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�I am tiny, Melissa. Help me, you got to get me somewhere safe until this� whatever this is wears off, if it does.�

�It�s called a �high� you moron. Everything just looks really off. You�re probably not even the real Geoff.�

�Yes, it is me Melissa. You�re just too stupid to figure it out. All the other shit in your system is making it hard for you to concentrate. Our drug does nothing, that stuff you added makes people tiny.�

�It didn�t when I mixed it with SoCo, Imaginary Geoff. Maybe our stuff makes people tiny.� She giggled again.

�Why am I talking to you? You aren�t the real Geoff.�

�Yes I am, dammit. Listen, you brain-dead cunt, I am the real Geoff and we are in serious shit because of this.�

�Naughty, naughty,� Melissa scolded. �Tiny men shouldn�t talk to me that way.� She grabbed him up and swatted his ass with her pinkie and enjoyed his screams of pain. �If that was true, why are you so little and I�m so big?�

�Duh, I had more than you. I�m sorry I called you a bad name, but be careful. I am really fragile this small and you could�ve killed me.�

�I don�t have to be careful, you do. You need to learn to stop calling yourself Geoff and tell me where my boyfriend went.� She dangled his body over her mouth. �Tell me, or I gobble you up.�

�No, I�m telling you the truth.�

�We talked about the lying.� She dropped him in and felt him squirming against her tongue.

�Okay, fine, I�m not real.� He figured playing into her delusion would spare his life. �The real Geoff is in the bathroom. He wants you to put me somewhere safe and then you are to go lie down and go to sleep.�

She pulled him out for a minute and examined him. �I don�t wanna sleep. I already slept. If you�re Fake Geoff, then I can do anything I want to you and Real Geoff will understand once I explain all the bad things you said and did. Besides, you�ll be nice an� safe inside my stomach.�

�No!� Geoff shrieked and he was thrust beyond the parting wall of teeth. He hit the back of her mouth and her tongue rose up to bar his way. He felt the pressure pulling him downward and fought in vain to survive. He was easily swallowed and landed in a pool of stomach acid.

�Now to find Geoff.� She felt her high fading and reality sunk in. She tried to gag and vomit him back up, but she couldn�t have realized her failed attempts were merely causing acid to surge up and douse his helpless form. Melissa could feel his body disappearing within her and she fell to the floor sobbing.

A few hours later her size came back slowly. She gathered up the chemicals, including the special powder, and flushed it all down the toilet. A distraught woman then ran into traffic. Some sports car rounding a corner hit her perfectly to send her flying into the path of a car heading the other way. She rolled over the top of that one and fell to the road to be run over a man who just wasn�t able to see her in time. It led to a spectacular pileup in the street.

Kylee was out walking the streets. Exploring really, but she preferred the previous description. In many ways, she was still looking for a good time at any price. Her attention was diverted by sirens and the wails of those suffering through a trauma for the first time. Her responsibilities as a peace officer rose above the standing order to rest. She dashed to the scene and flashed her identification to anyone who questioned her presence.

�I will have to ask you to step back, even if you are connected with the FBI. This isn�t an FBI case, ma�am.� The officer�s words were meant to cut.

�I�m not here to take over. I�m here to offer assistance in the form of first aid to anyone who needs it.�

The surly officer stepped back in shame. �I�m sorry, coordinate with Lieutenant Gordon over there.� The woman stood out from the crowd and Kylee pushed her way over to help.

�The only dead body we�re got so far is over there, the woman who started it. Witnesses say she ran into the street like she was out of her mind. Would you say drugs?�

�Even money,� Kylee answered. �Who else needs help?�

�We have a few pedestrians, a couple cars went up on the sidewalk.�

Kylee went to work, but her attention drifted back to the first corpse. Her body was crushed and mangled. Her legs were turned the complete opposite of her torso, or leg, judging by what was left of her. Shards of glass clung to her body in a bizarre rendition of a porcupine. Paint smears could be seen adhering to several different spots on her body in a few different colors. The weirdest thing was the distension of her stomach. It had been too soon for her body to become bloated and the distortion didn�t look like pregnancy or weight gain. The bulge was also fading as well.

She asked an officer to get the body to the coroner�s office quickly to figure it out. Initial protests based upon the need for preserving the scene ended once Kylee�s observation was made. The men she was informing had been the first on the scene. None of them remembered that detail of her figure and all had remarked on how pretty and slim she had been. The body was whisked away for further study.
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