Part 3-
April 15, 2006 8:30 PM:

The fast food establishment was nearly empty for a Saturday. They maneuvered into a corner booth away from the eyes of the barely educated teens running the place. Their plan was to scout out any others to work their abilities on. Paul saw a girl seated alone, mindlessly shoving a fry through a ketchup puddle. They all knew her, a sorority slut who�d been an aggravation to them. She was yet another of the masses who couldn�t acknowledge their brilliance.

�Hi,� Eric called over.

�Losers,� she muttered. �I�ve told you dweebs, eat me.�

�Acceptable,� Paul responded.

A quick look told them to start focusing. Each one took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Their minds worked together, concentrating simultaneously on the prearranged size. The blonde bitch squeaked in terror when she found herself sitting between two of the ridges in her seat�s pattern. Paul scooped up the two-inch doll and dropped her inside his burger. She shrieked and fought the viscosity of the condiments before the bun closed over her. Paul sunk his teeth in and chewed her up without a second thought.

�Holy shit, man,� Eric gasped. �I thought we were only going to screw with her and maybe drop her in Erica�s or Libby�s pants.�

�I wouldn�t have minded putting her in
your pants,� Erica purred to Eric. �I�m too busy with Libby�s roommate down there.� She bucked her hips quickly. �Libby and me could put on a show for you boys.�

They locked lips at that moment, a soft moan coming from each of them. Their hands each explored the other�s body, their grips tightening with each wave of passion. Each one focused on shrinking her partner to six inches, a routine they�d practiced every day. At their target size, they stripped down and rolled across the plastic seating. Libby felt around for a while and then slowly extracted her now even smaller roommate from Erica�s crotch. She was invisible to the boys, but the two girls carried her over to them. They took turns crawling down the men�s pants and rubbing the microscopic bimbo on their gigantic members. The two crawled back to their side of the booth and intertwined their bodies in passion as they restored their sizes. Eric and Paul always got a peek of their naked bodies at normal size before they could get dressed.

�Where�s my roomie?� Libby pleaded in mock fright.

Erica grimaced faintly. �Either that�s her, or I have a tick in my bush. You want her back yet?�

�She�ll be broken in three more minutes, so wait five and then bring her up to seven inches.�

A gasp broke their mood and the girls whirled to see a lone teen girl holding a broom and a bucket dustpan. Eric didn�t waste time and made her an inch high. They dashed over to sweep her into the pan and the group exited with the minute girl in her enormous plastic prison. No other workers spotted them as they went out the door and disposed of the item in the nearest dumpster. Paul took long enough to move a bag of trash over the dustpan. It muffled the faint squeaks echoing from within the bucket, an innocent victim.

�We could�ve handled that better,� Libby muttered once they were in the car.

�How, huh?� Paul barked from behind the wheel. �This whole thing has to stay low-key for a while longer. People fear us.� He retaliated against her disloyalty by knocking a foot off her height.

She easily restored it and Erica helped. �I�m just saying that no one would�ve believed her. The girl knew nothing, but now she�s evidence.�

�Not likely,� sighed Eric. �She can�t climb out, or jump to freedom. If she leaves during the day, she�ll be food for the seagulls always hanging out there. Unless you know she�s there, no one else is likely to see her as anything but a bug.�

�How do you know about the birds?� Erica asked. She leaned from the back seat to rub his shoulders and shrink towards him.

�I just observe these things. Funny story about that-�

�No!� the rest shouted.

Erica shrank out of her clothes and leapt into his lap. Her efforts to get into his pants were a sufficient distraction.

What�d I tell ya? No one thinks much of me as a storyteller. Not that I minded Erica�s efforts to distract me. She was very well sculpted and our experiments really amped up her sex drive. She�d had a thing for me and it came out in full force. When she was six inches high, she could do things you wouldn�t believe, but that�s not why I�m telling you this story. Think of the erotic stuff as a lure to keep you interested, you deviants.

Of course, I suck as a storyteller. What�s with the focusing and team efforts? I kinda jumped forward quite a bit. We learned that altering reality at the level where everyone perceives the change can really fuck up the brain cells. Merely making it so that we saw someone as smaller was much easier. However, we went beyond a modest illusion or deceit of the senses. In each instance, we altered reality at every level. An individual could actually be trod upon by another, or squeeze through mouse holes. Such an endeavor to manipulate the universe was an enormous undertaking even for our greater minds. If we worked together, it lessened the strain like the team lifting that�s stressed on every television box in Wal-Mart. Although Paul had probably already stretched the rubber band too far by this point. Anyway, Paul had been a real problem with all of the women he�d shrunk. You could argue they deserved it, unless you knew most of our victims. I quickly lost count of all the blondes and redheads who serviced me in order to survive at their new size. Sadly, none were as good as Erica. Oh well, back to the story. Oh yeah, Libby�s roommate was lost that night. She�d been in Erica�s pubic hair and ended up microscopic. She must�ve been lost when I blew my load. Nothing worth crying over.

I do feel bad about the girl, we could�ve done something else, you�ll see what I mean in a little bit. Or did I already mention it? Maybe I alluded to it, or something like that, the whole foreshadowing thing. I�d check, but I really want to finish recording this. To her family, friends, and loved ones, I am truly sorry for cutting her life short. Sorry, that wasn�t supposed to be a pun about her becoming Thumbelina. Just read on; relatively speaking her loss wasn�t so tragic.

April 15, 2006 11:00 PM:
They were still driving and Erica had fully restored herself. She and Eric both had contented expressions, but the semen clinging to her better explained hers. Paul hadn�t wanted to go back, he was lost in thought over the innocent teen. The others were in no hurry to return to campus either. The flashing lights in the rearview mirror did little to improve their mood.

�Do you know why I pulled you over?� the female state trooper asked.

�You�ve got nothing better than to do?� Paul shot back.

�Little wiseass, I clocked you doing eighty in a fifty-five.� She gave him a menacing glare.

�I�m not the little one here.�

He suddenly grabbed her as she rapidly dwindled to about three inches. She let out a terrified yelp and struggled uselessly as she became knee high to a Barbie doll. Paul spotted another car and he flung her at it as it passed. They could all hear the sickening wet splat of her body on the car�s grill.

�Paul, what the hell was that?� Eric shouted.

�I felt like it, the dumb dyke had it coming for messing with us.�
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