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  Ron followed Kendra back to her dorm and got her attention as she unlocked her door. �Hey, Kendra, I need to talk to you and I think you know why.�
   �If you can take her to places while she�s small, why can�t I take Amy?�
   �No, I want you to hand over Jessica.�
   �I haven�t seen her, wasn�t she with you?�
   �I lost her, I know she would�ve gone to you for help in getting back to me.�
   �I swear I haven�t seen her.�
   �Kendra, I was doing you a favor when I didn�t tell Jessica what you said to me after you got her back to me the last time.�
   �I know I said I wanted Jessica to play with and that you could find another girl with shrinking fantasies, but I wouldn�t really keep her.�
   Ron noticed a lot of squirming inside Kendra�s shirt. �Take off your top, now.�
   �Now who�s being mean to Jessica? If you want to get frisky, you know I want you to be little first.�
   �Firstly, even if I wanted to play with you like that, I�d never trust you with my life at that size.�
   �The last time we played we had fun.�
   �No, you had fun, I wanted out, and it was more kidnapping than actual play. Secondly, I only want you to take off your top so you can prove you�re not trying to hide Jessica.�
   Kendra obliged and seductively pulled her shirt over her head to expose her tiny, but perky, breasts. She then coyly winked, kissed at him, and then removed her bra. Amy clung to her right breast and hugged herself tighter to it to keep from falling. �Satisfied? I couldn�t have hid her anywhere else since you obviously saw that I didn�t stop between the movies and here.�
   �I believe you could have hid her farther down even while in your theater seat, but I�ll take your word from it.�
   Kendra slid her clothes back on as Amy tried to make a leap for it. �If you can�t find Jessica, you can borrow Amy. She always wants to get out and the two of us could provide you with some �southern comfort.�
   �From anyone but Jessica, that will have to be the booze. Any ideas on where she could be now?�
   �No, but you could forget her and you could be my sweet little candy man.� She licked her lips slowly and moaned quietly. �Just kidding, but I do want to talk to you about something else.� She removed Amy from her top and put inside a large fishbowl in her closet. They moved down to an empty lounge on the floor.
   �What is it, Kendra?�
   �When I said Amy wants to get out, I think she has escaped from her bowl at least once. I got back from class a couple months ago and saw her acting strange like she was tired and panicked from hiding something. Then I found a bill for a call to a cell phone down South that I never made.�
   �You think she�s alerting friends?�
   �It was only for a minute, but the person she called could have called her back.�
   �Damn, the last thing we need is for word to get out,� Ron growled. �I�ve been on the Internet and seen all of the people out there who are into shrinking. The power I have is dangerous and that�s why we had to at least shrink Amy.� Kendra opened her mouth and Ron cut her off. �You like the whole tiny trip, being tiny and manipulating tiny people, the whole enchilada. However, can you honestly believe others wouldn�t exploit that power like that wonderful dynamic duo we had to stop last semester? One person was shrunk into literal nothingness, another died, and several girls dropped out of college to go into mental institutions from their experiences. They were shrunk against their will and others will follow the devices get out. You were shrunk against your will, but liked it too much to protest very much. What about others like Melissa, Sara, Renee, and Carrie? Would it be okay for some random person walking down the street to be reduced and lose their entire life on the whim of another? We were damn lucky that for some strange reason no one has shown up to investigate the disappearances of either Amy or Sara.�
   �I...I hadn�t thought of all of that. I admit some of what you said has occurred to me at times, but I�ve never truly wondered what I would do if I could never be restored to human size.� She leaned her face on Ron�s shoulder and broke into tears. �I�m so sorry I imprisoned you, threatened you, and nearly kept you and Jessica apart.�
   �Not to mention nearly getting all three of us killed. Don�t worry; I�ve forgiven you since. If anything, that experience is what taught me the lesson I needed and helped me come to the conclusions I stated in my speech. If you suspect Amy has done anything else, I can make her smaller, or help make a lid she can�t lift.�
   Kendra wiped her tears away and headed back to her room. She turned and looked back in the lounge to see Ron still seated with his head between his knees. �You�ll find her and she�ll be okay. Trust me, you remember what we survived and I�m certain she�s safe and sound wherever she is.�
   Jessica screamed in terror at the lips less than an inch, in her scale, from her body. She wished they could have at least been the lips she�d been pressed to a minute earlier when Shara-Anne sucked on her body. Now she faced down the privates of a giant stranger who refused to acknowledge Jessica�s status as a human being and memories of Amy flooded her conscious mind. This strange southern girl believed her little �Sugar Pie� now existed only to please her and do the things she was too shy to do to herself.
   �Now don�t tucker your little ole self out by frettin�,� Shara-Anne admonished her. �Y�all got so much work to do on my upper half.�
   �Here�s an idea, go fuck yourself, literally,� Jessica shrieked.
   �Y�all need to learn yourself some manners.� Jessica was pulled away from the girl�s crotch as her captor rolled over. �Your punishment should purt-near stopper up your lip.�
   Jessica yelped in abject terror as the other horror of her sweat inducing nightmares from her captivity came to stunning life. The crack of the larger girl�s ass spread open and her anus was all too visible. Then she felt the fingers holding her release and she plummeted between the hot walls of soft, smelly flesh to land over the anus. Jessica�s right arm, extended to break her fall, sunk in to her elbow. She tried not to retch as the walls closed around her and her light vanished in time for a rumble to work its way from deep inside the behemoth. Her captor cackled at what she considered to be a great gag. She was left in a chamber of stench to contemplate where her future could go from there.

   It had been almost a week with no sign of Jessica, not even the slightest hint of what had happened to her. Kendra wanted to insist that Ron give up on Jessica, declare her dead. Watching him pace in his dorm room emitting a growl to intimidate a panther made her drop that notion. Instead, she did what a friend does, just be there and listen.
   �Frelling dren, this makes no frelling sense,� Ron spat. �She should have found some way to get in touch with me by now. I will not believe she�s dead, so that means someone else got ahold of her. The only problem is, who?�
   �If someone found her in theater, they would try to help her get back to you, unless they liked finding a tiny girl.� She looked at his closet carefully. �Ron, did Jessica leave a windbreaker here just like one of yours?�

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