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Stacy grinned, unsure of how to proceed. She casually flipped her crimson curls and toyed with her glass playfully. The stranger�s gaze dipped for a moment to the generous cleavage spilling from her azure tank top. She blushed and hiked her boobs higher to give the flirtatious woman a better look.

�I�ve never even thought of doing anything like this before,� she whispered.

A hand snuck below the table and caressed the denim lap. �It�s lots of fun and opens up your social life to many more choices.�

�Well, I could experiment a bit. It wouldn�t hurt, but I don�t even know your name. I�m Stacy.� She extended her right hand to the brunette.

The hand was grasped for a caress and then a shake. �I�m Lauren.�

Julie twirled giddily in front of hr full-length mirror. Her bare breasts flopped with her actions. The last bra had failed and she grabbed one a size smaller. An equally form-fitting purple crop top was squeezed over her figure and she was almost ready. Julie grabbed her purse and dashed down the stairs.

�And just where do you plan on going on a school night?� Rebecca, her overbearing mother, barked. She had positioned herself in front of the door.

�It�s not a school night. I only have graduation rehearsal tomorrow at one. Right now, I�m going clubbing.�

�You�re too young for that. I�ll call the police if you try. And if you want out the door, you have to get by me.� Her hands migrated to her hips in a gesture of authoritarianism.

�That shouldn�t be a problem.� Her voice ended in a lilt caused by her smile. Her right hand dipped into her purse and withdrew the object she had received earlier that day. �Bye bye, mommy.�

Her mother shone under a golden beam and her skin sparkled. Rebecca appeared to collapse in upon herself and the former model became her very own doll. Her size continued to diminish and when it cut off, she was little more than four inches tall. Her colossal daughter stepped over her, each pump rushing over her with a wall of air and booming on the hardwood behind her.

�Wait, you can�t leave me like this,� she screamed for all she was worth. �I�m your mother.�

Julie grabbed her puny mother between two neatly manicured fingers. �Uh, yeah I can.�

�You fucking ungrateful bitch. You are
so grounded.�

�You�re in no position to say that.� She dangled her mother by one leg over her gaping mouth for emphasis.
�And if you ever want to get any bigger, you so need me to fix you. You totally need me to stay alive right now, so do not piss me off or else.� With her other hand she made a squishing gesture. �I�ll carry you in my purse for right now.� She unceremoniously dropped her in next to the shrink ray. �Don�t try it, you�re too small to operate it.� Before closing the bag she added, �I�ll try not to stand too close to any speakers, but I�m not making any promises.�

Rushing sensations overwhelmed her with an onslaught of pleasure. Lauren knew her shit, Stacy was certain of that. The arrangement had been a m�lange of the romantic and erotic. Stacy gasped in carnal delight at every sensual, yet dirty, moment. Then the night had taken an odd twist for this nubile experimenter.

�Just how small am I?� she gasped.

�I figure two feet, give or take three inches either way.�

�This is sooo awesome. I�ve�uhn�I�ve never had�ooh�my whole tit inside someone�s mouth before. God that�s great!� One mammary was being rolled in Lauren�s mouth, every nerve tingling under the ministration. The larger woman�s precision rivaled that of a Swiss watchmaker.

�Want to go a lot smaller?� Lauren asked as she pulled her lips away from their delicate work. She grasped Stacy�s smaller hands and slid them down her bronzed thighs.

�Hell fucking yes! Eat me right up.� She panted, the sensations straining her very being and sanity. She purred to herself and let her eyes drift shut.

�Whatever you want.� Her lips drew into the exaggerated grin of a harlequin, a look that would have panicked her victim had the tiny partner been watching. Stacy went down easily for the most part. The little thing didn�t scream once until she was halfway down Lauren�s esophagus.

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