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Kimberly fought for her breath under the onslaught of honey. The viscous mass clung to her and weighed her down. She struggled against her impending death as the honey filled her lungs. The stream ended and she felt cold surround her. The honey was hardening to her frame and she couldn�t move. Her last thought was of how no one would ever believe the most popular girl in school would die this way. Suffocated under a few ounces of sugar at the hands of a school geek.

Brenda cooed, her vocal cords capable of little else. The pleasure cascading over her was too much. Her body tingled, every nerve being touched simultaneously. Her brain was at overload and she found the strength to talk. She begged him to stop and spare her.

Eddie removed his fingers from his wife�s body. She curled up into a ball in his hand and fell asleep. He still couldn�t believe this had happened to her and had nearly happened to him as well. For years they�d had this fantasy and were finally able to live it out. It was a shame really, neither one would be this happy ever again if the size changing ended and they had to go back to their old lives as a normal couple.

�This reduced GC/mass spec machine is fantastic,� Kylee gushed into her backup phone. The last five machines they had tried shrinking for portability had failed. Something about trying to fragment normal sized atoms using shrunken electrons had screwed with their workings and destroyed each one. �I�m getting a readout on the powder samples found by the police. The infrared finished up with the water a few minutes ago. I still have no idea exactly what the powder is, I�m getting some clues.� She didn�t wait for him to ask for any more data. �It seems someone may have accidentally created a few of the substances in the shrinking formula we use. It�s not enough of the chemical to cause any effective or lasting shrinkage. The other compounds, I�m guessing, suppress the shrinking effects. However, the drugs Melissa made compliment the shrinking compounds well. It creates a different version of our formula. It looks closest to some of the earliest formulations attempted. That�s why the shrinking is so unstable here. Even I have had some problems with showering, but only when the water cools down. I�ve been able to fix any reductions easily.�

�And that�s also why the crime labs couldn�t identify the powder themselves.�

�That�s right, there are substances in there no one else would have in a database without our level of clearance.� The other substances included a few elements not found on any college student�s periodic table. �I have an idea for a potential antidote serum, but it�s not one hundred percent.�

�Send us your data anyway and the boys and girls here can have a look at it.�

�With any luck, it will cancel out the stuff in the water and anyone exposed to it with be inoculated. Anyone who�s tiny will regain their size quickly and any fluctuations will cease.�

�Let�s hope it gets neutralized. I�ve been hearing reports here about too many missing persons. It seems not everybody regards the threat as real. Then there are the high school students who aren�t even watching the news. I think some parents haven�t even tried to warn them either. We need to wrap this up fast.�

�Can do, sir.�

Christa settled into her tub. The bubbles surrounding her soothed her aching muscles. Even a masseuse needed some relaxation every once in a while. She pushed her long mane of strawberry locks over the edge of the tub; her hair didn�t washing right away. Her eyes closed and euphoria swept through her. Her last client had given her a tip that was too generous. She couldn�t wait to tell her husband that they could finally take that trip to Paris.

She broke off her train of thought. Her hair was getting damp and she pushed it up back over the edge. This time, though, the hair reached the top of the tub and fell back inside. She reached up and found she couldn�t get her arms over the sides anymore. On top of that, she suddenly needed to tread water. Her panic clawed at her, fighting to understand what was occurring. Her mind leapt back to a news report a couple of days earlier. Christa cursed out the bastard who convinced her it was a hoax. She scrambled to stand up and climb out, but her feet didn�t reach the bottom anymore. Her rapidly shrinking arms now flailed against the porcelain walls imprisoning her. Her husband would be home soon, but would anything be left of her to rescue?

She heard his key in the lock and splashed some to make noise. The water flew over her and hastened her downsizing. Her was in the front room, too far to hear her pleas. He was looking for her and she prayed he would get to the bathroom while she was big enough to be seen. That changed when she found the bubbles now obscured her reduced frame. He swung open the bathroom door as she passed below the microscopic level.

�Honey, are you in here?� He paused at the sight of the tub. He considered hopping in, but noticed her absence. She had to in the bedroom waiting for him, she played that game once before where all she was wearing was a bath towel. �I�ll be in there in just a sec.� No sense leaving a tub filled for no reason, they could refill it later for a better bath. He reached in a pulled the plug, watching every drop of water swirl away. He dashed for his waiting wife and astonishment gripped him at the sight of any empty bed. �Honey, where the hell are you? You don�t suppose? Nah��

Kelly hopped up and down, desperate to get his attention. Shane was coming back to check up on his �date.� He had kept her locked away in his basement like this while his parents were away. While he was out sneaking her dress away from her house, she had grown back to three feet tall and it seemed likely she would be back to normal before the dance. If only she hadn�t stopped for a drink of juice. The cool liquid was driving down her throat and she�d swallowed over eight ounces before she stopped to wonder how it had been made. The water had seized control and turned her into a minute speck scampering across the concrete.

Her inch high body would be no match for a size 11 and she dove for cover. His strides echoed and hurt her ears. She screamed for him and offered silent prayers when he finally looked down.

�Aww, somebody got smaller?�
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