�Prove it, let�s get it on right here,� Sarah suggested. �If you�re worried about people thinking you�re a dike, no one will ever see it but us.�
   �Now who�s thinkin� about sex?� Karen laughed. �Hell, I hope the shrinking didn�t fuck up our sex drives or something, makin� us into horny little sluts.�
   �If that were the case, I definitely wouldn�t be able to control myself,� Blake giggled. �I think the shrinking spell screwed up my libido spell and is making it work right now. Damn, I need a cock in me.�
   �You couldn�t fit one in yourself at a foot tall, like, what chance do you have now?� Beth asked. �Like, you had your chance with Michelle�s boyfriend.�
   �If we could get to the phone I could invite my last ex over,� Stephanie coyly stated. �Although, he might not be able to completely fill you at his best.�
   �Hey, I don�t need to know that about the guys my sister dates,� Blake sputtered. �Where did you learn to talk like that?�
   �From hangin� with you here... and girl talk at school,� she confessed.
   �That�s nice, but it still doesn�t help me out right now. Damn, I hope when our brains shrank it was like the rest of our bodies and we didn�t lose any brain cells.�
   �Like any of us have any remaining after the drinking we did last night,� Sarah pointed out. �I think I�ll be able to help you out.�
   She scurried over to her and pushed her into the pile of Karen�s clothes. Blake slid into the left cup of Karen�s bra and Sarah jumped after her. She pinned Blake down and forced her mouth onto Blake�s. In no time, a soft moan of pleasure came from inside Blake�s throat with Sarah making a similar noise. Sarah�s hands explored Blake�s body, paying extra attention to the firm, but yielding, mammaries Sarah had longed to touch since she�d first glimpsed them in the communal shower freshman year. Blake�s hands met with Sarah�s body and started a similar routine. They broke their kiss and gasped from both a lack of air and passion. Sarah broke away from the close contact and signaled Blake not to protest. Her body came back and her head made a dive to Blake�s lower regions. The pint-sized coed gasped when Sarah delicately kissed her nipples, her cleavage, and worked her way down. The little lips brushed her belly and then her waist. Blake couldn�t believe what she was feeling, every time she�d let a woman do those things during the libido spell, the girl was never that gentle. This time, Sarah showed extra care and her lips worked along the inner thighs and the entire external portion of the vagina. When her tongue penetrated Blake, the poor girl squealed in delight from a total sensory overload.
   �Just perfect, you two hafta use my stuff for mattress wrestling?� Karen shouted. �Any stains from your excitement and you�re buying me a new bra. That�s from Victoria�s Secret and is my fave. Come to think of it, I want a new one regardless. Just thinkin� about you two in there having that fun is just too goddamned eerie.�
   �We like this bra, it�s nice and soft, just right for lovemaking,� Blake gasped between shrieks. �We�d use your panties, but we�re stuck in the cup and I never saw any when you shrank out of your clothes.�
   Karen blushed slightly. �So what? I gave them to a guy at the party who wanted to know if I went bald, or left a landing strip. I showed him and gave him the panties as a souvenir to go with the photo he took. He and I are going out Sunday night and I just want him here to go down on me. Aw, shit! I think that spell is definitely turning us into sorority sluts. I wonder how Jason�s gonna deal with it? His poor hands may never work again if he�s alone. Come on, Beth, feel like doin� the nasty to help a friend? You�ll start feeling it too, might as well get a head start on the sensation.�
   The original four joined together in Karen�s left bra cup for an orgy. The moaning and shrieks of delight, at normal size, would have attracted limitless attention. At their reduced size, however, the noise didn�t even attract the attention of the people next door. Stephanie stayed out of the way, concerned about what could happen if one person didn�t maintain a calm head. She liked the idea, but not the way they were going about it. Stephanie preferred to be the one in control, she even led dancing, a trait she expanded upon from her sister�s attitude. All she needed was the right opportunity. She was busy fantasizing when she heard faint squeaks of surprise.
   �Steph, Steph,� Blake called out. �Help us out of Karen�s bra, it�s almost six. We have to start growing people back.�
   Stephanie grinned manically. �Coming, sister.� She found a stray shoelace and fought to lower it into the pile. The girls all scrambled out, faces flushed crimson, a layer of sweat making their skin glisten, and shit-eating grins plastered across their faces. �Have you decided who�s getting big first?�
   �I�ll be busy concentrating on focusing the spell, so you�ll have to control who to do the spell on. The reversal is done without a standard incantation; you recite it inside your head and since we�ll be touching, I�ll telepathically know what you say. You get to choose and I�ll reinforce the decision. I recommend either Beth or Karen. Karen because she was promised first and Beth never wanted to be shrunk.�
   �Alright, I understand. Let�s do this.�
   The other girls dragged the spells over to them and Stephanie read it over several times to be sure. She nodded her preparedness and she grasped Blake�s hand. Blake closed her eyes and sparkles began to whirl around their small forms. Stephanie�s lips moved faintly as she ran through the spell in her head. The other girls became concerned when it came time for the name and Blake frowned while Stephanie smiled. The sparkles faded for a mere moment and Blake seemed to be trying to get her hand free. Instead, Stephanie tightened her grip and pulled her sister closer. Her face was suddenly drenched in sweat from grueling concentration. The sparkles returned in full force, glowing brighter than before. Blake opened her mouth and everyone somehow knew sound should have come out, but she was silenced by raw power being pumped from her. The sparkles surrounded all of the girls before coalescing above Steph. They pulsed and fell into her, the other girls running when they became suspicious. Sure enough, the eighteen year old expanded in all directions, ballooning outward and gaining normal size in seconds. Her sister stayed clasped to her, now gripped entirely in the giantess�s hand. Stephanie realized her grip was almost enough to crush to sister at this new size, so she dropped her into what turned out to be Stephanie�s pile of clothing.
Part 3: Sister In Control
   Stephanie grinned down at the dolls. She leered at them and spit on their tiny bodies. They screamed and tried to run away. They all looked up at her and pleaded.
   �Why? Is that what you to know? Blake wanted to make Karen big first, but I changed her mind. I wasn�t supposed to be tiny; I had nothing to do with your game and therefore had no right being a worthless and puny insect. Now you would have been better off getting stepped on with all that I�ve got planned. I liked your antics, but I prefer to be the one in control. There�s no way I could do that easily unless there was no way to stop me from doing what I want.�
   �How did you beat your sister�s magic?� Sarah inquired.
   �I�m far more powerful than even all of your professors combined. My magic can overpower anyone�s in moments. When I struggled, it was because my tapping into that alerted the faculty and they tried to take advantage of my reduced size and powers. I had to use a spell to block their power and all of yours. I am now the only one left on campus, the world even, with magic powers that can be wielded and will remain that way until I drop the interference. Even your little Romeo will be stuck for a while as your spell is held in check. My power won�t drop when I cast spells, almost like a supreme being. Now worship me, slaves.�
   Stephanie leaned down and grabbed up her clothes. She slowly put them back on, giving the still horny girls a view of her magnificent body. She also kept an eye out for her sister, knowing she was still in the clothing somewhere. She found the woman nestled in her bra. Steph chuckled and nudged her sister awake right before she slid her bra back on and pinned her to her right nipple.

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