Page Four
He grasped her between his thumb and forefinger just like she did with him. He was surprised at challenging it was to apply just the right amount of pressure. Once he had it figured out, he tipped his head back and lowered her into position over his open mouth. First, he put her into up to her thighs and sucked gently. She started pleading for him to do more. He pulled her out and used his free hand to push her legs into a split and lowered her so she balanced across his lips. Then the tip of his tongue darted between her legs and started licking her pussy. She squealed with delight, manipulating the tip of his tongue with her little hands and pushing herself hard against it. She came twice and begged for the next step.
  Ron laid down onto her bed and placed her on his stomach. She instantly took off towards his fully erect penis. Just before getting there, she dove for it and started climbing the shaft. She got herself onto the head and rubbed it as hard as she could, making sure not to use her nails. She massaged his cock and stuck her left hand down the opening to excite him more. After enough work, she finally made him ejaculate and his semen shot all over her, knocking her down. She screamed in triumph and rubbed her tits against his penis. The miniature erect nipples tickled and Ron enjoyed the sensation enough to feel like shooting off another load.
  �That wasn�t so bad, was it?� Jessica squeaked up to him.
  �This day has been lots of fun and tonight will be even better,� he finally answered as she washed up. Ron put his clothes back on quickly.
  �Why tonight?�
  �Because you�re not getting restored,� he laughed. She squealed and tried to run for the machine. Ron scooped her up and rubbed her tiny ass gently and firmly. �I didn�t check that out yet today. I�m sure you do so much more and that�s why I can�t give you up.� He opened the waist of his jeans and his underwear and held her over the gap. �You liked it down there before, you�ll like it as your new home. First, though, you need to show me how to clear your pattern.� Then he grinned and laughed in an amused way. �Just kidding, Jessica, like you were with me.�
  �I guess that wasn�t so funny. My boyfriend and I used it as stimulant so much, I�d forgotten just how scary that used to seem to me.� She smiled up at him. �Now, could you stop scaring me and restore my size now?�
  Ron set her down and she scampered to her correct spot. Ron walked over to the machine, almost stepping on her as she got into position. He went through the sequence she told him to use and in no time, the beam was ready to go. He watched in fascination as she expanded in front of him, her miniature tits returning to their former glory. Her gorgeous red hair that had tickled his penis at its reduced state was back to normal strands and as beautiful as he remembered it. He stared at her crotch and remembered how the pubic hair had looked when he was tiny and how soft it had been when she was mini. Her full lips he�d been pressed against were in a broad smile and her eyes danced. Her nipples were still hard and he stepped up to play with them.
  �Hang on, we�ll have more fun tomorrow when you come back,� she promised. �Show up at twelve and we�ll start with homework. Then, if you�re lucky, we�ll move on to more personal business.� She growled and snapped her teeth playfully. Ron left, not planning on letting anything keep him away from her the next day. She leaned against the inside of her door after it closed, eyes closed and lips in a full smile as she pondered the change her life was taking.

  Ron was prompt, arriving exactly at twelve noon. Jessica let him in, giggling as she thought of what they would do how to make it even more interesting. They spent the better part of an hour working on the assignment for drama class. Finally, they couldn�t control themselves any longer and were all over each other. Jessica had her shirt off and was unclasping her bra when inspiration struck
"Let�s go together,� she suggested between kisses.
  �What?� he managed to get out.
  �We both shrink together this time. I�ll just set the timer to restore us. You�ll love it as we both explore the giant world of my tiny dorm room. Besides,� she added, �it really turns me on when we both go. Sex inside a sock or an Altoid tin is outrageous.�
  �You�ve got me convinced. Let�s make this big world after all. One thing, though. About that boyfriend of yours, is it right for-�
  �I�m dumping him for you later today. Besides, I think he�s been cheating on me.�
  �So, this is revenge?�
  �No, not really. I�ve been checking you out since last semester in PE.�
  �Okay, I�m cool with that, no revenge. As long as our motives are clear.�
  Jessica worked the controls quickly. �One hour should be good, it�s a safe start for a newbie like you.�
  �Before we get shrunk, what happens if that machine breaks down while we�re tiny? Say there�s a power surge and that thing gets fried, or just goes amnesiac on us. Would we be stuck like this forever?�
  �Even if our patterns were lost, or the machine trashed, there�s a spare. I keep it unplugged in a resident�s room three doors down and on the other side,� she said, pointing. �I just remember the percentage of reduction and input it as the percentage of growth, or, rather, she would do that in this case.�
  �Wow, I take it you try not writing her up.�
  �Yeah, she has lots of freedom. No sense pissing off a girl who can leave me stranded at five inches tall, reduce me further, step on me while I need her help the most, or just shrink me outright herself. And don�t worry; she doesn�t use the machine unless I need her to fix me, so hers can�t be damaged at the same time as mine unless some horrible disaster occurred. She doesn�t find the same appeal to shrinking that I do.�
  �I take it you hope there�s never a power outage and a fire while you�re reduced?�
  �She has a key and if she�s in the building, she�ll check on me first. Then, she�d carry me out in her pocket or something. She protects my secret very well and I arrange reductions around her schedule to be safe. Now, do you feel safe?�
  �So long as the door�s locked. An excitable freshman girl needing assistance can be dangerous at full size.�
  Ron and Jessica shed their clothing and stuffed it under the bed. Getting continued was proving to be difficult as they took time to enjoy each other naked. Finally, Jessica switched the device on and activated the timer. They posed like they were getting their picture taken and Jessica wrapped her arms around Ron and hugged him close to her. A light on the device blinked green and Jessica knew that shrinkage would commence.
  The world was huge all over again. Ron had some trouble readjusting, but Jessica took off running at full tilt into the massive world of her dorm room. He couldn�t wait until he was as used to it as she was. He watched her dive into the backpack she left on the floor on Friday. He went to find her and she dragged him inside.
  �Check out this awesome photo I took of myself,� she said. �I forgot I left them in here.�
  Ron realized she was pointing at his feet. He looked down to see himself standing upon a giant photo of Jessica naked. He was standing on one breast and he jumped over to the other.

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