Page Five
�Nice picture.�
  �I can see you enjoy it,� she teased.
  They walked out of the bag and to a pile of laundry she�d left on the floor. She playfully pushed him down onto a pair of her panties. Then she kneeled down and gave him a blowjob.
  �That was a different place to have that done, huh?�
  �How about we fool around in your bra next?� he suggested.
  They scaled the pile of clothes, slipping and sliding across her silky undergarments. They reached a bra upturned at the top and Jessica peered into a cup.
  �I don�t think it�s going to fit me very well.�
  Ron laughed and gently nudged her enough so she slid down inside. He dove and slid after her. He stopped and rolled over on top of her.
  �You like exploration at this size?�
  �It�s incredible! I feel so hot when I feel so tiny and insignificant next to a paperclip. Knowing that a textbook could crush me, or my sweater be too heavy to lift. I feel like a little bug exploring a strange world where the giant inhabitants could stomp me, consume me, or play me however they want.�
  They started at it and had fantastic sex inside her bra. Ron finally brought up the question of how they would make it back to the device since they had only ten minutes left. They tried scrambling up the sides, but had no luck since this time they were each about an inch and a half tall. The bra was too smooth and they fell back inside. They were finally able to tip it with less than five minutes remaining. Ron and Jessica decided to stay at the return spot until they were restored. Suddenly they heard a loud click.
  �What was that?�
  "Someone�s at my door, I think.�
  �Does anyone else have a key besides the other girl?�
  �I made a copy for my boyfriend. I told him I was going to be out, so that�s why he didn�t knock. We have to find cover, or at least you do.�
  Ron darted into her backpack and watched carefully. He hoped Jessica would be able to restore him shortly after she was enlarged. He saw her boyfriend step in and he suspected something when the guy looked around suspiciously. Her soon to be ex was only an average build, but looked damned intimidating from Ron�s perspective. He headed for the device and almost crushed Jessica before spotting her and kneeling down.
  �Well there you are,� he said with an evil tone. �I wondered why the thing was running. I could just wait for you to be restored, but this can�t wait. I�m here to tell you I�m leaving you for another girl.� He didn�t wait for a reaction. �I know you�ve been on to me. She digs the whole tiny scene even more than you, wild things you wouldn�t imagine. I came to steal the machine from you even though you are the one who discovered it at that flea market I wouldn�t go to. You know, some part of me had wanted to shrink you as well just to twist the knife a little more, but I see you beat me to it. I�ll just deactivate the timer since it�s so close to running out.� He switched it off and smiled. �Now I just have to clear your pattern and � What�s this? Is there another person stored in here? A man? Where is he? Come out little man.�
  Ron cautiously stepped out and waved his arms to be noticed.
  �I�m somewhat glad you�re moving on so quickly. However, I only would have wanted you to do that if I�d left you normal size. Because I turned the timer off, I intended you to be miserable forever.� He shook his head and laughed an evil laugh. �No, no, it just won�t do for you to have a man tiny like you for you to run into the arms of.�
  Ron flinched as his foot came into the air. He considered running, but it was futile at his size. He thought of going back into the bag, but trapping himself was just as foolish.
  �No, I can�t punish you like that. I choose to blame her mostly. However, I still need to punish both of you, so.... goodbye patterns.�
  The machine let out a mechanical sigh as the information was deleted. Her boyfriend laughed and the thunderous sound it made hurt Ron and Jessica�s ears.
  �Now, Jessica. It turns out my girlfriend is bi and has expressed an interest in getting other tiny women to pleasure her when I�m not around. I think you�d be perfect.�
  �Fuck you!� she spat and flipped him off.
  �I couldn�t quite catch that, your voice is too faint. The gesture helped, but I�m afraid you don�t really get a say.� He reached down and quickly scooped her up in one hand. With his other hand, he opened his waistband. Jessica was unceremoniously dropped onto his crotch and he laughed again as she let a squeak of protest. He grabbed her backpack and stuffed the device inside. Next, he grinned down at Ron. �I don�t think you�ll be a problem. I don�t like men and I�m the only guy my new girlfriend says she needs. I�ll just leave you here because you�re too little to chase me.� He picked Ron up roughly and set him on top of a dresser. �I�ll be back every couple of days to give you food and water, can�t be too cruel. If someone else shows up, hide. If you�re discovered I have many friends and the toilet is a dangerous place at your size.� He laughed once more and left, slamming the door. Ron had to wonder how everything could have become so screwed up so quickly.

  He paced back and forth across the top of dresser, trying hard not to remember that he was imprisoned on a massive field only three feet across. He took the time to see what items she�d placed there: a few coffee mugs, a can of hair spray, a box of tissues, and an alarm clock. He decided to curl up in the tissues for a bed when nighttime rolled around. He silently thanked the fact that the box was one that opened alongside the side, even if he did still have to jump and climb his way in.
  He slept soundly until three in the morning. An ungodly clanging disturbed his sleep. He managed to see the clock after jumping out of the tissue box. He was pacing again, trying to figure out what the noise was and he finally realized it was the fire alarm. Just then, the door swung open and a massive girl stepped in and switched on the lights. Ron blinked as he adjusted to the brightness and suddenly recognized the girl as the one Jessica had said held the backup device.
  He waved to get her attention and she paused a second to consider him. For an instant, she prepared to swat him. Then she seemed to remember why she was there and scooped him up. He noticed she was still looking around, but she couldn�t hear him say that Jessica was gone. Ron was grateful, though, when she finally gave up and went outside. He was pleased as the noise faded to something more tolerable. He was just getting comfortable in her left hand when she whispered something about hiding him and he was falling down the front of her nightgown.
  He realized very quickly the thing she must have forgotten, she wasn�t wearing a bra. He passed her tiny breasts, giant from his new perspective, and raced past her stomach. Thankfully, he was able to snag her panties with both hands and hung on for dear life. He looked up and saw the nightgown close off around her breasts and he realized she was looking for him. He secured his one hand and used his other to start rubbing her crotch as hard as he could. While he worked, he kept gazing at the neckline and finally saw it open up with her smiling face beaming down.

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