Kylee Mission 5:
No Beba Los Liquidos Dosificados
Fuck that, I�m taking some time off for myself. That would have been the best way to leave for three weeks of vacation. Somehow, being forced to take some time off to relax seems so� undignified. She wanted the time, needed the time, and even deserved it. The closest equivalent was when you got dumped by someone you couldn�t stand. Oh well, at least she getting to soak up some sun and hurl a hearty �Fuck You!� at stress and any worldly concerns, or anyone who tried to stop her from sunbathing nude� maybe. It just wouldn�t match the fun of being there to help bathe the prisoners, though.

Her vacation from work started off too much like work, they always insist on transporting agents to their vacation spots. That led to a quick flight to Norfolk International and a waiting car to carry her away to Virginia Beach. She didn�t need much while there, just a decent hotel room overlooking the water and many hours to spend lounging around. Both requirements were neatly satisfied when she got to her room at the Days Inn.

�It�s probably not such a good idea,� Geoff insisted. �Someone�s gonna find out about this.�

�Who�ll know?� Melissa purred into his left ear right before her mouth went to work on the lobe. �We mix up our own shit and sell it. We�ve been a part of supply line too fuckin� long. I�m sick of us getting fucked over by dealers higher up the chain. And they�re scared we�ll get caught and nark on �em, so there�s always a red laser dot on our temples. This way, we�re our own bosses and can be free. It�s the goddamned American Dream.� The crazy blonde could make sense when she wanted to.

�But we don�t know how to make any shit on our own,� he countered.

�I saw something on like 60 Minutes or whatever �bout Meth labs. Whoever the dipshit reporter guy was, he showed the shit you gotta mix together. We could make a brand new drug based on the old stuff. We just buy some ourselves at a bunch of different places so no one gets suspicious and we�re most of the way there. My brother�s roommate tried somethin� like it once, he�s got the equipment since the roommate up and died.�

�Probably from the dumbass trying to make the stuff himself.�

�Nah, he got shot by the cops. It made the fuckin� news two weeks ago.� She hopped into his lap and flashed him, following it up with a little grinding of her pelvis into his crotch. �Whatcha say?�

That was how it started, a month ago. It had taken that long to get everything and assemble the stuff. The work would�ve gone faster if not for Melissa�s insistence that they spending one day fucking for every time they got a little closer. Her lithe body and pert breasts were a bitch to resist. Spending all day naked next to her, even without sex, was almost worth one�s soul. Then the glorious day had arrived and their first batch was almost ready.

�Oh shit, I just thought of somethin� we need to do,� Melissa blurted out and darted from the room. She returned with a beer bottle filled with white powder. �Someone slipped me this shit a while back, it does nothing on its own, but does some super shit to any drug it�s mixed with.�

�How much of it?� he asked while maintaining a healthy dose of skepticism.

�Just a few grains to every ounce. Let�s put it in the first batch.�

�Hell no, we�re not risking losing any drugs to whatever the hell you�ve got in there.�

�Fine, just the bit we sample. How �bout that?� She pulled open her top and flashed her braless tits. �I�ll give ya some of this if you go along.�

�I�ll get some anyways, but if it shuts you up.�

Whatever it was they�d made, it came out as a powder once processed. Melissa�s brother, a Chemistry major, guessed it would be a great upper. They decided to try smoking it first in a bong. Melissa added a couple grains of her powder to it despite Geoff�s insistence that they try it straight first. Melissa only managed a couple hits before blacking out. She was already stoned before they had tried their new stuff. Melissa had wanted another celebration during the production. Geoff finished it off and dropped next to her.

�What the fuck happened?� Melissa groaned. She fought her way to standing and surveyed the room. Everything was off in some way she couldn�t describe and a giggle escaped her. �Shit, I am fucked up good. That�s it, the room looks bigger.� She tried walking around and tripped over her own clothing. �Damn, even my clothes look a little bigger, this is one awesome trip. I look, like, a foot shorter. Where the hell is Geoff?�

�Melissa?� a voice squeaked up at her.

�Geoff?� She saw a tiny naked man, his minute body hardly reaching her bare ankle. �This is fuckin� cool! You look so damned tiny.�

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