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�I�d want to take those girls instead, but where�s the fun in a girl that thinks she�s supposed to be small and won�t fight back?�

�So, what do we do with them?� Eric asked.

�Put us all back into the machine and restore us,� Jennifer Prime demanded.

�That can�t be done,� Eric informed her. �This is a permanent change, that�s the way it was planned from the beginning. The science/magic behind it only works on Halloween and we want to play with you ladies for longer than a few hours.�

�Well I don�t like the idea of there being duplicates of me out there you can use in any way.�

�The willing ones we do something else with,� the head boy stated. He found a hollowed pumpkin Jennifer hadn�t gotten around to carving. He dumped one girl in there, threw her some candy and put the top on loose enough so air could get in. �I�ll be back for her another time.� He walked inside, found her purse, and took her house keys. The other two we give to a couple other high school guys.�

�What about that dyke cheerleader?� one of the boys called out. �She once said she�d like to do little Jennifer here.�

�No!� Prime screamed. She knew the eighteen-year-old girl and had heard whispers of the cheerleader�s sex toys and the things she did with Barbie dolls. Being the Barbie did not appeal to her, even if it technically wasn�t her and was willing.

�Okay, she gets one, and the other we just dump in some random kid�s candy bag. There�s no danger because she won�t know her name and no one can trace her back to us.�

The decision was made and the two remaining nude clones were gathered up. One went into a bag to be given to the girl. The other was to be carried around and dumped later. Her other three duplicates went into the boys� pants screaming and she felt their horror. In the back of her mind, she was glad the boys were all of age so she wouldn�t be forced to do anything that was technically illegal. Her new owner took her and the lights were turned off at her place to keep others away.  Her owner was at least kind enough to strip her so she could breath easier and move around more. Though she dreaded to think about the motions she would have to make. They walked down the street a ways, probably a few blocks, before he talked to her again.

�Guess what Jennifer?� he asked her.

�What?� she asked dejectedly and on the verge of tears.

�I never liked a bitch like you. You love teasing us guys, that�s why I set this up. I wanted to show you what it�s like to be powerless for once. I�ve done that, so I�m through with you.�

�And the other me in the pumpkin?�

�Maybe I�ll play with her, but first I�ll tell her everything about the life she lost. Then she�ll have greater look of shock on her face than anything you could do. After that, I�ll finish her off.�

�And me? Am I to be crushed under your shoe?�

�Nah, you get to experience flight.� He chucked her hard towards a house and kept going without looking back.

Jennifer flew at the house, screaming the whole way. She closed her eyes and braced for the end when she�d smack into a window and be squished against it. A sudden stop terrified her and she wondered briefly if that was what death felt like. She then opened her eyes and noticed the sensation against her body. She had become trapped in that fake cobweb stuff the owners of the house had put on their porch. This must have been the semi-adhesive kind. Inwardly, she cheered her good luck, but how would she get down and get help? And who would find her? Could that person be trusted not to use her like the boys?

Her worries shifted when she felt the web stir and looked up to the sight of the largest spider she had ever seen. In a moment even her own brain knew to be wrong, she hoped it was a plastic spider, but it kept moving to shatter that delusion. The spider must�ve built a web close enough to the fake web that it felt her arrival and was looking for its dinner. This was not the way she�d imagined she�d go, six inches tall and spider food. �I fucking hate being tiny!� She struggled desperately and then her memories became jumbled.

She awoke much later and in terrible pain. Her mind struggled to recall why she was still alive. The haze lifted and she remembered that her struggles had proven to be too much weight on her portion of the web. She�d fallen to the porch below, some dried cornstalks intercepting her drop. The spider had fallen as well and it had survived as well. To stay alive she�d hidden inside a jack-o-lantern near the candle. That had cost her dearly as the heat had singed her flesh. The homeowner had come outside and accidentally stepped on the spider and she�d rushed to get the giant woman�s attention. She had succeeded, but in doing so, the woman had kicked her slightly and she�d flown into the door of this house. She had blacked out while she was being carried inside. Now she was awake again and she examined her surroundings. Everything seemed okay until she heard the growl and saw the black cat pounce.

�You have got to be kidding me!� she shrieked as she was knocked down.

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