�What the fuck is happening?� Karen demanded, going back into tough Jersey Girl mode. �Did you screw up the spell? If so, do you know where so you can reverse it right?�
   �Screw you,� Blake hissed. �I know more magic than you and have never messed up a spell. There just must be something else....� Her subconscious screamed to her and she jumped. The others followed her as she rushed to her bed. She went to crawl under to grab something when a normal sized guy grabbed her and dragged her up onto the bed to play. �Go to hell, I need my notebook,� she squeaked up to him.
   �Not until you pay the toll to the Land Under the Bed,� he demanded. �The standard fee is being a decoration on my schlong.�
   �I�ll never fit onto it at my size, not without it hurting like hell, or even ripping me apart.�
   Her squeaky voice and utter lack of control turned him on even more. He had already opened his pants and she was caught gazing upon the massive organ before her. She apparently had neglected to consider everything about her new size. Before she could enjoy it any longer, he roughly shoved her legs apart and drove her onto the head of his penis. She screamed, the libido enhancement had either worn off, or it was thoroughly negated by such a violent act against her person. A girl wandered over to help the guy masturbate and release into the living doll. With one hand, she stroked him off, and with the other, she massaged Blake�s little tits.
   �Help me please, and oooooh,� she gasped. �This hurts like hell, but please give me what I want. I mean, get me off of him and put me down. Oh, momma, that�s the stuff right there. The girls want their attention.�
   �This friggin� rocks,� the girl, Michelle, stated. �Her tits feel like squishy grapes. I wonder how they taste.� She leaned down and ran her tongue over them, exploring the minute nipples and working down the body. She found where Blake ended and the guy began. Her tongue worked both areas to excite the two main participants in this wanton display of carnality.
   The other three stayed away from the scene, afraid of having to pay the toll themselves. They watched in horror as Michelle�s ministrations got both off and the guy climaxed into Blake and she shrieked as her tiny, fragile form was inundated with wave after wave of semen. Her body couldn�t take the stress and she popped off his dick like a cork, even making almost the same noise. She hit the floor near the other shrinkees and laid still, drenched in the man�s fluids already as more constantly leaked out of her. They ducked back in terror as he got up, but it was only to get his pants back on and leave. Michelle joined him, explaining the she was his girlfriend and they loved to help a new shrinker get initiated to the world of the small. The other guests left after that, but none offered to help in any way, or even offer any advice on what went wrong. At least one Asian girl was polite enough to close the door after she left and leave them their privacy.
   �Blake, Blake, wake up,� Sarah whispered, stroking the little girl�s hand delicately.
   Her eyes fluttered open and went wide when she realized that everything she�d gone through was not some by-product of a drug slipped in her drink. Her eyes blinked several times and her body twitched involuntarily like her mind and body were going through a manual reset. She remembered it all and jumped up to complete her earlier mission. �I need my notebook now, today�s notes from my last class.�
   �Doctor Genio�s class?� Beth asked.
   �That�s right,� she answered quickly. �There was something important he was droning on about and a few questions asked. I�m sure I wrote the info down, but I need to double check it.� She grasped the notebook with both hands and struggled to drag it out from underneath her shoes and several other large items. At least three times, she blessed the fact that she had decided against a three-ring binder for all five classes. The other girls helped her and she flipped open to the previous day�s material. She said another blessing that she thought of this before she was three inches tall.
   �Oh my God, oh my,� Beth cried.
   �What does it say?� Karen asked.
   �It�s a reminder about a person only holding so magic in their body at one time,� Blake answered meekly. �We need to be aware of how much of that magic a spell requires and consider how many people it�s being cast on. Oh Jesus, an additional note is that someone�s magic diminishes when their size is reduced by either basic reduction or transformation to a smaller object.�
   �You mean we stopped shrinking because you�re outta juice?� Karen screamed. �You cast a spell without knowing how much magic you had?�
   �I knew and it should have been enough.... if I hadn�t shrunk myself as well. This means that once my power recharges enough, we�ll keep shrinking until we reach the destination of three inches. To restore anyone, I�ll need to recharge fully and use it all up on one person at a time.�
   �What the hell were you thinking?� Beth shrieked. �I knew this was bad idea, I knew my advisor was right that we shouldn�t be casting spells after drinking so much. You�ve, like, stranded us in Tiny Town until your powers are back. We�ll adjust to one size, and then keep dropping down until then. I never wanted to do this to begin with. And just who gets to be big first?�
   �It can�t be me, unfortunately for me,� Blake answered. �I could use the enlarge on all of you at once, but the use of such power would alert the faculty. Repeating it on all of us at once would be too straining as well and might be unstable. I don�t know who to enlarge first, I�m afraid of what that person will do to me when they�re big, you�re all so mad at me right now.�
   �Oh, don�t worry,� Karen said threateningly. �We wouldn�t fuck over anyone else. But once you�re the last one, we should probably leave before one of use
accidentally transforms you into something else, like a greasy spot on our shoe.�
   The others shouted threats at they escalated until everyone felt the floor drop and they went down to less than a foot. The anger doubled itself and would get worse until the spell finished so that Blake could even try reversing it. They waited several hours, only napping in fits as they dwindled further and further into the gigantic world of a dorm room. By six in the morning, they were at last down to the final size.
   �This is Saturday, how the fuck long until the three of us are all back to normal?� Karen asked, pinning Blake down and twisting her arm behind her back.
   �My power will take six hours to recharge fully at this size. By midnight tonight, you will all be back.�
   �We�d better, because you never want to see a Jersey Girl more pissed off than I already am. There�s nothing else we need to know, is there?�
   �Oh shit,� Blake breathed and saw Karen staring her down, waiting for more. �I invited my eighteen year old sister here to borrow some clothes for a date Monday night and we were going to go to the movies. She should be here by noon.�
   �And you�d better not be thinking of restoring yourself and having fun while we�re all stuck like this. Because when I�m finally big, you�ll end up a ham sandwich if I can find a spell for it. And if you think of doing that to me first, I�ll make sure you get fatal food poisoning from me.�
   �I don�t know what I�m going to do, I just hope I can get her attention to help us. If she arrives late, the first person to get big can tell her what happened. She has some magic developing and since she shares genes with me, she can help to undo my spells and take some of the magical burden off of me. I mean, it�s either her, or we get the college�s ruling body to override it. I don�t think anyone wants that.�
   �I�ll go first, she won�t refuse if I�m in her face ready to kick her ass,� Karen hissed.

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