The next several hours passed quickly. The girls took time at their new size to explore the much larger world they found themselves in. A leftover pizza ordered at some point during the night looked like an impossibly gigantic buffet. They each made a meal out of two pieces of pepperoni they claimed and then scrambled over their clothing. Each girl took turns holding pens and pencils while others took pictures. They started to enjoy being miniature and had a better time the closer it got to noon. Sometime, about ten minutes to twelve, they were all relaxing near the door when they heard a deep rumble.
   �It, like, sounds like keys in the lock,� Beth observed.
   �I made a copy of the keys for my sister, she must be early.� She screamed when the gargantuan eighteen year old swung the door in and walked forward. One foot came crashing down and the other followed. Her next step would end the lives of four coeds and she would probably never know it.
   �Make me big now so I can stop her,� Karen shouted.
   �No, time, I don�t know what to-� She had an idea.
Part 2: The Sister
   Stephanie had come in to see her sister and was excited to show her the new haircut she got, her blonde hair into a mushroom style. Her slender figure was accentuated in a tight crop top and Daisy Duke shorts. She pulled the keys from her pocket, smiling as some college men gave her more than a passing look as they went to the shower. She knew her sister�s reputation and knew the guys had met her before, they figured she was just like her big sister. She unlocked the door and stepped in, the bottom edge of her vision catching four piles of women�s clothing clumped up on the floor. She thought maybe her sister had a visitor, but the room was empty, so Stephanie decided to make herself at home. She stepped in and kept going. She was just making her third step and heard a faint squealing moments before everything went bright and she dropped.  She came to seconds later and saw she was naked. Her vision was blocked by a thick fiber and she turned. Her eyes saw some giant numbers written on the side of a sign. 34B looked her in the eyes and she realized she was seeing her own bra. She shrieked and climbed out of the pile to see her sister also naked and her three equally unclothed friends.
   �What the fuck kind of decision was that?� Karen screamed. �You were supposed to getting us bigger, not shrinking more people, least of all your little sister.�
   �I didn�t have time to make you big enough to save us,� Blake shot back. �The only choice was to make her tiny, or did you want to get squished by someone normally just shorter than you?�
   �Wait, bring me up to speed, someone please,� Stephanie said plaintively.
   �Your sister shrank all of us to prove she could handle magic above her ability,� Sarah started. �We, unfortunately, can only get big in shifts because of the diminishment of power when we shrank. You nearly crushed us when she was getting ready to restore Karen�s size, so now it�s going to take another six hours before we�ll all be back to human size.�
   �So, I�m teeny tiny?� she gasped, a tone of glee entering her voice, almost sexual in nature. �I�d...I�d heard it was possible. I bumped into a guy the last time I was here who wanted to initiate me to shrinking, he even offered to bring his girlfriend Michelle along.�
   �Believe me Steph, you did not want to go along with that evil bastard,� Karen assured her as Blake went into unconscious spasms. She saw Stephanie looking at her big sister curiously. �Bad memories.� She gave her a brief explanation, quietly enough that Blake couldn�t overhear.
   �Then, shouldn�t we close the door so no one else can do that?� Stephanie suggested.
   �Oh no,� Sarah cried in shock, pointing to the open door.
   A guy had spotted the naked coeds and wandered in, his intentions clear on either his face, or the bulge in his pants. The girls used their magic in combination to create a force to slam the door. His foot caught it seconds before success and he made it in the door, closing it behind himself so he wouldn�t have to share in his �little� find.
   �Hiya, ladies, the name�s Jason.� He grinned down at them and undid his pants. They fell to the floor and his underwear joined them as well. �Come on, I just wanna have fun.�
   He chased them around, except for Blake who had hidden out of view before he could be seen. He first grabbed Karen and got her to his penis until she bit him hard. He dropped her and tried to stomp her flat until he saw Beth�s breasts bobbling from her frantic motions. He scooped her up and worked his pinkie around to knead her tits. She screamed in protest, too terrified to try the gutsy things Karen would do in her place. Her screams faded into a moan when his tongue tip found her crotch. Her legs shot apart and her miniscule hands tried to help him. He tired of playing with a girl who wouldn�t fight back and went after Stephanie. She couldn�t fight him off when his fingers pinned her arms to her sides and she was shoved in his mouth like a flashy pacifier. Jason sucked her slowly and tasted every bit of her lower half. Then he shoved her all the way in and she became a hard candy to him. Stephanie felt her body get pushed against the roof of his mouth and shrieked when he swallowed his saliva and she teetered on the edge of his gullet. She couldn�t see it, but she could sense the drop and fought the monstrous tongue threatening her life. He spit her out when a shock hit his body and she was rocketed, blessedly, into her big sister�s pillow. She shook it off and looked back to see his body collapse in upon itself slowly. He screamed when he realized what was going on, scooped up his clothes, and hightailed it back to his room.
   �Thanks, whoever did that,� Stephanie gasped.
   �It was, like, all three of us,� Beth confessed, pointing out Sarah and Karen as well. �Sarah and Karen took the diversion I provided to find the spells your sister got ahold of and when you were taken, I helped as well.�
   �So, when you three are big, you�ll find him eventually and restore him?� Stephanie asked.
   �No,� Karen answered. �Sadly, these other two girls wussed out and had me use a temporary spell. He should be reaching six inches tall right about now and will grow back by early Monday evening.� She giggled softly and evilly. �I know him and hope some girl finds him and does to him what he did to us. Maybe it�ll be his girlfriend so he won�t be a little dick anymore about treating women. I should pass that spell along to her sometime since she�s been hearing word about his indiscretions, it�d serve that bastard right.�
   �Never let me get on your bad side,� Stephanie gasped, obviously impressed. �I�ve heard stories of what you�re like, but I never thought they were only a quarter as bad as real life. By the way, you can come out from not saving me, big sister.�
   �I�m sorry, Steph,� she whimpered, �but I went through something bad already. Besides, I need all of my powers to continue building uninterrupted if I�m gonna get us back to normal. �
   �What about combining them with hers?� Sarah asked. �That was your plan, wasn�t it?�
   �Even so, we have to wait until I�ve built up enough of a charge to try it. I�d prefer to be at full so we can restore two people right away. After that, we may only need three hours for each restoration.�
   �What, me help you?� Stephanie asked. Karen gave her a quick rundown of the plan, reminding her that normally only Blake could reverse it, but Stephanie could help because of she�s a close enough blood relative. �I�ll help, I�ve tried some magic when Blake�s been at home for break. I can�t make any guarantees, I just hope that I don�t screw up and make you into giants.�
   �I could live that,� Karen cackled. �I got a couple exes I wouldn�t mind going Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman on.�
   �More like Attack of the Fifty Foot Horny Woman, you�d be too busy trying to get laid,� Sarah teased. �You probably think about sex more than Blake does.�
   �Fuck you, I�m just not some little prude with a stick up my ass.�
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