More Fun
  �I insist we go see the new action movie,� Ron stated firmly.
   �Okay, you win again,� Jessica relented. �I would like to argue with your methods of persuasion, though.� She stood up on his right hand and tried to push his left one away so he couldn�t tickle her. �Shrinking a girl to win isn�t exactly the best way.�
   �But it always works. Besides, I never hear you complain when I sneak you in at your tiny size and we never have to pay for two tickets.�
   �Okay, there are certain advantages. And who can resist a popcorn kernel the size of your head? I�m warning you though, wait until I try this trick on you.�
   �Well, I could just leave you this way and then I�d never have to worry about that.�
   He grinned at her and tickled her some stomach more, watching her teeny legs flail as her body went into spasms and her squeaky laughter filled the room. She knew what always happened next as his fingers moved that ever so slight distance, one up and one down. Her laughter subsided immediately and her high voice went low as she moaned in delight. Her nipples shot up and her legs spread apart while she grabbed his fingers and tried to help him along. Once she was nearly there, she let him know and was freed to scamper down to his pants. She climbed in through the open zipper and got to work on pleasing him as well, even though he once claimed that just watching her enjoy herself was entertaining enough. She knew he was being polite and liked to reward him extra for that.
   When they were done, Ron carefully tucked her into the pocket of his jacket and headed out for the movie theater. He wasn�t worried about the shrinking device, they�d discovered a battery system for both of them so there was no danger of a power outage so long as they always made sure that the batteries were sufficiently charged before playtime.
   At the theater, Ron took a seat near the back and away from the speakers, a detail he had firsthand experience with when they had first tried to sneak one of them in while tiny. He had volunteered when Jessica had looked at him while she was small and her pleading eyes in that state were awfully hard to say no to. She had at least treated him to a great ride in her bra, but he�d nearly been deafened when she�d accidentally sat too close to the sound system. She�d had a hard time communicating with him as well to correct the problem because she�d picked a seat right in the middle of other patrons. By now, he had a good idea where to sit so they could have privacy and her little eardrums would be safe. Ron took off his jacket and carefully set it down on the seat so Jessica could relax from the ride while he got popcorn. When he got up, he narrowly avoided hitting a blonde girl getting up from the row ahead of him.
   �I�m so sorry,� he apologized.
   �It�s no problem, sugar,� she answered in southern accent. �I�m alright.�
   Ron went out behind her and never noticed how similar the girl�s windbreaker looked to his own.

   Shara-Anne shook off the whole incident with the stranger. She was getting to used to it being up in one of them Yankee states where everyone was in a big ole rush and just didn�t have time to look out for anyone. She was glad she�d be going back home to Texas in a few weeks. She got her candy and made her way back to her seat. Unfortunately, the line had been so long, the trailers had started. She had to blindly navigate back to her seat; the trailer was for some horror film where everything was shot in near pitch black. A quick flash of light and she spotted her coat lying on the chair. She plopped back down onto the jacket and could have sworn she heard a little squeal come from right next to her. She lifted up her jacket and noticed two things. First, the weight was different and that the jacket was more of a man�s style. She realized she needed to move and was about to when she heard similar squeaks and saw one pocket moving around.
   Shara-Anne had never been afraid of the little critters, but she had a quick thought to smashing a little rodent�s head against the armrest. Then she thought that it wouldn�t be right to kill someone else�s pet because of a mistake she made. Besides, those squeaks sounded different than any rodent she�d ever seen. She reached her hand in carefully so she didn�t get bit and grasped whatever it was. The first thing she noticed was that it didn�t feel anything like a rodent, more like a soft doll. She pulled it out and saw a perfectly formed human, living and breathing, but only five inches tall. Shara-Anne looked at the little wonder in amazement, carefully examining her soft red hair and nice figure. She noted that the girl had good sized breasts, tiny to a normal person, but good sized in comparison to the rest of her. She flipped the teeny woman upside down to continue the examination and heard her squeal in fright. She forgot about seeing her coat in front of her in her hurry to take her little prize to the bathroom for more privacy.

   Ron finally made his way back to his seat; the soda machine had malfunctioned so it had taken longer than he liked to get everything. He nearly collided with the same blonde as she dashed from the theater. He wondered where she was off to in a hurry, but didn�t give it another thought as remembered how long Jessica had been sitting alone. He rushed back to his seat and saw his jacket had been disturbed. No one was around, what had happened to it? He reached into the appropriate pocket and come out empty-handed. That was bad right away, Jessica could be lost somewhere in a dark theater in a reduced state and completely vulnerable to feet she would never see coming. He quickly looked under his seat to see if she had gotten out by accident and was hiding there until he returned. He had no such luck and decided his best course of action was to wait until the movie was done, if Jessica had gotten out, she would probably hide somewhere safe until she could see to find her way back to him. He saw Kendra a few rows away, probably with her �pet� and decided Jessica might have gone to her for help in getting back to Ron. Something similar had happened a month before so he relaxed to watch the movie.

   �Well, what is it I have here? Hello Sugar,� Shara-Anne cooed.
   �Who...who are you?� Jessica squeaked in terror.
   �Well, my name�s Shara-Anne. I found you in my jacket and I wanted to see just what you are.�
   �I�m a person, you can see that, now take me back into the theater to my boyfriend.�
   �You have a boyfriend at your little size? That must have been his jacket I found you in. That�s so incredible. You two should go on Jenny Jones and tell her all about your struggle to live the life of a normal-sized person.�
   Jessica rolled her eyes before realizing the woman truly didn�t know any better. �I�m the size of a human most of the time, but my boyfriend and I shrink each other for fun.�
   �So, he can make other women tiny?� Her eyes lit up.
   �He wouldn�t play with two tiny women together.�
   �No, Sugar, he can find himself another woman to make mini while I take you to be my little bedroom toy.�
   Jessica almost fainted until she realized Shara-Anne was sitting on the toilet and holding her over the bowl. Fainting would send her into the world�s most dangerous swimming pool. �No, take me back right now. If you don�t, that�s called kidnapping and is a serious offense.� Another thought occurred to her, �Why aren�t you too surprised by seeing a tiny human being?�
   �Just some news I heard recently that brought me up here from Texas. As far as kidnapping, I don�t think anyone can find a girl as teeny as you very easily. Besides, I think you and your boyfriend want to keep making people miniature a secret.�
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