Kylee Mission 4:
Small Hands, Small Hearts
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Coruscating energies overloaded her senses. The loss of sight and hearing were insignificant in comparison to what she felt before touch abandoned her. Every inch of flesh tingled with a pleasure unrivaled by even the greatest sex she had ever experienced. A soft moan crept past her lips followed by a shriek of disappointment. She needed more, craved it the way an addict craves his heroin. Nothing else would matter and she would do anything to feel that way again.

Her vision restored, she took in her surroundings. Everything looked different and she could no longer see her bedroom in the moonlight that spilled through the blinds. Her blankets felt wrong somehow against her naked body. She rolled the short distance to where the edge should be and felt more of this strange substance.

�Okay, joke�s over, what did you do?�

�Nothing you won�t enjoy,� her lover�s voice promised.

�Just turn on the lights and tell me what the fuck happened.� Even as she made her demands she was aware that Jennifer�s voice seemed wrong as well. Jennie normally carried a squeaky and excessively feminine voice, not the booming rolls of thunder that attacked from all sides. �Don�t tell me you-�

�Does it bother you?�

�I�ve heard rumors of reduction technology and always dismissed them as urban legends. Is
that what made me feel so good?�

�Yes, Aubri, and you will feel it during restoration as well. You can have it happen many times over if you agree
to what I want.� A pinkie with a nail half the size of Aubri�s head gently worked both nipples.

�Anything you wish, Mistress.�

Julie retreated to the back of her cage the moment the footsteps began. Even without clocks, sunlight, or any other means of telling time, she always knew when it was Monday. The precise echo of each shoe on pavement told who was going to be her tormentor this time. The others she could live with, but not Kylee. Julie curled into a ball at the back of the metal cage in the futile hope that she could somehow make herself invisible. The door swung open with a maddening squeak and the hand burst in for her.

The raven-haired doll protested as loudly as her miniaturized lungs would allow. Her entire form was scooped up and palmed. The fetal positioned miscreant amused the federal agent and her little body was plopped unceremoniously into Kylee�s cleavage.

�Hiya, pipsqueak,� Kylee shouted down at her. All around them came the wails of the other reduced felons who couldn�t handle the intense noise produced so easily by the giants who imprisoned them. �Not gonna say anything back? Oh well.� She shrugged quickly, knowing the motion jiggled her breasts and squeezed Julie. �Momma�s got a new idea for you today.�

Julie cringed as she was grasped and yanked free. Her body careened above the high-rise of mesh and animal cages that imprisoned so many others like her. A virtual city of criminals lay below her and the entire place fit in one building�s basement. Kylee carried her the way a child carries an action hero. She was held straight out and swooped around as if she could fly. Julie wasn�t sure if the mere actions were degrading enough, or if it only seemed to be worse when her captor issued forth whooshing noises from her lips. She was then plunked down into what she recognized as a wrestling ring, albeit one of the ones mass-produced for the vast multitude of action figures licensed and marketed for impressionable children.

Kylee dropped herself down to two inches taller than her half-foot prisoner. Julie didn�t bother trying to escape; there was no way to access the elevator and it was the sole way out. Instead she watched as Kylee fixed a shrunken television camera on the ring. Once it was running, and undoubtedly transmitting to some horny lechers upstairs, Kylee stripped down until she was as naked as her opponent

�I don�t see any oil, what�s your plan?� Julie demanded in a pathetic attempt to sound as if she held any power.

�I don�t need oil to go Jackie Chan on your ass.�

The tiny agent leapt the height of the mat and over the �ropes� in one move. Julie was unprepared for such a maneuver and could only watch like a frightened idiot as a mass of fists and feet struck her prone form. She flew back into the nylon cords; grateful that whoever manufactured this one had made ropes with some give. Could they have known a real person would someday be fighting within it? Kylee then grabbed her hair and Julie regained her senses fast enough for a real catfight to ensue. They rolled around on the mat with their naked flesh in close contact until Kylee knew that the viewers had seen enough. She kicked Julie and then tossed her out of the ring. The minuscule girl had little combat experience so she failed to go into a roll upon hitting the concrete. Kylee exited the toy and restored herself so that the unconscious prisoner could be returned to her cell..

Three floors above, Nurse Sarah lazily scanned the infirmary. She hated it when no agents had been sent out in weeks. The entire medical staff didn�t even have follow-up visits to handle this time around. She chose to straighten up some tongue depressors; they were a little tilted in the jar. Once that brainless and unnecessary task was eliminated she leaned back against a counter to relax. Her butt came to rest on the edge of the counter when she felt a sharp sensation. She briefly considered a splinter, but the counters were stainless steel. Besides, the pain felt more like a�

As her brain inserted the word �needle,� her body chose that moment to feel a horrifying tingle. She collapsed to the floor and crawled free of her expanding garments. She wasn�t fast enough; it had to have been a super-concentrated dose of the Richard Matheson formula tearing through her bloodstream. The neckline her breasts had barely made it past rushed by her face as she receded back inside.

When she was sure it was over, she looked around to get a bearing on her size. Against regulations, she always wore thong panties. She saw them behind her, now a wall of red lace. She hurried deeper into her clothes, or out depending upon your perspective. She sprawled across the thong, trying to reach both sides and found it to be wider across than she was tall. The poor little blonde sank to the floor and wept, hugging her b-cups to her.

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