Page 6
�What�s our next step, who do I go after now?�

�That�s going to be the hard part. It looks like our other potentials have all gone into hiding and quieted down.�

�What about the Queen From Outer Space?�

�The homeless man, like so many of his kind, can�t be found. Anything could have happened to him and he�s the person we need. Now we just sit and wait for one of them to pop up on our radars again.�

Lauren giggled as she read the note several times. She would teach narks how to behave. She couldn�t eat this one, too dirty. Besides, she liked the worship. She found a special place for him, under her running shoes. His kind would have to be watched out for and dealt with whenever she went out for a snack again. Her stomach rumbled and a similar ripple went through the back of her mind when she realized it was feeding time once more.

Janel shrieked and begged to be freed. She had spilled beer on her shrinking device and it shorted out. She knew it could never be repaired, but did it have to shrink her down to smaller than her contestants? Rachel hugged her tight and buried her former tormentor�s face in her crotch. The forced pleasure almost made the weeks of suffering worthwhile. The other girls would take their turns using her as a dildo before crushing her. They were already deciding whose vaginal muscles would complete that glorious task. Even though they no longer had a food provider and would die and terrible death of slow starvation, at least they died free!
Mission 7 >>>>
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