Bright Ideas
�Any ideas on how to kill a few hours?� Libby asked Eric, the innuendo flowing freely.

�I�ve got a few ideas,� he answered slickly, waggling his eyebrows.

�Perfect, but I doubt it will be exactly as you intended.�

She stood to her full height of 5�4� and tossed back her red hair streaked with black. Libby arched her back to highlight her generous C-cups. She beckoned Eric to stand to his athletic 6 feet even.

His arms wrapped around her and pulled her close. �I�ll try to be gentle, but I�m not making any promises,� he whispered as he leaned in to kiss her.

She pulled back from him and smiled coyly. �I told you this would be a little different.� She nibbled his ear seductively and whispered faintly words he couldn�t make out.

�What was that?� he moaned, seconds before a flash of light and heat consumed his body.

�Wake up,� Libby demanded.

He struggled to comply, but had some trouble moving on whatever surface he was lying on. Her voice was all wrong to him, too. It was loud and deeper.

�What the hell happened?� he asked and jumped at the sound of his own voice, higher and squeakier. He still couldn�t see; why couldn�t he see?

�In a few seconds, your eyes will open and everything be understood.�

Eric complied and saw a row of white blocks framed by red fleshy slabs. His mind struggled to place the image as he continued looking around. Then he saw the cavernous nostrils and above them, eyes that were too large to be true.

�What have you done?� he screamed. �Where am I now?�

�First thing�s first. I made you little. You�re still in my apartment and you�re in the palm of my right hand. I know how you feel about me, but I don�t feel quite the same way. The only way I�d ever fool around with you is if you were nothing more than a helpless little doll-man.�

He backed up in her hand as she pulled him towards her chest. He looked for somewhere to go, but was out of options when he was pressed deeply into her sweater. The smell of her clothing mingled with the sweet aroma of her skin. He knew how close he was to a nipple, he could feel it hardening against his torso and potentially impaling him.

� �I�ll try to be gentle, but I�m not making any promises,� � she cooed down to him.

She lifted her hand and tipped it in an attempt to dump him into her now excessively generous cleavage. He used the opportunity to catch her clothes and leap to freedom. He made it to the floor through a sequence of events too frenzied for him to remember. Once there, he made a dash for the door and was in the hallway.

His only hope was her neighbor, a girl he had always regarded as a friend and would do anything for him. He sprinted for her door and skidded under it as Libby opened hers. He spotted the, normally, petite blonde and ran towards her, wildly flailing his arms.

�Cherish, help me, I�m down here.�

�Oh my God,� she gasped. The gargantuan blonde dropped to her knees and crouched on the floor.

Eric saw her D-cups rushing towards him and jumped back. �You�ve got to help me.�

It took some time for Eric to explain everything and his plan for getting big again. In part, it was because of embarrassment at telling her about his romantic escapades and also from her shock at seeing her friend shrunk down to less than half the size of a Ken doll. She kept staring at his puny body so much that she lost her focus and had to have things repeated.

�I�ll help you out,� she stated at last. �I�ll go talk to Libby and see if she�ll fix you. I�ll pay her or something.� She gently scooped Eric up and left him on the table next to the door.

She headed out and left her apartment unlocked. Eric watched her leave a felt a rush of excitement. He knew he�d be back to his old self in a matter of minutes. He could faintly hear the two women talking, but words and who was talking at any one time was undecipherable. For a while, there was no sound at all. After a few minutes, he saw the doorknob turn and swing open.

�Hiya, little one,� Libby squealed with delight. �Did you miss me?�

�What? Where�s Cherish?�

�Who? Oh, that blonde girl.� She dipped her hand into her pants and worked it around for several seconds before pulling it back out. �I thought I�d lost her in there, that happens sometimes.� She held out a sticky and naked Cherish, her body dripping and ripe with the scent of Libby�s juices. Libby smiled at them. �Now I�ve got two toys to play with. I would�ve fooled around with you for an hour or so, Eric, and then restored you, but the way you two put up a fight I�m going to keep you both this way for a while longer. Maybe you�ll both start to bore me in a few months. Get ready for some real fun.� The two shrunken people were scooped up into one hand and deposited in her pants.

Cherish turned to Eric in the darkness and yelled at him, �Any more bright ideas?�
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