Page 6
The drive had yielded no results the night before and the search seemed as fruitless. Alicia had kept her place neat and obsessively organized. Every note should have been in a specific location; every tip, lead, or idea. Her mission files were equally AWOL.

"I got something," Duverge called out and Kylee joined him in the bedroom. "I noticed a lot of wear on the edges of one tile in the drop ceiling." He held up a packet.

"That magnificent bitch! She was always thinking one step ahead it seems. Alicia didn't risk any secure information being found accidentally by a burglar."

"Maybe she should've gone a few steps further so we'd know where she is."

Kylee's glare could've shattered glass. "Her notes suggest she found the source. Some place on Congress Street if I'm reading her crudely drawn map correctly."

"Let's go back to the motel and call this in."

"No, I'm going in to find her."

He wasn't going to waste his breath quoting rules and regulations she knew as well as he did. "We'll still have to go back for the rest of our "luggage" that we left there." To dodge problems with the airport, or rumors, equipment had been trucked to the motel during the night.

Prudence held them back for a while. Actually it was a paltry few hours. Good sense called for stealth and night would allow for more stealth. A few silenced rounds strategically placed in various streetlights aided their approach. The car was left three blocks away and they set out on foot to further conceal themselves.

"No going back now," she whispered.

They reached the house and held back for a moment. Kylee motioned for them to hide as a stray car careened down the street, heedless of speed limits. The distraction passed quickly and they crept to the front door. Kylee leaned back to kick the front door in when a vehicle burst out of the garage and peeled away.

"Why do the stupid ones always run?" Kylee wondered aloud.  "You go after her, I'll secure the house."

She watched him get a block away before she proceeded. Her right foot connected solidly with the door next to the knob and the wood splintered inward. Light flashed in her eyes and a second later she felt the heat and heard the blast. The agent mentally chided herself as unconsciousness swept over her.
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