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  Shara-Anne drove off towards Jessica�s university, a few minutes from Shara�s hotel. �You didn�t have to Angel, I know all about you through an old friend o� mine. She called me and told me all about the shrinking machines and the games all y�all used to play. I came up here to see her 'cause she sounded so strange on the phone that I had to what the fussin� was all about. She tol� me that if�n I ever see a little ole redhead named Jessica that looks just like you do, to play rough and punish her good for all the mean and rotten things she did to my friend. Then I was to go there and rescue her or somethin� like that. Well, here we are.�
   They got out of the car and Jessica was pushed farther into the cleavage, earning herself a mouthful of breast as she took in a breath. Shara-Anne postured herself so that she was pushing her tits together and keeping Jessica too compressed between the mounds to make a noise. The giantess�s movements were designed so Jessica would be constantly rubbing those breasts and stimulating her captor to no one. Through a fortunate gap in the top�s buttons, Jessica could peer out and see Ron�s dormitory. Her heart leapt for joy at the thought of seeing him again and sank back down when she understood Shara-Anne could not be there for anything good. She watched as the gargantuan girl strode with a purpose and determination. Guys were clearing a path for the blonde with the impressive rack and Jessica was left to sigh inwardly at how foolish they all seemed. She then realized they were outside of Ron�s room and his door was swinging open. Ron and Kendra were talking, too excited to see the blonde shove them both back inside. She tried to give her love a message with such little success as to seem pathetic. Somehow, the southern girl with the IQ of a radish had thought to bring a mace and both were rendered unconscious.

   �Dren,� Ronald swore as his eyes snapped open. His body underwent a series of twists and turns all carefully planned to push him into a sitting position. Once up, his head went bird-like, cocking from side-to-side as equilibrium returned. A couple of shakes of his head as dogs do convinced him he was still alive and could see straight. His gaze swallowed the room in an instant and managed to spot every detail of each thing wrong with his room. One shrinking machine was obviously missing, he�d have to check his hiding place for the other, and items were rummaged through. He whirled to see the time; he had lost nearly two hours. His memories flooded back and cursed himself for being too focused on one task so as to miss that strange girl coming at them. The mace connecting with his skull was even more embarrassing. He had to go one place and hurried for Kendra�s building on the off chance that she might be either alive, or anything close to human size. He took his own existence among the normal sized as a favorable omen. That changed when he got within visual range of Kendra�s room.
   He was first struck by a wall of heat and noise. His own senses tricked him, told him he couldn�t hear it, but the roar surged in to pummel his eardrums. Ron ended up flat on his back, rolling into the fall enough to stop himself and roll the other way enough to stand again. Bits of broken glass, brick, and other debris rained upon the quad and fire alarms shrieked their useless warnings. A distant fire engine droned up the street, the Doppler effect amplifying the sound as it neared, making many mistakenly believe their hearing had been completely restored. Ron didn�t care about that, his concern being the source of the blast. He looked at the building�s exterior wall to find the focal point. As he suspected, it was Kendra�s room. From his vantage point, he could see all the way into the room and could see through the building as well as rooms to either side, proof that nothing remained of the girl�s room. With no options left and a trail instantaneously gone all too cold, he dropped down and wept. No one noticed or cared, others joined him for their own reasons and he blended into the crowd of living despair.

   Ron hadn�t moved much from his bed in the last two days. He got up only to use the bathroom and maybe take in the occasional nibble of food with a sip of water.  His clothes were same as on that awful day. He was nearly out of his mind, voices assaulting his memory and reality. A tickle near his foot made him sit up and see a small figure down there. He smiled and waved at Kendra, convinced his mind had snapped beyond repair. The teeny girl climbed up to his face and curled up next to him. Jessica joined her, but that girl scrambled under his pants. Ron grinned to feel her against his penis. Her little breasts were being rubbed vigorously against his manhood, a move he requested often. He reached down to grasp her and brought to his mouth. His tongue caressed her nether regions, stimulating his reduced girlfriend to ecstasy she had never imagined. He whispered to her, asked her how she survived, and she vanished.
   His body trembled with a threat to mind�s tenuous stability and that motion made him aware of a small presence next to his body. He moved to see Kendra gazing up at him, a plaintive look shrouding her countenance. He knew she was real, enough of who was remained to be sure of that. He leaned in close to talk to her and whole three inch form.
   �Kendra, what the hell are you doing here?�
   �What do you think? Get out the other shrinking machine and restore me, please,� she shouted. Ron complied and found the correct percentage. She stepped away once back to normal and made no effort to conceal her nudity. �Thanks, you have no idea how badly I needed to be back to my old size. That girl took Amy, restored her, they shrank me, and I was given to the guys at Phi Sigma Kappa.� She wasn�t going to give him a chance to do anything until her story was told. �They quickly got sick of trying to rape me at my size and rubbing their penises on my little body didn�t give them enough of a thrill, so they gave me to a sorority girl visiting from out of town. That girl was so wasted that she tried to make me a tampon and then flushed me down the toilet out of spite when I failed. I don�t know how I survived that experience, but I fought my way out of the college�s sewage system and came here. Some kids were having a water fight in your dorm and damn near trampled me several dozen times. I think they somehow set it up that I should live to see you because they told me where they have Jessica and other shrink ray as well as when you should find them.�
   �A trap, beautiful. Well, then, we�ll just need to have a way out.�
   �It�s an abandoned warehouse with few ways in, I�ve seen it before. We won�t be able to think up a way out.�
   Ron now had energy stemming from a purpose, an insatiable thirst for revenge. �My motto in life is that there�s always a way out.�

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