Part 5-
June 17 11:23 AM:

He could tell by the doctor�s expression, but he asked anyway. �What happened to Paul? Why did you call me in?�

�He specified that you be notified in this instance and that you be the only one to contact his parents. At 8:30 this morning, Paul�s brain functioning completely shut down. That�s the easiest way to put it. From what you�ve said and I�ve observed, I�d say it utterly burned itself out. We found a small pair of women�s underwear in his mouth afterwards. We�ve done numerous tests and checks and we�re fairly certain he did not actually swallow a woman he�d shrunk. Besides, he�s been restrained. Even so, we have not found the tiny woman, nor any evidence to indicate either her identity or her fate.�

Eric shook his head in disgust. �And you won�t. It was Erica, or at least she�s the most likely suspect. Paul was probably trying to restore her. She was either committing suicide, or came to him as a playmate.�

�But she couldn�t have gotten- oh.� He reached for his phone. �Should the authorities be brought in on this?�

�Why, are the police too tall? Or too addicted to living? I�m afraid to speak, she could be hiding anywhere. The best we could hope for was that she got stepped on accidentally.�

The doctor nodded slowly. �I�ll leave this up to you, for now. You know her best, for whatever that�s worth if you are right about her. I�ve been paying more attention to her behavior recently and that is why I banned her from visiting Paul.�

June 28, 2006 12:00 AM:
�Eric, Eric, Eric,� the voice taunted.

He threw off the covers and looked around. �Erica, this is sick.�

�Is that what I am, sick? You said lots of things to that doctor about me. I didn�t like the way you talked.�

He looked around frantically, his lamp offering no help. �Where are you?�

�I�m in your bedroom, duh. Maybe you�re the sick one.�

�Just show yourself and we�ll talk. I�m worried about you, so I guess I went too far with the doctor.�

Erica walked out from the closet. She was three feet tall and growing rapidly. She was just over six feet tall when she reached his bed. Suddenly her hands were on him and he was three inches tall.

�You wished me to be stepped on?� she cried. Her tears fell onto his puny body. �I loved you and that is the way you see me?� She started squeezing him. �Maybe you�re the one who needs to die.� She dropped him into her monstrous cleavage and squeezed both breasts together. She watched his struggled against the flesh walls diminish and then released. �I can�t squash you, but I can eat you.� Eric screamed in horror as he plummeted into her open mouth. He couldn�t focus to either fix himself or shrink her. Her tongue prodded his small body before she spit him out into her hands. Then he was pushed against her moist slit, slid across the juices, and pulled away. She finally playfully licked at his penis before restoring his size and making herself three inches. �Don�t turn me in, we can really enjoy life together. I spared you so we can be a couple. I�ll stay this small forever and be your little lover.� Erica headed for his crotch and went into his underwear.

Eric grabbed a towel and cleaned himself up as best as he could. Then he pulled his waistband open to see what he could feel. Erica was straddling his penis. Her whole body rocked up and down to stimulate him. Despite everything, he began to enjoy himself. He was erect in no time and her fervent work was unlike anything he�d ever felt. It took only a minute or two until he felt himself ready to explode. He took a moment to pluck Erica free and put her under his sack. The goal had been to suffocate her with no trouble, but the sensations were even better and she went back to her first perch where she finished the job. He took her to the bathroom and cleaned them both up.

�That was awesome,� Erica gushed. �If only the quack�s wife had been this understanding.�

�What do you mean?�

�I had to shrink Miss Plastic Surgery to make a point.�

�If we�re to stay together, we have to restore her.�

She had the same look as with Libby and his girlfriend. �She was in my bush and I put her on my left nip when I crawled into your tighty whities. I lost her after the eruption. She was probably washed down the sink.�

Eric sighed and shook his head. �Oh well, nothing to do now.�

He scooped up the freshened Erica and put her to his lips. His tongue probed her between the legs and she gasped in delight. Her mound tasted sweet and her breasts had the lingering flavor of some body spray. She climbed over his lips and teeth to sprawl out on his tongue. Erica started writhing erotically on the bumpy flesh and Eric slowly pulled her back out.

He made a move towards his genitals and then cracked her across the porcelain sink. She let out a yelp and her body flailed awkwardly. He knew she was paralyzed from the waist down. That hadn�t been his attention, his aim was off. She moved her lips to painfully squeak out a plea. He ignored it and dropped her to the floor. His mind was quick and clouded over her ability to recall how to change sizes. It was most likely an unnecessary step; her pain would be too great to focus on much of anything. He then leaned over to grab a magazine from next to the toilet. It was rolled up and he slammed it down upon her body until the cracking stopped and the splattering sounds had gone on long enough. Eric looked down at the greasy smears on the pages.

�What can I say? What would you have done with someone that dangerous? A simple swallowing and you might have shrunk me from the inside. Wiping your memory isn�t a guarantee when your mind is as strong as mine. I can�t be as forgiving as you, I never had the feelings for you that you had for me. I had to act fast and somehow the cruelty seemed appropriate. The only problem is, what do I do now?�

He threw the magazine with most of Erica�s remains into the tub. Then Eric cleaned up the rest of the splatter with tissues and those joined the rest of the body. He doused it all with some cologne and tossed in a lit match. He then went back to his bed and crashed into the mattress with an overwhelming desire to forget everything.

June 30, 2006 3:00 AM:
�What the hell? How long have I been out?� Eric asked as he sat up. He could see days crossed off a nearby calendar, but he didn�t remember doing any of them. �Strange shit is going on.� Something important burned in his brain, he knew it.

He closed his eyes and focused on remembering. If this failed, he�d get Erica, Libby, and Paul to help him out in the morning. Then everything came flooding back. �Damn, there�s no hope now. I guess my options are pretty slim as to what to do about this.�
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