�Yes, Stephanie.�
   �Wrong, you will me Goddess Stephanie, ma�am. Now, respond correctly.�
   �Yes, Goddess.�
   �Better, I may feed you tonight. Now get to work before I change my mind and you end up being my food.�
   Blake did as she was told, forcing her tongue into the wrinkly texture of her sister�s erect nipple and areola. The normally tiny pebbly texture with slight wrinkles turned into mounds and ruts at her size. She focused on this to distract herself from her disgust at what she was doing to her own little sister. Her minute fingertips worked the column of nipple, offering a deep massage. She could feel her sister trembling under her as the other three worked her to get her off. Blake also took the time to wonder how come no one was knocking on her door to wonder at his or her loss of powers. She guessed that no one wanted to risk possibly angering whoever was powerful to block him or her. She realized her ruminations had taken her attention away from the work at hand and she had to go back to it hard so that everyone would get a chance to survive.
   Stephanie bucked her lower half on the bed like she was a bronco trying to throw a rider. Her upper half tried to stay still so Blake wouldn�t lose the nipple, but the strain at keeping half of herself still threatened to snap her spine. Her excitement grew and her legs kicked up in the air to scissor open and closed. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that such movements could kill the people she kept in her and yet, she was willing to lose them because the thought of being able to do that surpassed any sensation sex could provide. Her climax brought from her an unearthly howl that resonated in her eardrums and almost deafened her miniature slaves. People all over the campus would know what she was doing and be stricken with paralyzing envy that she could have an orgasm so powerful.
   The few moments after that were hazy and could very well have been an hour. When she finally came to her senses, everything looked wrong. The sheets on Beth�s bed were too coarse and the ceiling was too far away. She thought she had shrunk herself, but couldn�t reverse it. She then noticed that she could feel her magic, but was unable to wield it. A voice to her left caught her attention and she screamed to see her tiny sister taller than her. That didn�t last long and then her sister and everything else ballooned outward as she disappeared into the weave of the sheets, shrieking as she kept going.
Part 4: The Backup And Wrap-up
   All four girls knew when their powers were back in full force and could hear the right moment. The inhuman bellowing of an eighteen year old experiencing what was literally a mind-blowing climax provided the opportunity. They engaged their spell simultaneously and were only mildly shocked when it took less of each person�s powers than they had anticipated. Stephanie had already blacked out and they scrambled from her and her clothing as she dwindled. The three in her crotch were all horribly bruised and coated in her juices. They moved slowly, but were able to help pull Stephanie from her fabric prison when she was small enough. Then they cast the suppression spell, conveniently in Blake�s forbidden packet. While they waited for her to wake up, three of them cast exhausted and sickened looks in one�s direction.
   Her eyes fluttered open for a few moments to take in everything directly above her. Blake uttered a simple greeting and they all laughed in joy when she shrieked in fear as she came to know her helplessness. They weren�t expecting her to start dwindling again.
   �Like, stop her,� Beth pleaded. She echoed their sentiments, none felt overly good about the girl screaming while shrinking smaller than their intended destination of one inch. �Why can�t we do anything?�
   �I don�t know,� Blake breathed, almost no sound coming across her lips. �Something�s not right. I feel too much magic in the room and it�s amplifying the effect way beyond what we wanted.�
   She knelt down to catch a glimpse of her rapidly vanishing little sister, more like her incomprehensibly little sister now. The teeny-tiny girl fell through the weave of the sheets, but could still be seen to some extent. The poor girl was hopping up and down with everything she had to ensure that someone caught sight of her diminishing form. Then, she was no more, not even a flash of light, or a noise to punctuate the solemn transition to the world of the subatomic. Not one eye in the room was dry after witnessing the tragic end of even someone that evil.
   �No one deserves that,� Karen said in a moment of uncharacteristic tenderness. �What do you think it�s like, shrinking that tiny? Seeing atoms loom over you like mountains? Then seeing the smallest bits of them dwarf you the same way? Do you think she�ll ever stop getting smaller?�
   �Shut up, just shut up!� Blake shrieked through the sobbing. She was taken aback momentarily by having them listen her. �That my sister. I only hope she died quick from not being to breath at that size, or the effect of gravity on her tiny self. Oh, God, why?� She said more, but the words were a jumble of incomprehensible syllables as she wept.
   Suddenly there was a flash of light and they were all back to normal size. All of the girls quickly found their clothes and got dressed, too confused by recent events to do much else. Five forms materialized slowly in front of them, forms they recognized as the college�s ruling body.
   �Girls,� the head male spoke, �we have undone all magic from you since Friday night except for one spell, of course.�
   �You are confused by what has happened to Stephanie,� the head female continued. None of the four dared speak in the presence of such hallowed figures. �We had enough magic to know what you were planning and tried to help as well. It seems even we make mistakes at times and our magic went too far. To reverse what we have done would tear apart the magic of everyone on this planet as she has gone too far to ever be saved. Getting back the body and getting back the soul are mutually exclusive in this case and, therefore, can never be done.�
   Another spoke up. �Blake, you are worried now for your parents. The spell is old and it will take time, but they will be restored in a few days. The two she flushed are beyond saving as well. As are the few she doesn�t remember shrinking when she intoxicated. They all met terrible and senseless ends at the hands of her desire.�
   A third added his comments. �All four of you must now face punishment for your actions. Karen, Beth, and Sarah will receive less as they only followed, but being a follower does not excuse them. Blake will suffer the worst as she violated the rules more then once, but no one�s punishment means expulsion. Instead, you will learn more the you thought possible.�

   All four of them would have to repeat the current year, which they could live with. Sarah was sent to be the mascot at all of the sporting events. Sometimes they would forego the costume and make the person change into the animal themselves. The first game she was there, the team won for the first time in years. She was forbidden from changing back until the season was over and dreaded if the next sport had similar luck. Beth had to endure being a servant to students during labs, providing them with various chemicals and running materials back and forth. The only stipulation being that she had to do it all at one foot high and at that size she often got potions on her that kept having to be reversed. Karen was given the position of a professor�s assistant. She was kept in a cage at seven inches high. All kinds of transformation spells were demonstrated upon her and she had to grin and pretend to enjoy the laughter of students when she was made into fantasy creatures, or into soft cuddly animals and passed around the room. No matter how bad it got, none of them wanted to be in Blake�s place.

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