Kylee Mission 2
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Kylee lifted up the cage and shook it around. The tiny occupant was thrown against the walls and shrieked in terror. She tried to steady herself and fell over again. Her little breasts bounced wildly and she pleaded with her torturer.

�I�d stop, but you know the deal, Tirzah. Someone plays maracas with you every morning, and you don�t get squished or fed to wild animals for trying to kill the president. And you know what comes next.�

�Yes. Please, mistress, allow me the pleasure of your succulent breasts.�

�Okay, if you insist.�

She carried the cage to the monitoring room and made sure to face the camera for the benefit of the men watching. Her top came off and was soon followed by her bra. Kylee removed the squirming criminal and dropped her between her breasts. Her arms immediately wrapped around to hug herself and slam her tit flesh into her helpless captive. One arm held her mammary glands in place and the other was used to grasp Tirzah and manipulate her. The frantic girl was slid up and down like a penis, it was the most common request she�d received that morning.

Once that lost its enjoyment, she moved on to the other request. She needed to lie down on the bed for this and Tirzah shrieked in realization of the treatment she was to receive. The hand holding her allowed her a full view of Kylee�s body before she was deposited in the larger girl�s bra with the full lack of dignity someone like her deserved. When she was removed, the gargantuan blonde was bare for everyone to see. Tirzah was grabbed roughly and driven with ludicrous force and dropped in between Kylee�s legs.

She knew what was expected and the punishment if she didn�t comply was worse. She ran up and dove for the opening, taking a deep breath as she leapt. She penetrated the giantess and set to work pleasing her, working her enormous body in the few ways she could. She worked for her very life, knowing Kylee could crush her with her vaginal muscles and no one would either doubt it was an accident, or care otherwise. When she was finished, she slid out on Kylee�s orgasm and received some help from the titaness�s right hand.

Kylee finished her daily routine and went to receive her next assignment.

�Let me start by saying I enjoyed how you handled the Genevieve situation. Unfortunately, the security boys are howling that they won�t get any footage of you two together. That must have been grisly for her, not to mention terrifying for you.�

�We all run the simulations several times and I�ve had to battle it out that small in a fast food restaurant before. I�d be lying if I said getting stuck in that crumpled up napkin was an e-ticket, though. Stupid teen, even if she technically didn�t know I was there.�

�I�m glad you at least got the chance to see Genevieve�s fate beforehand.� He winced as the memories of his own service as an agent resurfaced. �The worst I ever had was nearly hitting the grill. Of course, the poor punk I was after ended up on the wrong side of the patty.�

�Not that I don�t appreciate a trip down memory lane with such an honored former agent, but I�d like to get to work on my next assignment.�

The manila folder skimmed the surface of the desk into her waiting grasp. �We�ve got a new female on our radar. Her name�s Shannon. She appeared about a month ago and we took her for a bogie the first few incidents.�

�How many of these type have more than one alias, let alone are smart enough to use one at all?�

�Five since I�ve been here. Her MO was almost mirroring another and it was only the dates and locations that finally separated her. She�s not a copycat either, she�s moved into her own territory.�

�Whom does she go for?�

�Blondes and she likes them less than an inch for the finale. The rest of the time they can be six to eight inches.�


�One woman, we don�t know how yet. All she told us was that she was called Shannon�s seven incher.�

�She sounds charming.�

�Real Queen of England type, you�ll love her. We�ve tracked her to Houston. You can find her in a place near the old Plaza Hotel.�

�A Plaza Hotel in Houston?�

�You�ll know it when you see it, it looks nothing like the more famous one. The plane�s standing by, you�ll land at Bush and a car will be waiting. Read up on her good this time, I doubt she�ll be any easier than Genevieve was.�

�I�ll go get my booster on my way out.�

�Good thinking, and good luck.�

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