Part 2-
March 13, 2006 12:00 PM:

The four marched into the boardroom. Their caution blended with the stern solemnity into a volatile cocktail. They took the four available seats at a massive oak table. The College Council, the university�s president, and the chair of the philosophy department occupied the other chairs. The looks on the faces of the assembly told them the shit had hit the fan.

�Doctor Little informed me of your rather.... ambitious project,� began the philosophy chair. He was a squat balding fat man who could�ve passed for Mickey Rooney.

�Naturally, I had to bring it to the attention of others.� He gestured to include the other officials.

�We are all concerned about what has been proposed,� President Coe added. She was the youngest president in the university�s history and bore the look of one who�d slept her way to the top.

The group held its poker face.

�We�re not sure how to say this best,� a blonde began, Christa somebody. Paul had once viewed her generous bust line and declared her not only to have more tits than brains, but that her gray matter could be lost in a milk duct. �I suppose we could say that questions have been raised concerning your sanity, if you are at all being serious.�

�Ah, the direct approach,� Paul deadpanned. �I fail to see why there are any questions at all.�

�You�re talking about playing God,� Christa answered before anyone else could. �We�ve all heard the stories about your... abilities, but what you�re proposing is impossible.�

�Some still believe what we
can do is impossible. Why not let us try and have a ripping good laugh of it when we fail and then exult in our dashed ambitions?�

Coe stepped in, �None of want to see students fail. We simply feel that this is most likely something human minds weren�t for.�

�But if we�ve already seen results, then that would indicate otherwise,� Eric retorted.

�To play Devil�s Advocate for a moment,� Libby joined in, �perhaps they�re actually implying that human minds are not yet ready for that ability. We�ve had atomic weaponry for over sixty years and humans still haven�t developed enough. No nation should have them, least of all our own.�

�That is more along the lines of what we mean,� the philosophy chair relented. �You may have some rudimentary skills, but you�ve advanced too far too quickly. We request that you cease immediately.�

�Keep practicing, I have a plan,� Paul whispered as they left.

Erica threw Eric a look of hunger and whispered to him, �This will
so rock!�

Yeah, like their word was going to end what we�d started. If you think the story�s over, then I suppose you�re not very bright. You would have to be like so many others. If you did, then you should pay closer attention. We wanted to help such limited minds with our ideas. Anyways, I doubt many thought this tale to be over. Anyone who�s watched even five minutes of the inane drivel endlessly duplicated on television would know this story has barely started.

I find myself wondering what Colombus or his shipmates thought upon glimpsing the New World. How about Nero at the pinnacle of his neglect? Or Czar Nicholas II? Even that guy who invented television? Did they see those days as mundane? Could any have imagined? Yamamoto had an idea, his �slumbering giant� statement. I guess only time -- and the biases of those in power -- will tell how we will be viewed.

March 27, 2006 1:00 PM:

Paul reentered the boardroom, followed only by Eric and Libby. This time he carried a briefcase that he handled with the utmost care. That was gingerly placed upon the oak table.

�Well, what is it you wished to discuss with us?� Coe asked.

�We come here with the hope that you�ll reconsider. You may believe mankind is not yet ready to embrace our ideas and gain a clearer understanding of how foggy our reality is, but I beg to differ. Mankind
needs to be woken up to the truth. Centuries ago, Galileo was persecuted for speaking out against a geocentric universe. He was forced to recant by religious leaders who feared a change in their dogmatic rule, but those people had to learn the truth and needed to change their limited views. Such is the case now. I offer you one piece of irrefutable evidence to support my claim. In essence, take you out of your pews and into the universe.�

The briefcase was flipped open and every attendee, save the group, gasped in surprise. Erica stood up and stretched, all six inches of her. Fir several seconds she held the pose of a football referee indicated a successful field goal. Paul held his hand out and she clambered onto his palm. Her lithe body reclined against his thumb.

�This is... is...� Christa stammered.

�Impossible? If you�re preparing to rail against me, I must question your intellect and place in this institution: Many once believed man couldn�t fly, but if we brought such naysayers to this time to the runway of Logan they would willfully eat their own words.�

�I must protest this,� Coe thundered. �What you�ve done is a sin against nature and I want you to fix it.�

�After my previous statement, I must protest you remaining the president. Besides, you must be this tall to join in the debate.� He gestured towards his waist.

�What�s that supp-
ooh?!� Coe screeched at the sight of her world growing. Very soon her chair could have fit two of her. Her arms weren�t able to rest on the chair and she had to reach to keep her hands on the armrests. She leapt onto the table and charged Paul. �What the hell is the meaning of this? Fix me now or you are expelled from this college.� Her tiny voice squeaked with failing rage and rising fear.

Paul coolly regarded the diminished blonde with her minute power bun. �Now, Madame President, let us now reflect on what has transpired.� He grasped her under the arms and held up the teeny official. �Threats are ineffective given the change in our relationship. What good would it do to make an enemy of someone you depend upon? You may very well fix your own size reality, but I doubt you possess the mental discipline to alter your reality on such a scale. In addition, you should calm down. Panic will be of little assistance in you undoing what has happened. Also, your change in perspective is undoubtedly disconcerting and your undisciplined mind won�t be able to handle the stress. Without my help, it is in all likelihood that you will go insane.�
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