�A �Little� Fun�
By: Shrinking Maniac
Some M/f, m/F, m/f, FBI, CIA, ATM, ATF, NCC� Where was I?

  Ron had had his eye on Jessica for some time; he�d first spotted her in a PE class. The attractive redhead always wore a low-cut top and he never hesitated to take a peek at her ample breasts and conspicuous cleavage. He knew she had to be at least a D-cup. He�d have asked, but sexual harassment laws being what they were�. Instead he admired her from afar, until the next semester.
  He was taking a drama class and she was in it as well. When the professor paired up students to work together in scenes, he thanked God when she was named as his partner.
  �Now everybody meet with your partner and arrange times when you can work together,� the professor said.
  �Come on over to my hall tomorrow at noon so we can start choosing scenes,� Jessica said. �I�m an RA, so we�ll have to meet in my room in case a resident needs me.� She wrote her room number and building on a slip of paper and handed it to him.

  The next day, Saturday, Ron knocked on her door and waited for an answer. He heard a faint hum and then Jessica opened the door, straightening her shirt. Must have just gotten dressed. That hum was probably her hair dryer or something.
  �Come in,� Jessica said, waving her arm towards the doorway. Ron couldn�t help but notice the sweeping motion of her arm jiggled her breasts slightly.
  �Just get out of the shower?� he asked.
  She paused for a moment. �No, just running a slide projector to get ready for a speech in a class on Monday.�
  Ron looked at what he figured would have to be the slide projector. It looked almost like a newer one except for the controls on the back. �Thing looks pretty computerized.�
  �You have no idea what kinds of controls that thing has. Now, sit down, we need to get started on our acting project.�
  They worked for about an hour, tossing ideas back and forth. Between the moments of work, they started getting to know each other a little better. It wasn�t long before they were laughing and sharing stories like old friends. Suddenly Jessica leaned in close and Ron knew what she had in mind. They kissed passionately and his right hand cupped her left breast.
  �Wow, what was that?� Jessica asked, smiling. �I shouldn�t do this is, I have a boyfriend and�aw to hell with it.� They kissed again and then she stepped back grinning. �I�ve got a really wild idea. Want to have a little fun?�
  �This isn�t already, or do you mean more fun?�
  �More fun yes, but different. Trust me, you�ll love this.�

  Jessica stood up, they�d been sitting on her bed, and walked over to the projector. She walked slowly and moved her body seductively. She started punching in commands and pointed it at Ron.
  �What are you doin�?�
  �Just wait, you�ll understand very soon.�
  She switched it on and a white light bathed his whole body. Ron felt dizzy for a second. He shook his head a couple of times to clear it, but it continued. He tried looking around, but his eyes couldn�t break away from the source of the white light. It didn�t hurt his eyes, but he felt that he shouldn�t right away. All of his other senses disappeared for a while. When the light finally switched off he was plunged into darkness and was aware that he was now naked.
  Jessica sauntered over to her bed and smiled. A pile of clothes was now sitting where Ron had been. His sneakers were lying haphazardly on the floor, knocked over by feet leaving them too quickly.
The pile moved ever so slightly and she giggled. She always loved when it was someone�s first time, the frantic scrambling to free oneself from the pile of fabric and not realizing what all the fabric was. Part of her wanted to see if he could make it out on his own, but she decided she couldn�t wait any longer. She rushed over and kicked his sneakers under her bed. The socks soon followed. She lifted his shirt carefully, he�d stopped struggling and she wasn�t sure where he was. After being certain that he wasn�t in his shirt that went under the bed as well. She picked up his pants and his underwear fell out. The pants quickly joined the other clothes when she saw the lump in the only remaining place he could be. She carefully lifted the other end and let gravity do the work.

  He didn�t where he was and was getting more confused by the moment. He heard stuff moving, but it sounded very loud and nearby. Suddenly he was up in the air and whatever he was inside was moving. He felt himself fall an unknown but horrific distance to land on something soft. Light streamed in and saw his white prison. Ron rolled over and read: Fruit Of The Loom. His mind was spinning; it wasn�t possible, was it? Then he was moving again, gently. He slid from the underwear, his underwear. He looked down at a pink surface and saw a stitching pattern that he recognized from Jessica�s blanket. He stood up and turned around.
  The first thing Ron saw were two blue columns like tree trunks, but they appeared to be denim. His eyes moved upward and they saw the columns come together and a large circle that resembled a snap. He kept scanning with his eyes and saw a wall of purple. Up and up the wall went until it curved outward tremendously. He knew what he was seeing, but his brain refused to acknowledge it. Against his better judgment he kept looking up. The curved surface then went back away and became a flesh-toned neck structure. Then went into a chin, chin into an enormous pair of lips grinning. The surface went higher becoming a nose and on both sides a pair a huge, but lovely, eyes. Then above that was the red hair Ron remembered so well. Jessica was just smiling like everything was perfectly normal.
  �Having fun yet, Ron?� she asked, her voice obviously lowered, but bordering on booming.
  �What the hell did you do to me?�
  �Isn�t it obvious?�
  �Well, yeah, but it�s not possible. People do not shrink.�
  �Then explain why you�re now four inches tall.� She turned her back to him and gave him a view of her perfectly shaped ass. �If you didn�t really shrink, then I can sit down on you and you won�t be crushed.�
  Her ass started slowly descending upon him and Ron panicked. Could he afford to be wrong about what he was seeing? If he was dreaming, he�d just wake up. If not.... he didn�t even want to think about it. He let out a yelp as he realized her beautiful ass was likely to cause his demise. Ron sprinted towards the center of the bed and her body accelerated. He was at a safe distance, but her landing moved the mattress enough to toss him in the air.
  She turned to look at him. �Don�t worry, I wouldn�t have crushed you. I just figured that was the best way for you to accept this so we can start enjoying ourselves.�
  �So this isn�t new to you?�
  �No, I was just enlarging myself when you got here, that was the noise you heard. I was down to three inches high.�
  Ron looked back towards the machine. �How did you run the thing at your size?�
  �I had a timer set up. All I had to do was be exactly where I was standing when I shrank.�
He was still trying to absorb it all, but he was making progress. He walked up to her and she held out her right hand. He climbed on and marveled at how soft her skin was. She slowly lifted him to her face.
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