Magical Mayhem
Rating: SW, Magic, M/f, F/f, Transformation
                                                                     Part 1: The Plan
   �...and as you come to understand your magical powers, you�ll also begin experimenting with different spells. However, there are certain things you will need to...�
   And so, Professor Genio droned on and on, his words becoming a dull buzz in the back of Blake�s head. She absently scribbled his words into her notebook, concentrating more on the upcoming weekend. She was a sophomore at an exclusive college specializing in magic.
    No one actually applied to the school, or even heard of it whatsoever until they received a visit from a representative. They could somehow detect the potential in people from around the world. Only people recruited to the school discovered that magic power manifests itself during puberty and grows for the rest of the person�s life. The conflict of the new power in the body is what actually caused that painful awkwardness.
   All of that and infinitely more were taught to the students by the end of freshman year. Blake grew tired with it easily; she had hit puberty sooner than the other girls and had therefore already stored more magic. Her aptitude was high as well, but the college was rigid in its structure and wouldn�t allow her to skip ahead to more challenging courses. Her mind switched from the party to a conversation with her advisor. She was told she still lacked the �emotional maturity� to handle more complicated magic. Blake knew she would have to show them all in some way.
   The class ended after another thirty of the suckiest minutes of her life. She bounded back to her dorm room to await her roommate who was supposed to be picking up the party supplies. She stopped in front of her mirror and flipped her flowing strawberry locks over her shoulder. Blake giggled at the thought of the men coming to the party and how they would all be staring at her flawless complexion and equally flawless hourglass figure. She arched her back to accentuate her D-cup chest and knew she�d have to lose the bra and go with the tighter white top.
If only the students were allowed to control the temperature in their rooms, I could drop it down a dozen degrees and ensure having every guy she mused to herself. She momentarily regretted the libido spell she�d experimented with a few months before and how it appeared every Friday at the exact same second. Then she took some time to let her right hand drift into her panties and forgot her misgivings.
   Beth, her brunet roommate, came in moments before she could finish. �Oh, God, put a sock on the doorknob, or even half of a sock,� she joked. �I cannot even believe you actually cast that spell on yourself. I thought you were, like, going to cast it on one of the female Profs.� She bounced slightly as she talked; she always did that for no other reason than to jiggle her C-cup tits. �I got all the booze, but I then, like, had to put up with my advisor seeing me in the store. He gave me that stupid lecture that I should remember not to cast spells while drinking so I can remember how to reverse them if I have to, or to not cast dangerous spells.�
   �That guy is so damned annoying, I wish I could just conjure up some pain if I wouldn�t get expelled for it. So long as Sarah brings all the guys we told her to bring, I can forget all the bullshit from this past week.� She reached under her bed and pulled out a packet. �And we�ll get to play with this.�
   �Like, is that what I think it is?�
   She nodded slowly. �Oh yes indeed, a senior�s magic book. I went down on him for almost a whole weekend while you were out skiing to get this, or this photocopy of it. He went across the state on break to copy it without anyone from the college knowing and has a few more if you want to meet him.� She smiled evilly at her roommate and winked.
   �You are so damned sick, Blake,� she chuckled. �There�s no way I�d risk casting a spell from there. The punishment is almost as bad as expulsion.�
   �Yeah, but think of how much people will talk about it and notice you. I think that if just one more student shows ability beyond their academic year, the administration will have to let us take higher-level courses. Then think of how famous that person will be for taking that stand. I�ll be famous and beloved by all and most importantly, no one will ever fuck with me.� Her eyes shimmered, a glow from deep within her soul setting them ablaze.
   �You�re, like, totally freaking me out, okay? Save it for when you�re taking over the world or something and a hot dude in a black tux shows up.�

   The party went almost exactly as Blake had expected it to. Every guy there wanted a go with her. She spent almost the entire night on her bed, naked, underneath some man. There had also been the occasional woman, but her libido spell insured that she didn�t mind in the least. Her only regret was that she was too busy to cast a spell in front of the crowd. She would have to wait until she felt like it.
   �Finally,� she gasped as the party wound down and only a few stragglers remained, too drunk to remember the door was three feet away. �I got the last guy off of me and have rested up.� She grabbed the packet of spells and started flipping through them. �Which spell should it be?�
   �Look, Blake, no,� Beth slurred. �I won�t let you do this.� She slapped it from her hand and it flew onto Blake�s bed.
   �Bitch, don�t try that again,� Blake admonished her. �Maybe I�ll use a transformation spell and turn you into a good hangover cure, or more booze. You were always a slut like me, so even in liquid form you�d probably go down easy.� She picked up the packet and was going to close it as she lifted it, but stopped when a title caught her eye. �Even better, a size-changing spell. Who wants to be tiny?� Several voices perked up, with Beth providing the only vocal objection. �Okay, Beth, you�ll be getting small just because I say so. Sarah can come along as well and I�ll even shrink Karen.�
   Sarah stepped up, her petite raven-haired beauty with a frame of only five foot made her the shortest girl there already, and so she didn�t mind getting shorter. She was only concerned that she had a small chest and if she got too small, her chest would disappear altogether to the people who stayed big. Karen voiced a similar objection. She pushed her dark locks back and stuck out her B-chest to ram the point home. She was at least five foot five and thought that seeing the room so much bigger would rock. She screwed up her courage and put on the no nonsense face that the Jersey Girl knew she could summon when she wanted to intimidate others. Beth reluctantly joined the group as Blake stepped into the center.
   Blake looked at them all and they meekly nodded their acceptance of what was to come. She started the relatively simple incantation she had already memorized. The words came out slow as her drunken memory fought to recall the words precisely. As she became more confident, the words came in a torrent and guests ducked in fear from the power that encircled the dorm room. The four girls gasped in wonder as the room grew around them, formerly puny objects like textbooks and chairs shot up to meet them. Their bodies luminesced with the crackling of mystical energies being liberated. Only their clothes stayed normal and all four were grateful they weren�t wearing earrings, or needed contact lenses. They had all heard Blake say, during the incantation, that they would go down to roughly three inches in size, the only differences stemming from the pre-existing height differences and that would be minor. When they were all just above a foot, they were shocked when their shrinking stopped.

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