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  �No, she doesn�t have any jacket like mine. That windbreaker is mine, why would you ask?�
   �That�s a woman�s jacket,� Kendra giggled. �I hope you don�t wear it very often.�
   �Not since I was at the movies with Jessica and...� He looked at the jacket, scrutinizing the patterning on it like an amateur Gill Grissom. �What the hezmana? I�ll be damned, I never noticed it before. I must have sat down in the wrong seat and some other person took my jacket. There was no one that far back except...�
   A flash, blonde hair streaming over the shoulder. Another flash and the hair was attached to a young woman. A quick collision followed, jarring both people and sending the girl stumbling. He could see it all now as he helped the woman, kept her from falling, and apologized. He could hear the voice in his head, her southern drawl echoing across his neural pathways. The world slammed on the brakes and his mind was thrown forward to traverse the gulf of the universe, to see all of reality and all possibilities. He was in the void of thought, the area where the brain makes the leaps of logic traditionally called hunches or guessing where the actual steps from A to B normally cannot be explained.
   Kendra saw him freeze after his last comments. She waved a hand in front of his face, seeing only the barest glimmer of recognition. �Ron, come back to me, you�re uh... you�re starting to weird me out over here. Hell, you can even be tripping the light fantastic, if you�ll just
do something!� She gasped and recoiled as Ron glared at her and she saw the naked fury screech across his eyes, a banshee rending his soul.
   He finally chose to speak after a minute a year in length. �We need to talk to little Amy about that problem you had with her.�
  �Okay, but after that there is something I need to talk to you about. This isn�t the best time, but I have a problem as well.�
  �We�ll deal with it when all of this is behind us.�

   Jessica felt the pressure leave the back of her little head and lifted it up to gasp for breath. There was a sloppy wet pop as Shara-Anne�s nipple exited her mouth. Her jaw ached and she glared at her captor.       Jessica had explained several times that she was too small to fit the giantess�s nipple all the way in. After all was said and done, it had been about a tie. She tried to ignore the ache in her mouth and found a way to do so when her legs were shoved apart violently. She waited for the hick to insert another q-tip, or a finger.
   �This should be a little more like what y�all�re used to gettin� in there.�
   Jessica felt herself enter a controlled descent. She dared a quick glance at her destination and regretted it. The nipple awaited her, slick with her saliva and she felt its heat and wetness immediately. It did nothing to excite her, but Shara-Anne more than made up for it with her delight. The nipple penetrated her like a large penis, too large for her to take. She shrieked once, an act her captor either took for pleasure, or just didn�t care about. She was pushed down further on the great russet rod and was able to dig her nails into the areola. She�d done it every time as an act of defiance, but every time, her small size meant that it only delighted the target. She was mercifully lifted away and then set down on the trailing edge of the pebbled texturing she recognized. On some abstract level, she found a close-up of an areola fascinating and realized why Ron liked playing on her breasts when he was taking his turn being tiny.
   �You know what comes next, Sugarpie.�
   Jessica didn�t fight it as Shara-Anne scooped her up, the woman�s hand covering all of her body below her breasts. Giant fingers shot out to flick her breasts up and down. She was getting used to this girl jiggling her, relatively, tiny breasts with a fingernail. They were pushed from side to side and the oohing and ahhing was at a high pitch that hurt her miniaturized ears. This child with a beloved toy then gently licked each breast with the tip of her tongue before putting each one in her mouth to suck on. Jessica nearly had each tit torn off by the suction power combined with the rolling action delivered by the gigantic tongue against her nipples.
   The next stage involved Shara-Anne opening the hand she grasped Jessica with. Then her free hand sent a finger to explore her pubic hair. Jessica normally kept a landing strip and that crimson tuft intrigued the giantess. With the utmost delicacy, she touched the hairs there, marveling at how their small size made them feel like the finest gossamer. Well, she would have, Jessica thought, if she had the IQ to possibly know what gossamer was. Jessica had to fight herself whenever it came to that part of the ritual. She found she liked the sensation so much when Ron did it, that she would whimper in delight to Shara-Anne and make that big lummox think her actions were welcome. Again, she lost the fight and became caught up in the moment, even going so far as to experience an orgasm.
   �Well, you really liked that one, didn�t you?� the sickeningly sugary voice purred down to her.
   �I was thinking about my boyfriend and how much I want to get back to him.�
   �After the final coupl�a steps, we�ll take ourselves a trip and you may even see your man and find out why I like playing with a little ole thing like yourself.�
   Jessica was dropped onto the left breast and rolled into the cleavage. Once she was there, she had to play with the underside of each breast. Apparently, that girl liked it as much as she did. Jessica did her best to heave the humongous wall of tit flesh up and get underneath it. She scurried as it came down and was far enough under that the leading edge missed her as it slapped down. She was confined to a miniscule space with almost no air and could smell a mixture of her captor�s perfume and sweat. The breast was slick from the warmth of Shara-Anne�s excitement and the heat of Jessica�s breath. The diminutive beauty started massaging the juncture of the rib cage and the breast and worked her way around, straining to move the weight around her. Once she felt the vibrations of a tap and the breast lifted long enough for some cool air to get in, Jessica had to start all over again using her tongue in place of her hands. She licked the sweaty tit as she was told, as she had done too many times before. She almost gagged, a reflex she had nearly conditioned out of herself after trips to the cheeks prison. She knew nothing could make her forget the incarceration after Shara-Anne had been to Taco Bell. She wished she had been flushed that night. She got through her nausea this time and then did the other tit the same way. Her finale was to walk between them, trailing her hands along them as she went while Shara-Anne pushed the walls together. She always headed towards the stomach for that walk, knowing she was bound for southern latitudes.
   Jessica walked to the end of the taught belly and waded into the grassy plain. At the extreme there, she jumped and soft-landed on the fluffy blanket. The legs rising into the sky on either side shot off away from her in preparation. She plunged in headfirst as her owner had insisted since the second or third time. A loud buzzing she realized was a cell phone made Shara-Anne pull her out. She was set onto a dresser as the giant girl took the call.
   �We�re goin� for a ride,� she announced when she was done.
   Jessica rode in her subjugator�s cleavage for the trip to the car. �Where are we going?�
   �Back to your ole college.�
   �But I...uh...never told you where I went to school, or even that I was still in college.�

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