Wishful Thinking
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�Uh-oh, dolly, you said a bad word,� Vanessa scolded the plastic toy in front of her. �You gotta get punised.�

Of course there hadn�t been any bad language this far, not even slipping out of any of the girls by accident. Melody was used to it, though. Periodically, the girls pretended that some curse word had come out and then they punished the dolls. Vanessa grabbed up her doll and walked into the bathroom to rub a bar of soap across the doll�s plastic face. Then it would be rinsed off and she would return to declare everything right in the world and playtime would resume.

�I have to stop now, girls,� Melody informed the trio. �We all do. Your sitter will be her in a little while and we should take care of your mess before she does.� She pointed to the array of dolls and accessories strewn about the floor. �You wouldn�t want her stepping on a doll and breaking it would you?�

Each girl nodded in agreement and they began to pick up their toys. The phone rang and Melody dashed over to answer it. It was the babysitter calling to say she had car trouble and it would be another hour.

�Great, another hour before she�s here,� Melody muttered out loud and immediately regretted her words.

�Another hour?� Ashley yelped. �That means more dollies.� The toys in her hands hit the floor and she ran around whooping. The other two, naturally, joined in the excitement.
�Stop it right now,� Melody ordered, raising her voice more than she usually did with them.

�I hate you!� Vanessa cried. �I wish you�d be a part of our dollies game forever.�

�Well I can�t. I have other things to do and so do all three of you.� She suddenly felt a tingle run up her spine. For an instant, she thought the room looked different somehow, but she shrugged it off just as quick.

She walked over to where she left her cell phone and felt another tingle. She leaned over to get her phone and reached past it. She ignored that and finally grabbed the phone. Melody grimaced slightly, her cell felt different. She knew she had to be going crazy from her nieces, she thought the phone felt larger. She flipped it open and updated her friends on their plans. Another tingle passed and the phone nearly out of her hands. She put it on the kitchen table and went to see the girls.

�Alright, who�s been messing with my phone?� she demanded, simultaneously realizing none of them could make her phone grow. As the words escaped her, she noticed that she was now eye level with the back of an armchair she once looked down upon. �Oh my god!� squeaked out of her, terror closing her throat as she both figured out what was happening to her and a much strong shudder knocked her to the floor.

�What�s wrong with cousin Meldy?�Vanessa asked.

�I�m fine, keep away,� she shrieked, afraid to have them near her while this was occurring. Several small ones and a medium vibration hit her quickly and she knew that even Susie would now be bigger than her. However, she knew the girls would be drawn to the sight of their statuesque cousin dwindling before their eyes. �Stay back, I.... uh... don�t want this to happen to you too. Um... yeah... don�t get too close.� Her voice was higher pitched now and a comical squeak to the three of them.

�You sound funny,� Susie giggled. �You no look funny, look like dollies. Big dolly.�

Melody gasped at that. She didn�t feel too big at that moment and a comparison with her surroundings confirmed it. At best she was a little over two feet in height, which she did concede was tall compared to their dolls, none over eight inches tall. That could change for her really quick and the only thing she had to be grateful for was that her shoes and clothing were shrinking with her.

�Wow,� Ashley sighed. �She�s almost a dolly herself. You know what that means, Melody?�

�What?� she groaned, or tried to; it probably came out as a prolonged squeal to the giant girls now kneeling over her. She had a suspicion what it all meant, but she didn�t want to entertain that possibility.

�You can play dollies with us,� she beamed.

�No!� she yelled up at them as she shrank some more. She had to make some effort to remain in charge, even if that wasn�t likely to happen. �You are going to pick all the toys up and get me some help.� She thought about it for a second. �No, get me help first.�

�No,� Vanessa chirruped. The girl�s normally high lilt was rapidly becoming deeper and more booming.

�What?� she demanded, placing both hands on her hips like her aunt did when the girls disobeyed.

�You can�t make us, you can�t make us,� Ashley sang over her.

�Can�t make, can�t make,� Susie joined in the song.

A second later, Vanessa joined in the game, spurred on when Melody lost more of her once imposing size. She was down to a mere eleven inches and their voices rose louder and louder until it was a thunderous roar over the reduced beauty. She felt to her knees and then collapsed on her side, desperately clutching her hands tighter to her ears to block out the noise.
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