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Hips gyrating, unrestrained breasts flopping to the music, and a general feeling of euphoria filled the club. Bodies packed in tight together on the dance floor and Julie clutched her purse tighter. The loss of her single mother was furthest from her mind, she simply didn�t want to lose a toy as great as a shrink ray. A mousy, yet attractive, blonde bumped into her and she recognized her best friend Lindsey. The scrawny girl motioned Julie towards the bathroom.

�Could you hold my cell phone?� she pleaded once away from the noise.

�Alright, hand it to me and I�ll make some room in my purse.� She grabbed her friend�s phone and watched her bound back into the excitement. Julie carelessly grabbed her mother and dropped her on the edge of the nearest sink while she locked the bathroom door.

�Young lady, fix me right now�please?�

�No, I�m actually going to make you smaller so I have room for Lindsey�s phone.�

�The hell you are,� the petulant doll shot back.�

�You forget who has the power here. That seems to be a really big problem with you.� She carried her powerless mother by one arm to a toilet. The water swirled away while Julie lowered her closer to the maelstrom.

�For the love of God, please don�t,� she pleaded.

�Good.� She took her mother back to the sink. �Now for some more rules. You�ll get shrunk smaller so I can put the phone in my bag because I�m not shrinking Lindsey�s cell. However small I make you will be your size past tonight and until I decide to bring you back up to your current size. You will stay tiny until sometime after my graduation party. I�ve heard guys in my class talk about you and if you aren�t a perfect little doll-person, I�ll let each of them have a turn with you at the party. I�ll take some money from your purse for the kegs.�


�Say anything I don�t like and I�ll ho you out to those guys for a day at a time, or longer. You might stay small until well after I�ve finished college and don�t forget I�m going for a doctorate.� Her mother nodded in resignation. �Now make sure you don�t stay too close to the cell phone once you�re both packed in there. If you get separated from me it�ll be a whole lot worse for you at bug size.�

She set the power level carefully, checking the settings several times. Julie squeezed the trigger and made her mother�s giant world much larger. The woman who had turned so many heads on and off the runway became a half-inch speck unrecognizable to anyone but her tormentor. Julie, trying not to crush her, used a slip of paper to transfer her to the purse. With that accomplished, she headed back to the party.

Perspiration trickled down a brow locked in unceasing determination. Nimble fingers grasped for the next handhold. The unforgiving smoothness denied her an ascent. Her tenuous foothold vanished and all that was left was a chaotic plummet to the ground below with limbs askew.

Kylee rolled along the mat to break her fall. Her glare was fixed upon the towering water bottle, a look that could have melted in instantly if such a thing were possible. Its presence mocked her small stature and determination. She made a running leap and plowed into it, succeeding only in stunning herself.
How does the girl in the ad do it? ran through her head. Because it�s fake there, dipshit answered back. A bell signaled the conclusion of the exercise and she grew herself back slowly.

�Brutal, huh?� Alicia asked afterwards. She had dashed to keep up with the senior agent.

Kylee glanced back at the newest addition to the team. �It gets better, but you already knew that.� She threw her a lopsided grin.

�Real life experience in a crisis beats any simulation.� Her sweat-soaked blonde mop bobbed with her walking. �I�ve been bothered by one thing since that day,� she added as they stripped and entered the shower room. She would never forget the incident in D.C. when she was still a rookie.

�Yeah, it seems ridiculous that there were so many tiny soldiers, yet nothing much ever came of it. That�s aggravated the piss out of me. It comes off kinda haphazard and poorly thought out.�

Pete unwrapped the package and grinned, a kid with a Happy Meal toy. His attention was on fast-forward and it took several tries to digest the information. The controls were simple enough once understood. The shiny red plastic invited use, but whom? A knock at the door broke his concentration.

�Hiya, Petey,� Karen squealed as she barged in. She knew her boyfriend hated being called that; make that her ex-boyfriend, rather. A box was dropped on this coffee table. �It�s over, I�ve found someone else I like to fuck better.� She flipped her auburn curls and made for the door. She could have passed for Britney Spears in every way but her hair color.

�I�m sorry, you just fucked yourself this time.� He fired and a bright flash lit up her body, illuminating her and revealing her skeleton in a cartoon parody. The glow faded seconds later and Karen was gone. A moving bulge in her clothes told Pete where to look. �You�ll be the first in my collection,� he informed the five-inch beauty. His tongue began to explore her defenseless flesh.

�Whatever you say�dear.�

He rushed to his wife, eager to show her what they�d received that day. �Brenda, you�ll never believe what someone sent us.�
She took the instructions and read them over. �Eddie, this is fantastic.� The joy lit up her expression. �Now we don�t have to ration the remaining water.�

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