The bong fell from his grasp.

�Yes. By the way, living in a place this badly rundown probably isn�t the smartest way to hide the fact that you deal in drugs. Now, I need to know what you know about your sister�s recent activities.�

A giggle escaped. �She�s been lying on a slab in the morgue, that�s what she�s been up to.�

�Great, he started happy time before I even got here,� she whispered. �
Before that. What was Melissa doing before she died? And if you say she was running into traffic, I�ll shoot you right now regardless of how badly I need whatever information you have.�

I�m not talking to nobody. You can�t come in with your jackboots and John Laws pushing free people around and trying to kill them. We live in a democracy and you have to obey due process.�

Time to switch tactics. �I�ll take your stash.�

He hugged a plastic bag to his chest. �Alright, let�s not get crazy all of a sudden. Some things were said and done by both of us that we each might regret. Now, let�s put that behind us and have fun. You want some weed?� He smiled and broke out in laughter.

Kylee delivered a kick that not only knocked the bag from his hands, but also didn�t hurt him in any way. The bad sailed clear and was taken down by a few rounds from her revolver. �Now I know that�s not all of it. Tell me, or I go hunting.�

�Okay, lady, you�re crazy or somethin�.� He hugged his knees to his chest. �Alright, Melissa was tryin� to make some kinda super drug to sell.�


�Just let me tell the story, Jane Law.� He stopped to remember. �Okay, this was so cool. She was sick of dealers bullying her and her boyfriend, see, so she decided to make and sell her own drugs. But they had to be better drugs than any of the shit on the streets right now. Anyway, she gets some equipment from me� I mean some guy she knew. She starts makin� some shit that I figure�s, like, better than speed, man.�

�Do you know what was in it?�

�I said I was tellin� the story!� He went into the kitchen and returned with a sheet of paper. �Here�s all the stuff she was using. She wanted me to have a copy in case someone took hers, or somethin�. Oh, yeah, she also used some shit she got from a gypsy lady.�

�A gypsy?�

�I don�t know, I think that�s what she called her. Said she looked all gypsy-like and shit. Gave some white powder that was like a drug booster. Any drug got a zillion times better when mixed with this shit.� He started bouncing up and down. �The stuff made my beer into twenty beers. It was like something from God, man.�

�Is there any left?�

�Fuck no.� He turned away and muttered to himself, �Fuck!� He turned back to Kylee. �I went lookin�, you know, after she died. I couldn�t find a grain of it in the hiding spots she usually keeps her drugs. I couldn�t get her to leave me some.�

�That�s okay, you�ve told me enough. I�ll be going now.� She got the hell put of there as fast as she could.

�Bye, come back real soon,� he called after her.

Taylor and Kelly were pinned down together. If only they weren�t being held down with the plastic ties from bread bags. Taylor had been shrunk first and collected by Shane. Kelly had been an unfortunate addition, coming back to give Taylor the notebook she had dropped. She too had been taken down in size and now each girl was only half a foot. Shane had them stuck to a clipboard and was torturing the petite teens.

�Now, which one of you wants to go with me to the dance tomorrow night?� He shoved a q-tip up each girl twice, on both sides. The little eighteen year olds cried out in a blend of anguish and ecstasy. �You know this ends real son if you just agree.�

�Fuck you, you�ll just kill the other one when one of us says yes,� Taylor howled up at him.

�I was planning on letting the other girl grow back really slowly. You had to go and ruin that with bad language.� He took out an eyedropper and filled it with water from the beaker. They all knew what that water was doing; each girl had suffered further reduction from it. �Since you got too mouthy, Kelly gets to watch you go. Maybe she�ll be more agreeable.� The dropper went between her legs and the water was forced inside. The power of the stream tore at Taylor�s insides and she begged for mercy. The excess dribbled between her legs once the implement was removed. �Goodbye.� She shrank fast this time. Her body disappeared even from Kelly�s sight in a matter of seconds. �Now little Kelly gets to make the only intelligent choice. Will it be me, or tiny forever?�

He hauled her off the clipboard before she could answer. Her legs were then bound together and another tie was attached the ones holding her arms. Kelly wept as she was lowered into the beaker. Her legs kicked frantically to avoid contact with the cold surface below. Her toes made contact and she felt her bonds loosening. This made her scream even more; falling free at this point was too dangerous. He pulled her up and then dropped her in enough to take her down to three inches.

�Fine, I�ll go with you. Just please stop doing this to me.�

�I almost couldn�t hear you. You picked a good time to come your senses. You�ll be amazing when you�re back at full size tomorrow night and dancing with me.�

A terrifying realization shot through her. �But you saw those people on television. My size probably won�t be back before tomorrow night, or even ever. Why did you have to shrink me so small?�

�That was the fault of a little girl who wouldn�t learn. Besides, if you�re not back to normal, I�ll just take another girl. I just liked this way of asking. Your size is your problem now. If you�re not back, you�re still coming along, but you won�t like it. You�ll either join my other girl for a threesome, or I pass you around to the other guys. The entire football team would to have a round with you.� He massaged her miniature breasts and ran his tongue over his classmate�s crotch.
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