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Kylee�s limbs unfurled and a grin of contentment escaped her lips. Patty smiled down upon her on, but the look was lost since Kylee couldn�t see a thing beyond her roommate�s chest. Her arms outstretched, she danced for attention on the nightstand.

�Not right now, I have to get ready for work,� Patty objected. �You�re insatiable.�

�No, I�m rested up and ready to go again.�

A ruckus at Patty�s door roused them from their banter. Someone had entered and they could both hear whoever it was searching the main room. Each cast a glance at the device and Patty grabbed with the fervor of one fighting for her very life. The door was kicked in, the intruder alerted by the sound of the owner�s struggles. Patty fired a shot that regrettably went wide and struck a mirror. Her intruder backed out as the room filled with light and Patty was struck.

He returned to see two women, each six inches tall, trembling. The one on the floor he recognized as the woman who had taken a shot at him. The other one, trying to hide behind a lamp, was of no consequence to him. He needed his time to gloat and strode up to her.

�What do we have here?� he asked. �Is this what you were trying to do to me?�

She tried valiantly to refute any such notion and make it convincing. It was no use and she was scooped up in his hands. His searching fingers easily found each breast and roughly flattened them against her body. Her crotch was violated with as much consideration by his pinkies. Every effort to resist this behemoth met with all the success of an ant battling an elephant. A bite she managed to get out of his hand only prompted him to lock one hand around her waist, pinning her arms to her side. His fingers held her breasts up and his tongue lashed out to taste her flesh.

She tried again to free herself and bit his tongue as it made its way across her face. He cried out, calling her the four-letter word every woman hates more than any other insult. His grip tightened and she felt her arms snap under the pressure. Her ribs and organs would be soon to follow and she knew it. Her squeals, which would have been irritatingly high pitched at her size, barely made it past her lips. Her air was cut off and the world went black when her lungs and other innards collapsed.

Kylee heard the sickening wet crunch of Patty demise. She had never seen another person killed in such a gruesome way; every other time had been quicker. Even the squishing of Elsa had carried less noise and less gore. She gave in, there was no other choice, and she vomited on the nightstand. The man noticed her again and used his free hand to grab her. He carried her into the bathroom where Patty�s remains were scraped into the toilet and flushed with all the ceremony one gives to a goldfish. Kylee was taken back to the bedroom.

�I had just wanted to rob this place, but there�s nothing worth taking. On the other hand, there were two very beautiful ladies hiding out here. It�s a shame one of them killed herself. I hope you won�t take your own life.�

His hot breath washed over her in waves of stench. She focused and kept her composure. She knew she get the upper hand if she restored herself immediately, the shock of it to him would be all she needed. She fought herself, making herself fixate upon her proper height, but her size remained fixed. Kylee knew one thing; she couldn�t save herself unless she could get her concentration back. The voice nagged at her again.
What good would it do? There�s still a good chance you couldn�t get beat him. Wait for a better time.

�You�re too small for any regular sex, but I think you could manage... something.�

His free hand undid his pants and Kylee was thrust against his briefs. Her face was rubbed briskly along the rough fabric and his hardening member pressed into her. The tiny secret agent was forced into the opening face first, her body ramming tightly into him and she slipped down to the bottom. Her hands grabbed for anything and all she managed to do was stroke his sack. She heard his chuckle and her confinement became tighter as the underwear was pulled up and her body squeezed against a wall of hairy flesh. She tried not to struggle, knowing it would only excite him more. Even the simplest effort to get more air was a challenge.

A hand yanked her free and she was staring into two angry eyes. She knew what he wanted and a tightening of his grip that forced the air from her lungs reminded Kylee that this assailant was more than capable of punishing her. His hand dropped and she saw his penis growing towards her. He rubbed it vigorously across her face and then slapped her with it, guffawing at his own prank. He came and the stream of semen rushing at her instantly blinded Kylee. She coughed some up, knowing full well that she had probably swallowed far more.

He cleaned himself up with one of Patty�s curtains, leaving the sticky mess that was a federal agent behind. He saw her stuck there and his laughter infuriated someone who could have otherwise defended herself with no effort. He was more entertained when she struggled free and descended into an empty trashcan. Her tormentor tore off the soiled portion of the curtain and dropped it on her. She then heard the creak of a window and entered freefall to the street below.

The section of fabric served as a parachute and she slowed her descent. Kylee was sore from hitting the trashcan and lost her grip while she was still three of her feet from the pavement. Her only solace was what she landed in; unfortunately, it was a lump of dog crap someone had neglected to scoop. Her time was only getting better and better. The force of her impact knocked her out and her last thought was that when she�d been reduced she wasn�t convinced that it had been entirely her effort.

He hurried up, his clothes had to back on and he needed to get away soon. There was no danger from the women, but someone might stop by and realize there was a stranger. He swore when he realized he still had nothing to steal. Whatever cash was lying around ended up in his pockets and then he felt something small and solid catch his foot. He foot poised to kick it, he examined it more closely and saw the gun the first girl had aimed at him. The possibilities it opened up, being able to shrink women down to helpless little dolls. The gun was tucked into his pants, after a check to make sure it was indeed off. The last thing he wanted to do was zap himself before he could show his sister Gayle; she always spoke of fantasies of like that.

�Oh shit,� moaned Kylee and her groan was followed with a second at the terrible pun she had accidentally crafted. She rolled herself free and inched into an alleyway. Human behavior kept feet away from stuff like that, sparing her from a death she would have preferred to this indignity. A puddle of something she chose to call water provided a bathing opportunity and she was cleaned up easily if not sanitized.

Six inches tall is a bad condition to be stuck in when you don�t know where you are. Street signs loomed too far above and away to yield useful information. Asking anyone for help was immediately out of the question, unless that person was a cop. Try finding a cop out of literally millions of people when you have to stay out of sight of everyone else. The mini woman collapsed to the grimy pavement in dejection, unable to go a second longer, and wept.

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