Jennifer struggled and managed to reach the zipper and finish getting her costume on. She couldn�t believe how tightly the Catwoman costume fit to her, hugging her body like a python hugs its dinner. Simple motions were heavily restricted and she mentally cursed herself for ignoring the advice of the shop owner. Her DD figure wasn�t meant to fit into a costume made for a C woman. No matter, it would really wow those high-school guys who stopped by her door for candy. She knew those boys just wanted to get a glimpse of �the hottest chick on the block.� In a way, she was flattered, she was 39 and some men her age were looking for the eighteen year olds.

She headed downstairs to get the bowl of candy ready. Every step was an effort worthy of Hercules and she blessed herself for staying so athletic. A girl with less muscle would�ve been immobilized entirely in their black leather prison. She would�ve spent more time admiring her look in the mirror, but the doorbell was ringing with the first round of rugrats. The parents wouldn�t let the kids stay long, they themselves had too much of a problem with Jennifer�s good looks.

�What do we have here?� Jennifer asked in her sweetest voice. She jumped when she realized that the high school boys were there. �Aren�t you boys a bit too old to be out trick-or-treating?� She struck a seductive pose to debase them.

It worked for all but the second year senior. �Hell no, ma�am. Gotta feed that inner child.�

�Well then, is it trick, or treat?�

�Both, ma�am,� he replied.

�What, get your candy and then soap my windows?�

�No, we were thinking of kidnapping you,� he said with all the care of someone reading his or her grocery list.

�Cute, boys, but that could be difficult,� she shot back, assuming an authoritative position before the four horny bastards could even think of doing anything.

�Not really,� one boy stated from the back. He stepped forward and she could see he was dressed as a magician.

�Cute, you going to make me disappear?�

�Sorta.� He pushed a hidden switch and the wand hit her full in the torso.

�What the fuck did you little pricks do?� she spit as she felt her insides compressing. For an instant she felt like she�d finally broken in her suit, it got looser on her form. That faded when the room expanded around her as well. �Help me! What have you done?�

�This is how you�re coming with us.� The oldest said.

She stopped shrinking at what she figured was about six inches. �You assholes, put me back, fix this.� Her demands ceased when even she could tell how squeaky her voice had become. The boys laughed at her futile protestations. She looked around them and cursed the fact that she�d chosen to buy a home where the front door was invisible to the road. She had to hope a family would come walking up and spot this dreadful violation of her very being.

Jennifer thought about running for the road to get help. She could dash past their feet and duck under some bushes. Then she could sneak along her property�s shrubbery to the street and wait for a passerby. All she had to worry about was them stepping on her, which was unlikely given the way they were leering at her tiny and helpless form. Her other worry was them shrinking her further so she would have a harder time escaping. The bushes were almost three yards away from her current perspective and if they halved her height that would jump to six yards and they would an even greater size advantage in catching her. She got up to run and realized she had more trouble moving in her costume than when she�d first put it on. The little, gigantic now, bastards had shrunk her costume more than the rest of her. She could feel the tingle of circulation being cut off and had to get out of her clothes if she could even reach the zipper now. Her only concern was that she didn�t want to give those perverts a peep show and running to a hiding spot to do that was out of the question.

�Having trouble moving?� the ringleader asked. �That�s the way it works, the shrinking ray makes its own restraints for our victims. I could help you with that if you�re having breathing problems.�

�Fuck you,� she spat in defiance and then regretted her choice immediately.

�Later, babe,� he promised. �Eric, you got that wand finished?�

�Almost, the duplicates are ready to form.� He saw Jennifer�s confused look and felt the need to explain. �You lost a lot of mass, but science says matter cannot be created or destroyed. Your lost mass goes into making clones of you; identical in every way with the only difference being they lack the memories of what you�ve been through since shrinking. They�re ready now.�

He pointed the wand down and three more Jennifers appeared in a swirl of light. They looked around and shrieked upon realizing their new size and seeing copies of themselves. Each boy took his own tiny girl and the head guy grabbed the original Jennifer. Then three more Jennifers appeared.

The ringleader looked at these new arrivals. They were all naked and looked blank. �I don�t think they have any memories at all. Hey, minis, what are your names and how�d you get so small?�

�I don�t know my name,� they simultaneously replied. �We have always been this small so we can service males better.�

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