Page 7
Amanda awoke twice in the night. The first interruption of her slumber led her to lift the thin sheet she slept under. The starkness of her naked flesh in the moonlight caught her before she remembered deciding to be freer while her parents were away. Her eyes drifted closed until she recalled being disturbed by a tickling on her left breast. A cautious gaze drifted there to see a small woman caressing her areola. The firgure disappeared literally in the blink of an eye and Amanda closed the sheets tight to her and kept her eyelids screwed shut until the land of dreams reclaimed her and she entered that realm of peace.

Different sensations roused her from her contented slumber the second time. In fear her hands reached for a sheet that could not be found. Rape seemed a distinct possibility as she let loose with a scream. It halted abruptly when the pitch felt wrong somehow. Amanda wondered at the coarseness of what she found herself lying upon and a distortion of the moonlight. Sshe stood up, panic overtaking her and a concern she was insane when she saw the previously tiny person now her size.

"I know you're unsure of yourself," the stranger began in a voice that was familiar. "I'll help you out; you've been shrunk and are now sitting beneath a fold in your top sheet." She approached Amanda slowly.

"You're the voice I've been hearing." She looked closely at the woman's torn and disshevled clothing. "What's going on here?"

"I lived in this room before you once and this whole house in now my domain." Her arms extended out and she revealed the shrink ray. "This handy gadget has aided me countless times, but only as much as it could have. I cannot fully restore my size. That version of me, Big Me, is dead to the world outisde of the house." She crept closer to Amanda. "She would go to jail, no passing 'GO,' and no two hundred dollars."

She walked behind Amanda and tripped her. Julie sat on the redhead to hold her down. The gun stayed fized on her prey's face to keep her still. Her free hadn explored Amanda's waist and lower. Her fingers toyed with a tuft of pubic hair before spreading the lips apart. She then drove her entire hand in, one tiny woman raping another.

"No," Amanda whimpered. "Not� not right."

"Hardly, we are both of a consenting age. I could blast you down to vibrator size for me." She switched hands and jammed the barrel into Amanda's crotch. "You'd shrink onto the gun as it continued to penetrate you and push your vaginal walls to limits that would eventually tear you in two."

The trigger was pulled and Amanda could only scream once more. Julie grew before her, as did the artificial phallus within her most personal of areas. Pleasure and pain commingled in her loins as she felt nerves being caressed and flesh tearing. Blood trickled from her and a flash passed over her as she came back to her tormentor's size.

"Just one demonstration, and now a second."

A cotton swab appeared in a glow. Julie restored one she had shrunk for transportability. Amanda dared not to move, lest she return to that worse state. The puny beauty with crimson locks braced for the pain as the mass of cotton was driven in. It simultaneously worsened the bleeding and soaked up the flow. Its size and girth shocked her and she held to the wonder of being so small as a diversion from her unrelenting hell.

"That was a taste of my power," Julie announced as she cast aside the offending object. "I'll restore you soon and remind you to continue with the party plans."

"Why should I listen to you," she gasped. "I could squash you once I'm back to normal."

"I need the party because I want companions in my new life."

"That's not what I meant."

"Okay, time for my trump card." She got off Amanda and quickly stripped. She removed a minute squirming pink object from her bush. "You only think your parents actually left while you were at school." She held the thing in an outstretched palm.

"Mom," Amanda shrieked, scarcely able to believe the sight of her naked mother shivering in terror on a tiny woman's hand. "Where's my dad?"

Julie blushed and looked down at her crotch. "He took the family car on a little trip upstate. I didn't realize my vaginal muscles could crush a vehicle that well. The pain made me so angry I used him until he drowned in me. Your mother ate him once I made another adjustment to his size." She spoke of the events the way one relates a major sports victory. "Your mother lives so long as you follow my orders. Lead others to Tinytown and not only does she live, but you'll get her back." She placed the teeny mother on her right breast.

"Fully restored?"

"That's up to you and how many new residents sign up for my world. You don't want to see the sizes I've been and that could happen easily. When your father was swallowed, he would have been a massive giant to someone at the level I hit when that blonde bitch ended my old life." She decked Amanda, rendering her unconscious for her restoration.
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