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She knew she had to escape the confines of her clothes and get to higher ground. Everyone had been trained what to do in case of accidental shrinkage and it was also common sense. The last place a shrunken person wanted to be was at the same level as everyone else�s feet. Almost anywhere else in the building and you had to head for a place where you could get the attention of full-sized people. In the infirmary and three secret locations were restoration agents of varying sizes. She remembered that there would be syringes just the right size for her underneath the counter she had only recently been using for rest.

Her teeny legs pumped hard as she hurried to safety, any second could spell doom if a coworker chose that minute to walk in and head her way. Everyone wore hospital booties, but a thin soft padding between you and several hundred tons meant jack shit. She slid under the counter like she was going to home plate and hit an open medicine chest. The entire chest had been reduced and a reduced staff member had originally added syringes of varying sizes a long time ago. The cabinet had always been kept fully stocked since. Now she gazed upon an open door and the nothingness inside. She peered around and saw a few broken syringes lying nearby. The way they�d been crushed suggested a tiny person had destroyed them deliberately. Who would want to stay tiny?

Sarah decided to stay where she was until she had a better idea that it was safe to come out and climb out somewhere. She then heard mocking laughter from further along her hiding place. She explored the semidarkness and was sure the person was moving farther away. Sarah wouldn�t blame whoever it was, they were in a lot of trouble when she found them and got back to full size. He or she was most likely the reason she had been shrunk in the first place.

�Hello, who�s there? I�m not mad at you, but I do want to know who did this to me.�

�But I didn�t do anything to you,� the voice answered back.

�You�re the one who gave me the formula to make me shrink, right?� The ideas of multiple tiny people wreaking havoc in the infirmary frightened her.

�I did inject you, but at the request of someone else. She is more likely to be the person you want to talk to if she was here.�

�Okay, but did you also destroy the formula that would turn me back because of her?�

�Yes, she said it would make things much easier for us. I was nothing personal or anything like that. You just can�t go back to the way you were.�

Sarah listened carefully, she was much closer now and the other person was within a few feet. She lunged though the darkness to collide with another body. An enormous hand grasped her and she gazed up into the eyes of a woman twice her size. �Who are you and why did you shrink me smaller than you?� she stammered out.

�All in good time. For now, you call me Aubri.�

�We�ve got a new problem,� the boss began. Kylee didn�t even try to interrupt. �We�ve been getting reports of a new woman out there who�s taken a new approach to shrinking people. She reduces them and makes them into her soldiers.�

�And they agree?�

�Do you really have a choice when you�re that size?  Although, my sources do say she uses sex to persuade them. She may also be in possession of an X-390.�

Kylee shivered from the memories of her sole experience with that shrink ray. �Orgasm in a pistol. It took me a month to deal with the addiction from one round with that thing. What�s her plan?�

�We don�t know yet, but we suspect where she got the idea from.� He spun a computer her way so she could see the website. �It�s a fiction archive about size changing. It seems the author created some stories about an army of tiny women. Their enemies are women who are bigger than normal, giantesses. I�ve seen other similar sites about squads of shrunken spies and other related crap.�

Kylee nodded along. None of what he said surprised her in any way. She had been on the Internet reading those tales within her first month of work. Some made shrinking seem more glamorous than it really was and others exaggerated the dangers. She liked them all, especially the ones that got the closest to reality. Her favorites were jaded characters who had to repeat the dangers ad nauseam to the typical moron who always fell into the trap of marveling at the immense size of everything. Her boss was a greater extreme of that jaded character type, too many close calls. Whenever that character reiterated that shrinking people was a bad idea and could only lead to more trouble, she had to cheer them on. Kylee couldn�t wait to read the end of one going at the moment about a reality show; the dangers were so familiar. It was a follow-up to a story before it that she remembered closely paralleled an early case of hers, a shocking reminder that there were still sickos out there who would do such things.

�With tiny soldiers, you could gain access to almost any place on earth.� Memories of Shannon were hard to bury. �Any ideas of where she is right now?�

�Here in Washington. I�ve briefed the other agents already at separate times. In case anyone�s watching the place, I don�t want to cause a panic by having too many people heading out at once. You�ve got Capitol Hill duty, now go.�

�Connie, is that all of them?� Jennie asked, a shade of impatience had crept into her voice.

�Every last member of Congress,� her servant answered, holding up the precious box. �I even got every aide and security guard. If they aren�t in here, they�re loose somewhere and won�t be of any threat.�

�Hand it over,� she demanded of her seven inch slave.

The box was passed to her and she carefully lifted the lid. The slightest breeze meant quite a few could get away and that would lessen her fun.

�I had trouble finding them all even at my size, Mistress. They must look like dust to you. What do you plan to do with them?�

She set the box down on a nearby seat and reached into her oversized purse. �What else? Dustbuster time.�

The appliance was switched on and the hum of it drowned out the minute squeak that was the combined efforts of over 500 people shrieking at the tops of their lungs in abject horror. Jennie wondered what it looked like to them. Did they even know what was above them and pulling them in? The box was emptied too quickly and she grimaced in disgust. She wanted something she could savor and would have to come up with something better for the next time. For the time being, she could hasten their demise. She pulled out a bottle she hoped she wouldn�t have to use yet. The Dustbuster drank up the sulfuric acid and then she had to discard the device quickly.

Her servant came scampering over with a reduced satellite phone. �Team Two is reporting in now. They�re sending their best agent here. Should we hurry away?�

�For now, but let�s leave Mark and Debbie here to monitor her activity.�

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