Page 8
Kylee glanced in the direction on the intruder, a sentry. �Just out for a late night stroll.�

The smaller woman rolled her eyes in contempt. �Right. We'll just see if Mistress agrees.�

Her signal wouldn't be sent. Another figure came from the darkness and knocked out the would-be tattler. The mysterious Samaritan finished her off by quickly snapping her neck. The trio ran over to their savior.

�Rachel!� gasped Kara.

The figure nodded slowly and stepped into better lighting. Her pace was unsteady, lurching as she dragged her right foot. �Bedraggled� suited her appearance: her hair plastered awkwardly to her head, an obviously broken and swollen ankle, scrapes and gouges marring her radiant skin, and bruises splattered randomly about.

�I got your climbing equipment free. If Mistress had seen it...�

�But, how?� Kara stammered, fearful that this apparition would vanish the next time she blinked.

�I climbed and swam back up the plumbing. I'll talk later. Now, let's get this cunt.�

�Twenty-seven,� Alicia reminded them, panic taking over her voice.

The team scrambled to climb to the opening of the pot. As Alicia went up, she kept one end of the thread with her. The bottle was hastily brought into position and they thanked the small cap. Their work was expedited by footsteps; Katie was starting her patrol. A super-sized dose of revenge went into her drink and the vial was rolled into the shadow of the appliance. Kara and Rachel went into hiding with it as Mistress hit the kitchen lights.

Kylee and Alicia staggered as if it had been a physical blow. They shielded their faces and fell. When the spots had dissolved, they could make out Katie with a mug in her grasp.

�It looks like two pets owe me an explanation.�

�I caught her, Mistress,� Alicia improvised. �She also killed a sentry.� She put on her best poker face when Katie took a long draw from the cup.

�Ooh, that little one was my favorite. Oh well, Kylee, you pathetic squirts never learn.�

�Hey, don't knock it 'til you've tried it, bitch,� the petulant blonde said through a wide grin.

She chuckled deep within her throat at the insolence. �Like I'd ever-�

Katie's voice suddenly cut out. She noticed the open cupboard door. The pole of coffee stirrers was in plain sight now with the lights on. A quick count confirmed a missing bottle.

�NO!� The shriek tore from her lungs and filled the home to wake everyone and at least one neighbor. Her Ahab rage burst from deep within her chest. �Burn in Hell, Agent Kylee!�

The balling of her fist and rearing back of her arm were nothing more than an indistinct blur. The blow was a wall of flesh, blood, and bone. Kylee was blasted from the counter at a speed she could scarcely comprehend and driven into the wall behind her.

�Kylee!� Kara screamed. She ran from hiding to be at the side of the agent.

�Why, Alicia?� Katie hollered, waking more neighbors. �You were mine.�

The former tormentor and murderer of countless then convulsed and fell back. Her skin was tinged with gold that issued from every pore. Howls of rage erupted from her throat until she was wracked with coughing fits. Katie's body was collapsing in upon itself as writhed in a m�lange of agony and psychotic rage. Her flesh burned from within and her size melted away at an ever-increasing rate. She fought her body's torment to stand and get to the counter. Her eyes were level with her toys' perch. Before it was too late for her to do so, she clambered up to them. In seconds she was at their level.

�I belong to no one, bitch.� Her open palm snapped out to knock Katie back and off the precipice.

Yaaaaah!� she let loose hoarsely as she plummeted.

She was nothing more than a tumbling form as she neared the linoleum. She shrank further and faster, making her farther from her destination the closer she got.

She never hit.

Before the ground, there came a pulse of light, a minute sun. Then, a spot of darkness that made all of them blind for an eternal second. The ground shook for several seconds and was accompanied by a faint tug of the house and all its contents towards her last known position. Everything that had made up Shannon's lover was now erased from this world and the wake of her passing subsided.

�Oh shit,� Kara whispered and pulled their attention back to another major happening of the night.

Alicia rushed to her friend's side. �Come on, girl, wake up.�

Her eyes fluttered open, driven by a massive force of will. �We good?� croaked out before a spatter of blood was coughed up. For her, the world went black again.
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