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The first problem came as a new and unknown factor in the guise of a younger woman. Next, did the agents tailing her at the subway witness the exchange and to what extent was it accidental? The best she could hope for was a purse-snatcher who would panic at the sight of a reduced woman and allow Kylee the opportunity to escape. Working against this theory was that they had traveled too far for the typical thief. Usually, they would check the bag by now to grab any rewards and ditch such damning evidence.

It would be a while before Kylee could learn anything. Her new abductor took her time exploring the nightlife of Beantown before returning home. The bag slammed into a tabletop or other similar hard surface abruptly and Kylee clung to her clothes. Her world shifted again and everything went upside down, accompanied by the buzz of the zipper. She hit the surface first and was quickly buried under her own clothing and felt the presence of the shrink ray, the device landing too close for her preference.

�What�s this?� the strange woman wondered aloud, a voice so child-like and innocent. The weight of the weapon disappeared. Everything else followed in a breathless whisper. �It couldn�t be.� A quick humming filled the air. �Oh boy, does that explain the clothes? Hello, is there someone in there? Are you too small to be seen?�

Kylee weighed her options, almost none. Staying still meant this girl might assume the worst of her and throw the clothes away with her bundled inside. Revealing herself was too complicated for her to consider every possibility, but presented the best chance for hope. She squirmed her way free to be greeted with a gasp.

�It�s true. I always suspected that woman was up to something, but I never thought it could be this.... good.�

�You stole her purse out of curiosity?� Kylee shouted up to her. She chose to ignore the last word from her captor.

�Yeah, I even slipped her a fake bag. You�re real, can I examine you?� She neither waited nor cared about Kylee�s answer and scooped up the half-foot woman. Her hands drew the tiny agent to her face where her hot breath poured over this specimen. �I�m Patty by the way.�

�Kylee. Now, do you think you could put me down?�

If the giantess had heard the question, she didn�t show it. �What would you feel like down my top? Would you feel like a little bug crawling around down there?�

Kylee cast a glance down the woman�s top to what were at least triple-D�s. Her training and her God-given common sense screamed at, shrieking in her ear to restore her size immediately. Despite it all, despite knowing that someone experimenting with tiny people for the first time tends to break them, she surrendered. An impish grin plastered itself of her face and she back flipped from the security of the hand and dove into the valley.

A shriek and a giggle met her and jostled her world within moments of contact. Her momentum drove her deep into the fleshy cavern. Deep from her perspective, rather, but barely halfway through the breasts. Pushing off against the ever-tightening walls, she drove herself further into her headlong journey. With every loss of space, an increase in sweat compensated until she reached bottom. Until her captive helped her out, she was trapped there and her lungs cried out for the release of cool air, or any air for that matter.

Patricia cooed, unaware of the ripples her simplest movements sent through her breasts. She risked a look down and saw the frenetic struggles of her toy, her itty-bitty feet kicking and making contact with the silky skin around them. Her enjoyment was shattered under the realization that her pet may not have the easiest time breathing. Taking the utmost care, her hand sought out its target. Almost no pressure was needed to grasp both feet between her thumb and forefinger and hold them still. A flick of the wrist popped the tiny girl out and she flew free of the tentative grip. Her body tumbled and came to rest on Patty�s left breast and it took all of Kylee�s effort to remain perched on the canyon ledge of skin.

�What should I do with you? Is there a place I should take you; the hospital, or the police?�

The screaming resumed with an intensity to rival a rock concert. Through it all, a whisper persisted and that was Kylee latched on to. As before, she could hear the words.
What does it matter? In a few weeks, your name will be forgotten and life will go in back in D.C. This girl could provide all of the companionship you�ll ever need. �I kinda like staying here with you. Will you adopt me? We could be very happy together, I can do so much more than what I�ve already shown you.�

�Well, we�re both adults. I suppose if you want to stay, you can freely choose that. I wouldn�t mind having another person around, even if she is only a few inches tall.�

�I don�t need much to eat, I probably won�t need any clothes, and I take up very little space.�

Patty chuckled, her voice lilting in glee. �This is the first time I�ve ever met a girlfriend and had her move in with me in less than an hour. I only worry about you getting hurt. Shouldn�t I just restore your size?�

Her smile had won over many and would do so again. �It�s a clich�, but we�ll cross that bridge when we come to it. You can always lie and say you just found me. I want to stay like this for a while. Let�s just be happy.�

Agents Johnson and Feretti led the team that was outside of the suspect�s apartment. Gayle had gone inside a while before and seemed very agitated. They had tried to make out what she muttered to herself the entire way home, but hadn�t been successful at picking up much at the distance they needed to maintain. They had caught enough to know she was talking about shrinking and a girl.

They had given Kylee more than enough time to bring Gayle down, literally and figuratively. It had been too long; Kylee would be in danger of being disposed unless they interceded. Johnson gave the order and they burst in on a woman sorting her mail.

�What the hell?� Gayle squealed.

�Federal agents, you�re under arrest for shrinking and possession of shrunken women.�

�What the hell are you talking about? There�s only one woman here of any size.�

Johnson led her aside for interrogation while the rest fanned out and searched for any signs of their miniaturized teammate. Nothing was yielded and they left. Johnson issued profuse apologies and they team to file a report he hated to make. How would someone tell his or her boss about a screw up like this?

Gayle pushed the door against the frame and blocked it all while silently cheering, yet uttering a stream of invectives. Federal agents were on to her, but how? That bitch had been a plant and now she was grateful to the stranger who grabbed her bag. The loss of the shrink ray would be troublesome, but not having that around proved to be a blessing when there are trained experts searching your home. She could start again, indeed she would.

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